First update system: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade -y sudo reboot Install mlocate to help finding the files sudo apt-get install mlocate sudo updatedb Install the postgresql package: sudo apt-get install postgresql Start and enable postgresql.service: sudo systemctl start postgresql.service sudo systemctl enable postgresql.service Create new user and database, Switch to the postgres user: sudo -u postgres -i Create user octoprint: createuser --interactive -P Enter name of role to add: octoprint Enter password for new role: Enter it again: Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n Create database octoprint_filamentmanager: createdb -O octoprint octoprint_filamentmanager Exit postgres, press Ctrl+D Update mlocade db sudo updatedb Locate postgresql.conf and edit locate postgresql.conf sudo nano /xxx/xxx/postgresql.conf At connection settings remove # character front of 'listen_adressess' and change 'localhost' to '*' exit by Ctrl+x, Y and enter. Locate pg_hba.conf and edit locate pg_hba.conf sudo nano /xxx/xxx/pg_hba.conf add end of file host octoprint_filamentmanager octoprint md5 Change IP to match you network md5 exit by Ctrl+x, Y and enter Restart postgresql.service sudo systemctl reload postgresql.service Install dependencies sudo apt-get install libpq-dev sudo ~/oprint/bin/pip install psycopg2 Set settings for external datava at Filament Manager