Surely if you are connected to the printer via USB, UARTs (on the Pi) don't come into it?
I suspect part of the problem is the way that Octoprint talks to the printer. But that is probably for another thread.
Surely if you are connected to the printer via USB, UARTs (on the Pi) don't come into it?
I suspect part of the problem is the way that Octoprint talks to the printer. But that is probably for another thread.
I think, OctoPrint talks to the printer that way it is demanded by Marlin and Repetier firmware
Way easier, just a bunch of cylinders will do, you don't even need to print anything, just run the printer in circles in mid air and you'll see whether or not you suffer transfer speed issues, buffer underruns, or whatever.
I just used openscad with like one line of code to create a cylinder with a stupidly high segment count.
cylinder with low segment count
cylinder with dumb as segment count. Will probably take like an hour to compile. I used openscad so I could be sure the program wouldn't mess with the mesh on export and decimate the vertex count like some programs that I won't mention. Also if I remember, it took like half an hour or some crap to slice as well and my computer probably ran out of memory and crashed. You might want to lower that segment count. 16 million segments was just an example.
Surely if you are connected to the printer via USB, UARTs (on the Pi) don't come into it?
You do realise most arduino based printers aren't actually usb devices, right? That fancy usb plug you're using, isn't actually a usb plug. It's a serial cable. The printers usb plug just goes to a usb-serial chip (CH340 in the case of chinese boards, FTDI chip in the case of expensive ones, or another atmega chip with usb-serial firmware on it). Most of the time you're communicating with your printer via serial, at serial speeds, the same speeds you connected your dialup 56k modem to your computer at. Why do you think you're selecting com ports and baud rates in octoprint?
Some newer printers might be actual usb devices with usb speeds, but I'd wager 99% of those $150 printers from ebaliexpressbabadotcom are serial based machines with serial communication speeds.
the question is mostly answered already but I have some free time (everyone asleep here, NY came 36 min ago, me celebrating my b-day by having some time with myself for few hours till kids are up ... so before everything HAPPY NEW YEAR FOLKS!!! let our printers run true
) so I'll add some experience I collected over last ten years with 3d printers...
The slower transfer will produce a sh*tload of issues like pauses, zits, overextrusion, lips, bad corners, pronounced faces etc etc ... even failed prints.. I assume everyone is clear on that, how it happens and why (the effects on print) ... now why / when the slower transfer will happen depends on few factors
if you use a sh*tty host device (for e.g. rpi) that you load with bunch of tasks (mpeg encoder and streamer, bunch of plagins in octoprint, maybe another service that was nice to have on rpi like samba or whatever else you added) your host device will not be able to push data fast enough and you have issues with transfer speed (solution, remove some load or use faster device like rpi3 or orangepi with h5 or.. use externali IP camera so you don't need to run streamer..)
if you use a sh*tty client device (for e.g. 8bit atmel) and you overload it (for e.g. you run coreXY or you run DELTA or you run new fancy options like pressure advance, mesh bed leveling, graphics screen.. ) it will not be able to handle input stream that's too fast ... (solution is usually remove some of the options and increase serial buffer, or use a faster client device like smoothieware or duetwifi or some other 32bit board or fpga board or ...)
if your client or host device have sh*tty serial port (some of the mini devices are known to share usb hardware with some other hardware, e.g. share usb interrupt with ethernet or wifi) .. solution - change device (host or client whatever is problematic)
sh*tty board (host or client, usually client) that has bad EMI protection so you have bunch of noise on your USB line so the USB is not "ok" so you have errors and retransmissions. check your syslog if you have a linux host (rpi or orangepi or ..) there will be USB errors if that's the case. sometimes this can be solved by using short usb cables and adding the ferrite ring on both sides of the cable, but usually you just want to scrap that board and get a new one
(should be actually no1 but I forgot), your rpi/opi power is shi*ty and since you don't supply enough current to your host it flickers and creates all different kind of problems including this ones
for e.g. I'm running bunch of octoprint's on orangepi one (H3 cpu only octoprint, I don't run mpegstramer there as I use external ip cameras) running bunch of plugins with smoothieboard on the printer and I never seen a problem with transfer speed ...
