2019-03-14 18:42:12,716 - serial.log is currently not enabled, you can enable it via Settings > Serial Connection > Log communication to serial.log 2019-03-14 18:46:57,396 - serial.log is currently not enabled, you can enable it via Settings > Serial Connection > Log communication to serial.log 2019-03-14 18:48:55,103 - Enabling serial logging 2019-03-14 18:49:02,314 - Connecting to: /dev/ttyACM0 2019-03-14 18:49:02,336 - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Opening serial port" 2019-03-14 18:49:02,341 - Connected to: Serial(port='/dev/ttyACM0', baudrate=115200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=10.0, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False), starting monitor 2019-03-14 18:49:02,341 - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Connecting" 2019-03-14 18:49:02,362 - Send: N0 M110 N0*125 2019-03-14 18:49:03,462 - Recv: echo: 3.6.0-7x7-2069 2019-03-14 18:49:03,468 - Recv: echo: Last Updated: Mar 3 2019 20:36:08 | Author: (none, default config) 2019-03-14 18:49:03,470 - Recv: Compiled: Mar 3 2019 2019-03-14 18:49:03,474 - Recv: echo: Free Memory: 2108 PlannerBufferBytes: 1392 2019-03-14 18:49:03,478 - Recv: echo:Stored settings retrieved 2019-03-14 18:49:03,479 - Recv: adc_init 2019-03-14 18:49:03,819 - Recv: CrashDetect ENABLED! 2019-03-14 18:49:04,163 - Recv: FSensor ENABLED 2019-03-14 18:49:04,433 - Recv: echo:SD card ok 2019-03-14 18:49:33,483 - Recv: MMU not responding - DISABLED 2019-03-14 18:50:03,517 - There was a timeout while trying to connect to the printer 2019-03-14 18:50:03,530 - Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Offline" 2019-03-14 18:50:03,537 - Connection closed, closing down monitor 2019-03-14 18:50:14,354 - Disabling serial logging