Launching a program within Octoprint

Be Nice,
What I sent was what appears on the local display of the Pi. I don't know how to do a screenshot of the Pi screen. In any event, my Windows machine has a touch screen. You did not specify that you wanted the display of the Pi. You didn't even tell me what you wanted it for.

In any case, What appears on my Pi screen is the Pi Desktop, from which I manually invoke the Chromium browser. I have the Chromium browser set to automatically log into Octoprint via the Chromium Browser. I use bookmarks on Chromium to get the userid and password, although I still have to hit enter to finally log in. That works fine.

It looks like Cmd Exec will do what I want.

I am currently using the Pi 7" touchscreen, which is somewhat small. I am building a new box with a higher resolution 9" touchscreen, that hopefully, will give me more desktop to work with.

Anyway, thanks for your help.


Cmd Exec WILL NOT do what I need. It only works if the Pi is rooted, which I don't want. I can't get my Pi to root, anyway.

Perhaps if I knew where Octoprint was first invoked, I can use the chromium-browser command to launch it along side Octoprint, then could at least get the broswer loaded while Octoprint is running.

Disclaimer: I am a total newbe when it comes to Linux. I do know Windows fairly well. I know how to autostart a program in Windows, but not in Linux.


So what is your CmdExec line?
Try sticking a 'sudo' in front of it.

Then Raspian is going to want my password, and there is no place to put it.

All I want to do is launch chromium when Octoprint launches.

To auto start Chromium with a desktop:
In a terminal type `sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart'
Down arrow to the bottom and add:
Then hit Ctrl-X - Y - Enter
If the Pi doesn't boot to desktop, but to text instead add '/usr/bin/chromium-browser --kiosk'
If you already set up the browser to auto start on your OctoPrint page it should open it.

That worked. Thank you.
I now have an Octopi box with a big local display and I can control the printer via the local display on the Octopi box.