Octoprint on a Openwrt

Frankly it looked like it was outdated since it hadn't been touched since 2017, so I left it out. It's now here:

Thank you for finding the original guide. Turns out I didn't need it, as it's a pretty straight forward installation.

I've been running Octoprint 1.4.2 using python3 on OpenWRT 19.07.4 on a Netgear R7800 for over a year. It runs quite well - snappy interface and good overall performance. The camera interface works as well. As a flash-based system with limited file system space, I have avoided applying any updates, and 1.4.2 has been working fine.

That said, I'm now going to repeat the process using OpenWrt 19.07.9 and Octoprint 1.7.3 to bring both system up to date.

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