not most, ALL 8bit arduino based printers are serial devices, the atmel chip running the firmware communicates via serial port with usb2serial chip (first originals FTDI, later originals AT90U.. first clones used fake ftdi, new clones use CH340) but no, they don't talk 56k .. most of the atmega's in use can talk 1.5mbps over serial, iirc marlin support 1mbps, safe value (due to poor pcb design, marlin doing other stuff then talking to usart ..) is up to 250k which is still 4.5x faster then 56k
(not to mention 56k modem had asymetrical speed, 56k was one way other way was only 28k or slower) ... anyhow 250k is plenty fast for 3d printing
Yes I'm very aware of that (I helped write a chunk of the USB stack used on the LPC1768 Marlin implementation), which was why I said that the "UARTs (on the Pi) don't come into it". My comment was in reply to OutsourcedGuru who had said that you may need to use a "good UART" on the Pi to get good performance. My understanding is that this thread is about printers connected to the Pi by USB (even if that USB connection then uses a UART), not (the relatively small number of) printers connected directly to the Pi via a UART on the Pi board.
But the thing is that even with a reasonable USB stack running directly on a 32 bit board you may still not get very high communication speeds. I've just been running some tests to transfer a 20Mbyte file using the "Upload to SD" button in Octoprint. This uses exactly the same code to send the gcode to the printer as used during printing. It takes 61 minutes to upload the file. The same file uploaded from Repetier host takes just under 7 minutes. Which one of these do you think is less likely to have issues feeding large numbers of small move gcode operations like the ones you described into a printer?
The above tests generated no errors, no resends, no extra logging, so are reasonably comparable. They were run on different host side hardware, Octoprint was running on a Pi 2 and Repetier on a relatively low end PC. The Pi had a RPi Cam attached but was not streaming (activating streaming slows things down to about 72 mins, not surprising given that the network connection runs via the same USB controller). But that same file can be transferred to the printers SD card over USB (using the feature that shares the printers SD card as a "USB drive") in just over 30 seconds from the PC and around 56 seconds from the same Pi used to run Octoprint. So although the Pi/USB/printer transfer is slower than the PC/USB/printer it is not that much slower. All of these tests are basically transferring roughly the same volume of data (and using the same USB bulk endpoints).
So why is an Octoprint transfer so much slower? To be honest I'm not really sure. The protocol used by Octoprint (so called ping pong mode) is not as efficient as the buffer state tracking used by Repetier, but even switching Repetier Host to use ping pong mode only extends the time to around 14 minutes. Even if we combine that with the above 2 fold increase for the PC v Pi USB speed we only get to around 28 minutes. So it looks like there may be something else going on here. But whatever the reason it would seem that there may be some room for improving the Octoprint to printer transfer rate.
I worked on a project that was basically a man-in-the-middle computer between the OctoPrint Raspi and the printer controller board (Mega 2560 as I recall). The computer in the middle was a Raspberry Pi Zero W. I wrote a simple driver for passing the serial communications through the Raspi Zero.
Unfortunately, I was slammed by the absence of two good UARTs in the Zero in this case. The maximum that I could push on the "bad" side was either 9600 or perhaps twice that. I could be wrong but this is what I ran into.
It seems to jibe with an issue that was seen on the Prusa forum where the designer spec'd a Zero to be soldered to their board without understanding the UART situation. (By disabling UART use by Bluetooth and the console their setup then works, making the good UART available for OctoPrint.)
I did a similar to your example earlier yesterday:
Starting with 30 segments (what looks like is used by openscad, when no $fn is defined) and doubled the value for each run.
Above 2400 (which is - IMHO - already a "nearly-insane" value) I simply added 0 (zero) to the value 24000 - 240000 - 2400000
The only thing I noticed:
Maybe... like one of those sample gauge parts which change values with Z so that you can dial in the right... temperature or whatever.
What about a cylinder which starts with 16 segments and doubles with each additional mm in height? At the point where it's beginning to stutter you can then abort the job, measure the height and calculate the segment threshold which breaks your printer.
