Camera Settings Plugin: Seeking Feedback and Testing

discussion about this feature here. I actually think in your case the ability to switch via gcode would be neat, then you could put in your start gcode a @camerasettings <profile_name> command at the beginning and then send the command again after the end of the first layer with another @camerasettings <profile_name> command.

@commands are a good idea, I'll look into that. That might be a nice compromise for those who want it to be a bit more accessible, you could even add a custom control for it then.

ooooooo I really like your idea better @jneilliii. Thanks for bringing it up!

@TTalkington Hey man, I'm trying to configure my old Logitech C920 in order to use it with Octoprint, but the whole page on the plugin appears as empty, no options would show at all (not even my camera is listed, even though it shows me the live feed correctly). I'm not really sure what the issue could be here.

That looks like the plugin never sent anything back to the UI. I'd need to see your octoprint.log and if anything appears in the browser console.

Sure, here's my octoprint.log. I'm currently applying my v4l2-ctl settings through bash scripts using event triggers through the event manager plugin, no issues with that at least (v4l2-ctl works fine with the Logi C920s).

octoprint.log (29.9 KB)

Ok, no errors. Can you add a debug entry for octoprint.plugins.camerasettings in OctoPrints logging settings. and then close and reopen the settings dialog and see if the log contains info from the plugin after that?

And yes, logitech cameras are super common and usually work fine.

Here it is, I see some "/dev/video1 and /dev/video2 Permission denied" errors associated to the debugging of the plugin, could that be related to this issue? (/dev/video1 is actually my C920s)

octoprint (1).log (45.8 KB)

Yep. The user account that is running OctoPrint needs to be in the same group that owns those devices. It's usually video, but you can see by running ls -l /dev/video*:

Thanks man! That was exactly the solution, now the plugin works perfectly as expected.

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Nice, you're welcome! Don't forget to remove the debug logging now too.

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