I'll note that I haven't logged that many hours actually printing with the OctoPi nightly image plus the 4B (4GB). Almost everything I'm doing is just trying to get Kivy to talk to a Window provider at this point.
There's probably some tweaking that would need to happen for the /boot/config.txt file. There are some new variables like gpu_mem_1024 which is separate from gpu_mem in addition to sections at the bottom for Pi4B-only and all. There's a lot of debate about the KMS setting (full versus fake) for the GL driver.
If I'm not mistaken gpu_mem_XXXX and gpu_mem are basically the same.
It's just for your convenience if you want to run the same image or config with different pi versions.
You just set the vram based on your version and the bootloader will set it accordingly.
So gpu_mem works always and it's the easiest one for a unique pi os.
For example, mine's something like this at the bottom. It's safe to put this microSD into either 3B or 4B (4GB) for my situation. In theory, this would work with a 4B (1GB) as well.
# Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver on top of the dispmanx display stack
Is the CSI cable inserted the right way? The silvery contacts need to face away from the Ethernet connector!
Is the CSI cable fully seated?
Did you insert the CSI cable into the Display connector? It needs to be inserted into the CSI connector, which is the one closer to the Ethernet connector.
Is the other end of the CSI cable correctly attached to the camera board?
Is it possible to upload an updated version of the image with current firmware and kernel? The updating process. Would be great becaue the updating process on the old image takes forever.
There is no problem so far.
But if you update to latest firmware it takes very long.
Would be great to have an updated image version based on Release date: 2019-09-30.
===================== before reboot
root@octopi:/home/pi# vcgencmd bootloader_version
May 10 2019 19:40:36
version d2402c53cdeb0f072ff05d52987b1b6b6d474691 (release)
timestamp 0