Stutters at 5mm = 16 (0), 32 (1), 64 (2), 128 (3), 256 (4), 512 (5)
You might then try a repeat which starts at 256 segments at zero and adds 100 every mm.
start=16; //start segments
end=356; //end segments
step=16; //increase each cylinder by this much
union() {
for(fn = [start : step : end]) {
Obviously the more end segments / lower the steps the taller the thing will be so you'd need to make sure (manually) it fits in your print volume. You'd start at like 32 and end at 50 with a step of 5 or something. Each cylinder is as tall as the step value. It could be better but meh, it's 1am.
most slicers do, use for e.g. older version of simplify3d - 3.0 is perfect for this test as it will generate files that are larger and larger with a lot of super short moves ..
Also editor type. Parametric mesh editors can be problematic unless export resolution is reduced.
iirc from my own experiments; a 20mm diameter vase mode cylinder with:
360 segments will stutter slightly.
144 segments will not
Actually it might have been higher than that, I forget the tests I did, my usual technique was ok so I just left it at that. I habitually use multiples of 36 as curve segment counts, with 36, 72, and 144 being the common ones I use. I have a feeling 360 was ok, and 720 was not.
I always print at a max speed of 60mm/s on an i3 with chinesium RAMPS/2560 and a 30cm USB cable. But of course most toolpath types print somewhat slower than this depending on type and how my slicer is set.
I come from a ye-olde game development background, so efficiency of polygons was always in the front of my mind back then, and it sticks in anything I design now too. Mostly because editing mesh that is unnecessarily dense is seriously annoying. But also partly due to my tools ie: blender is not a parametric modeller, people using parameteric mesh like fusion360 does will have this kind of problem unless they tone down the export resolution, or cap in in their slicer.
In the last year of printing I can honestly say I have never been able to see a difference in print speed/quality due to use of SD or stable release of Octoprint.
Both work perfectly and when they don't its generally me doing a spotty job of slicing. Using a Prusa i3 mk3. Rpi 3 b, running 2 Camera's and Enclosure Plugin on a Micro SD Sandisk Ultra 32gb. SD Card is a 16gb Sandisk Ultra.
I remember back when I started out with an old Ultimaker and ancient slicing software I had trouble with buffer underruns and motion stalling because there was too much detail in curves and the XY on the Ultimaker could easily reach 150mm/s and above. As far as I can tell modern slicers are better at optimizing gcode for excessively detailed stl files.
It would be cool if you could send data between the raspberry pi and the arduino with SPI instead of USB UART, then you could reach much higher transfer speeds. It would require a ton of new code and is not really realistic to implement though due to all the different controller hardware out there. And the SPI bus on the arduino is occupied by the SD card so it would probably require nasty hardware mods.
I would think if the interface were truly a USB interface, rather than serial masquerading as USB, we'd have plenty of bandwidth. But I'll be the first to admit, I have not put a lot of time into understanding the hardware side of this.
@John_Mc See my earlier post which details actual transfer rates that can be obtained by Octoprint with a "full USB" interface (not one that goes via a UART). Even with this type of interface the way that Octoprint uses send and wait limits the overall transfer speed. It is not just the interface but how it is then used.
I think it's not the interface. It's the transfer overhang. Checksums have to be recalculated by the printer board and have to be acknowledged to the host. Also the buffer has to be managed. That all takes calculation time from the print job.
115 kbits/s serial speed, that is more than 9500 characters per second. Even a line has 25 characters, that are 380 command lines per second. I think, that is fast enough.
why stop there? Why not go straight for 1 megabit baud.
As has been said in this thread, the baudrate is not the only limiting factor; the protocol and processing power of the controller board are also a major factor. Gcode gets sent line-by-line. For each line a checksum needs to be calculated, and then succesful reception is communicated back to the host, before the next line can be sent.
Here's an analogy: Say you are performing a complex task that needs your attention. Juggling chainsaws or something like that. Now imagine someone telling you a story, and it is important for you to get and remember every last detail of the story, so say "ok" after every sentence you understood or "come again?" after every sentence you didn't quite get. Do you think this proces become much faster if the person telling the story starts speaking ridiculously fast?
There are a couple of ways around this. One is to have a different chip (or core) handle the communication. Another would be to change the protocol, for example to switch to something binary (less data) and not sending line-by-line but block by block (less handshaking overhead).