Customizing Octoprint Display

I have a control box under my printer (RPi 3B+ with 6 relays) I use to control lights, camera, Action (printer) Fan and temperature sensor. I then have a 2nd Rpi with a 7inch touchscreen (trying to find a battery pack so I can make it portable), that I use to access the control RPi and use the enclosure plug in to operate the relays. the 2nd RPi acts as a "kiosk" and boots straight to the Octoprint web browser page, so the Octodash plug in wouldn't be ideal as I believe it wont have the enclosure plug in working with in it, would it?

You could use octodash completely remote I believe. The plugin support is just required to be installed on the octoprint side for needed API calls I believe, so all communication between octodash and octoprint is all over the network already.

I've even considered doing something similar to what you describe and running octodash on a pi zero w with integrated touchscreen.

I was going to use a pi zero, but had a spare Pi 3b+ and the raspberry pi 7inch wont work on the zero apparently. if you are part of the octoprint FB group ( I posted a couple hours ago about my setup. just want to be able to customise the web interface to only show what I want on the front screen, and hide everything else, but have i less than zero experience with coding haha.

I use the dashboard plugin for my landing page, then have enclosure plugin on the second. would like to ad buttons to the dashboard plugin that operate the enclosure plugin buttons, and move the Left hand side bar to a new tab ideally. But wouldn't even know where to start.

Interesting. My Consolidated Tabs plugin would allow you to merge what you wanted into a single tab.

Hi, This does not put a pannel on the right in my setup, what could I have done that would cause this?

just installed as app and it does now