Marlin EEPROM Editor GET

Is there any issue to obtain a json response to a GET url with this plugin that send the M503 infos.
Could be interesting for me to retrieve Z-offset info for example.

Hey @ZB2_lab!

You can get the data by going to http://your-ip/api/plugin/eeprom_marin

There's no guarantees I won't change the API, but it is more likely just adding more data, it is safe to use without it breaking much :slightly_smiling_face:

I also made a one off plugin for someone here requesting this same information. More details here.

@Charlie_Powell It might be useful to mention the plugin that needs to be installed for this URL to work :smile:

Edit: After installing the plugin, OctoPrint-EEPROM-Marlin, the URL returns "Not found".

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Oops, typo - the plugin id is eeprom_marlin, I skipped the l.


That should do it. I assumed they already had the plugin installed, since it was mentioned in the post.