Experimental HLS support

With HLS Play from chrome strore, it works even without the ?channel=1

The camera, for information, is this one : https://www.sercomm.com/contpage.aspx?langid=1&type=prod3&L1id=2&L2id=3&L3id=9&Prodid=457

But with my ISP firmware on it

Try Chrome plugin “Allow CORS” - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/allow-cors-access-control/lhobafahddgcelffkeicbaginigeejlf?hl=en
It’s not a production solution, but if it will work with this plugin - it’s a CORS issue.
Alternatively you can look into browser console.

Hi, i looked in the console and yeah, it looks like tit's a CORS issue : Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'http://octopi.local' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

But i don't get how to set the extension to make it work

@foosel, @jneilliii, here is the merge request to delel branch: https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint/pull/3647 .
Look into the merge request description for CORS issues explanation and possible workarounds.
Please, review and put your thoughts.

@chyrla, look into the merge request too, maybe you will find a workaround.

So I skimmed through the thread, and see that there is a plugin, but all a pull request to OP. Should I wait for the pull request to get implemented, or should I be OK grabbing the plugin while I wait?

Grab the plugin and mind CORS issues.

Well ok CORS chrome app was just not activated...

So, no more CORS issue, but i have a "Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received." error in console. here /#tab_plugin_hlswebcam:1

I don't know if this is the problem, but i still have the player with infinite loading screen.

Solved the error, it was from real-debrid extension. But it does not fix my infinite loading. No error anywhere but no stream.

Tried on Google chrome and Firefox :

I have made an OctoPi branch with Octoprint 1.4.0+HLS patches and HLS by default.
I suppose it can be used for testing before HLS code will be merged to Octoprint release.
Build instructions inside.

@chyrla, there you can look how to proxy your HLS via HAProxy.

Just a heads up, the pull request is not abandoned, it's just waiting for review :slight_smile:

Oh thank you I was wondering about that.

OctoPrint 1.4.1/2 release + summer holidays meant it hasn't been looked at. There's a small stack accumulating, Gina will be back at the end of this week/next week to begin looking through the backlog.


Good news: this feature is going to be included in 1.5 .

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When is 1.5 coming out? I want this for my c615 because it has native h264 output.

There is no date for 1.5 release. It's done when it's done :wink:

You could try this plugin in the meantime

You'll still need octopi 0.18 for full support.

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“It has native h264 output” - you will have to learn how to change ffmpeg settings, because in OctoPi we are going to reencode all input using pi built-in encoder. Good news is that it’s technically possible to do.

@Chudsaviet I got this working perfectly with the latest octopi 0.18rc1 and octoprint 1.5.0rc3 for the stream, but am curious what the snapshot url should be?

Sorry for late answer. It's ´/jpeg/frame.jpg´.

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Hey there! So, I have Octoprint 1.5 installed, and am running octopi version 0.18.0, and would like to take advantage of the HLS support.

However, I am using dual cameras - a raspi cam and a USB webcam.

I configured this by adding lines to my crontab ("sudo crontab -e") that launch the mjpeg_encoder as a background process, and bind dev/video0 and dev/video1 to ports 8800 and 8801, which are then HAProxied to /webcam1 and /webcam2.

Given this setup, can someone please recommend to me the proper way to go about switching everything to use HLS?

Much appreciated, and love the work to get it to this point!

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