Filament Manager, external database. Can't configure

Thanks for help so far!

Now I installed based on Stretch. Managed to setup everything. Can connect to database, add and select spool.

What does this mean "Support for PostgreSQL as database for multiple instances"?

Does multiple instances need to run on same physical Raspberry where database is located?
Asking this because, with another physical raspberry (OctoPrint 1.3.8 running on OctoPi 0.14.0 + FM) I can't connect to database over network.

I was hoping that I can run database on one physical Raspberry and connect another physical Raspberry (running Octoprint and filament manager) over network to database. Going to have couple more printers and they will have Raspberry Pi3 each.


No, but PostgreSql permits only connections from the localhost per default. To allow connections from every client within your network see the wiki article. The actual paths to the config files might vary if you're using the octopi distribution. If you can't find them check if something like /etc/postgresql/ exists on your system.

I have triple checked conf files postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf and restarted service by 'sudo systemctl reload postgresql.service' .



Raspberry_1: OctoPrint 1.3.8 running on OctoPi 0.15.0 and FM + database

  • Has static IP set

  • Can connect to database On URI address:

Raspberry_2: OctoPrint 1.3.8 running on OctoPi 0.14.0 and FM

  • Has static IP set

  • Can't connect to database On URI address: or or


Try restarting the service, because it's noted in the file. Under Arch Linux reloading the configuration files was sufficient.

sudo systemctl restart postgresql.service

Otherwise you should take a look at the log files to find out whats going on.

One dump question... :blush:

On my case on Raspberry_2 (client for database) do I need to install something additional,.. Or is Filament Manager enough itself?

Of course you have to provide the psycopg2 package on each client, but that's it.