2024-12-10 21:15:59,662 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2024-12-10 21:15:59,664 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.10.3 2024-12-10 21:15:59,665 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2024-12-10 21:15:59,865 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity changed from offline to online 2024-12-10 21:15:59,877 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity state is currently: online 2024-12-10 21:15:59,877 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connecting to is working 2024-12-10 21:15:59,877 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Resolving octoprint.org is working 2024-12-10 21:16:00,361 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Blacklist processing done, adding 3 blacklisted plugin versions: roomtemp (any), GcodeEditor (>=0.1.1,<=0.2.8), gcodeleveling (>=0.1.0,<=0.1.1) 2024-12-10 21:16:00,368 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/tomprint/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2024-12-10 21:16:02,532 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Added settings overlay from plugin dashboard 2024-12-10 21:16:02,535 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 24 plugin(s) providing 24 mixin implementations, 57 hook handlers 2024-12-10 21:16:02,539 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval 2024-12-10 21:16:02,620 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started 2024-12-10 21:16:02,638 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /home/tomprint/.octoprint/uploads... 2024-12-10 21:16:02,664 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - ... file metadata for /home/tomprint/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully. 2024-12-10 21:16:02,668 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin achievements: PLUGIN_ACHIEVEMENTS_VIEW (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_achievements_view')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,668 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin achievements: PLUGIN_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESET (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_achievements_reset')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,668 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_SHOW (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_action_command_notification_show')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,668 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_action_command_notification_clear')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,669 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_prompt: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_PROMPT_INTERACT (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_action_command_prompt_interact')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,669 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_READ (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_announcements_read')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,669 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_MANAGE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_announcements_read'), Need(method='role', value='plugin_announcements_manage')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,669 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_ADMIN (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_appkeys_admin')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,670 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_GRANT (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_appkeys_user')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,670 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin backup: PLUGIN_BACKUP_CREATE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_backup_create')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,670 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin dashboard: PLUGIN_DASHBOARD_ADMIN (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_dashboard_admin')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,671 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin file_check: PLUGIN_FILE_CHECK_RUN (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_file_check_run')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,671 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin firmware_check: PLUGIN_FIRMWARE_CHECK_DISPLAY (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_firmware_check_display')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,671 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin logging: PLUGIN_LOGGING_MANAGE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_logging_manage')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,671 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pi_support: PLUGIN_PI_SUPPORT_STATUS (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pi_support_check')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,672 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_LIST (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_list')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,672 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_MANAGE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,672 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_INSTALL (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_manage'), Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_install')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,673 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CHECK (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_softwareupdate_check')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,673 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_UPDATE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_softwareupdate_update')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,674 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CONFIGURE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_softwareupdate_configure')") 2024-12-10 21:16:02,694 - octoprint.printer.standard - INFO - Using print time estimator provided by PrintTimeGenius 2024-12-10 21:16:03,576 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/tomprint/oprint/bin/python -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2024-12-10 21:16:04,432 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 22.3 2024-12-10 21:16:04,439 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2024-12-10 21:16:04,439 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2024-12-10 21:16:04,464 - octoprint.plugins.achievements - INFO - Loading data from /home/tomprint/.octoprint/data/achievements/data.json 2024-12-10 21:16:04,467 - octoprint.plugins.achievements - INFO - Loading data for None from /home/tomprint/.octoprint/data/achievements/2024.json 2024-12-10 21:16:04,522 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded version cache from disk 2024-12-10 21:16:04,583 - octoprint.plugins.file_check - INFO - Native grep available: True 2024-12-10 21:16:04,759 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 24 plugin implementation(s) 2024-12-10 21:16:04,844 - octoprint - INFO - Installing webcam compat overlay for configured default webcam 2024-12-10 21:16:04,846 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 24 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Achievements Plugin (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/achievements | Action Command Notification Support (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_notification | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Camera Settings (0.4.3) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_CameraSettings | Classic Webcam (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/classicwebcam | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Dashboard (1.19.12) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_dashboard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | Event Manager (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/eventmanager | Filament Manager (1.9.1) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_filamentmanager | File Check (2024.11.4) (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_file_check | Firmware Check (2021.10.11) (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_firmware_check | GCode Viewer (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/gcodeviewer | Logging (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Pi Support Plugin (2023.10.10) (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | PrintTimeGenius Plugin (2.3.3) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_PrintTimeGenius | Software Update (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer Prefix legend: ! = disabled, # = blacklisted, * = incompatible 2024-12-10 21:16:04,873 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 3.9.2 under Linux (linux). Details: | hardware: | cores: 4 | freq: 1800.0 | ram: 1908686848 | os: | bits: 32 | id: linux | platform: linux | plugins: | pi_support: | model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5 | octopi_camera_stack: camera-streamer | octopi_version: 1.0.0 | octopiuptodate_build: 1.0.0-1.10.3-20241105100055 | octopiuptodate_build_short: 2024.11.05.100055 | throttle_check_enabled: true | throttle_check_functional: true | throttle_state: '0x0' | python: | pip: '22.3' | version: 3.9.2 | virtualenv: /home/tomprint/oprint 2024-12-10 21:16:04,885 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/tomprint/.octoprint/generated/webassets... 2024-12-10 21:16:04,886 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/tomprint/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache... 2024-12-10 21:16:04,887 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/tomprint/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-manifest.json... 2024-12-10 21:16:04,954 - octoprint.plugins.filamentmanager - WARNING - The Blueprint of this plugin is relying on the default implementation of is_blueprint_csrf_protected (newly added in OctoPrint 1.8.3), which in a future version will be switched from False to True for security reasons. Plugin authors should ensure they explicitly declare the CSRF protection status in their BlueprintPlugin mixin implementation. Recommendation is to enable CSRF protection and exempt views that must not use it with the octoprint.plugin.BlueprintPlugin.csrf_exempt decorator. 2024-12-10 21:16:04,955 - octoprint.server - WARNING - CSRF Protection for Blueprint of plugin filamentmanager is DISABLED 2024-12-10 21:16:05,332 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server... 2024-12-10 21:16:05,368 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down 2024-12-10 21:16:05,371 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event 2024-12-10 21:16:05,371 - octoprint.events - INFO - Adding 2 events to queue that were held back before startup event 2024-12-10 21:16:05,372 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue... 2024-12-10 21:16:05,383 - octoprint.server - INFO - Starting autorefresh of serial port list 2024-12-10 21:16:05,405 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Fetching check overlays from https://plugins.octoprint.org/update_check_overlay.json 2024-12-10 21:16:05,405 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 0 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue 2024-12-10 21:16:05,418 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder... 2024-12-10 21:16:05,442 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2024-12-10 21:16:05,449 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done. 2024-12-10 21:16:05,502 - octoprint.server - INFO - Serial port list was updated, refreshing the port list in the frontend 2024-12-10 21:16:05,920 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event system_unthrottled, payload: {'throttled_now': False, 'throttled_past': False, 'throttled_mask': 0, 'throttled_voltage_now': False, 'throttled_voltage_past': False, 'throttled_overheat_now': False, 'throttled_overheat_past': False} 2024-12-10 21:16:06,371 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2024-12-10 21:16:06,496 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi._http._tcp.local.' for _http._tcp.local. 2024-12-10 21:16:07,308 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi._octoprint._tcp.local.' for _octoprint._tcp.local. 2024-12-10 21:16:07,327 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered OctoPrint instance on octopi for SSDP 2024-12-10 21:16:07,383 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on 2024-12-10 21:16:07,396 - octoprint.plugins.backup - INFO - Found config folder backup from prior restore, deleting it... 2024-12-10 21:16:07,460 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2024-12-10 21:16:07,538 - octoprint.plugins.backup - INFO - ... deleted. 2024-12-10 21:16:08,396 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/tomprint/oprint/bin/python -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2024-12-10 21:16:08,397 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2024-12-10 21:16:08,403 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2024-12-10 21:16:08,475 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Minimum free storage across all update relevant locations is 53.9GB. That is considered sufficient for updating. 2024-12-10 21:16:08,587 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2024-12-10 21:16:08,611 - octoprint.plugins.dashboard - INFO - Dashboard started 2024-12-10 21:16:08,618 - octoprint.JsFrontendErrors(Dash) - INFO - Js Logger (Dash) started 2024-12-10 21:16:08,636 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'base_url': '', 'path': '/', 'query_string': 'l10n=en'} 2024-12-10 21:16:09,079 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 6, 'printer_state': 'OFFLINE'} 2024-12-10 21:16:09,554 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event pong, payload: {'version': '1.10.3', 'os': 'linux', 'bits': 32, 'python': '3.9.2', 'pip': '22.3', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1800.0, 'ram': 1908686848, 'pi_model': 'Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5', 'octopi_version': '1.0.0', 'octopiuptodate_build': '1.0.0-1.10.3-20241105100055', 'plugins': 'printtimegenius:2.3.3,filamentmanager:1.9.1,dashboard:1.19.12,camerasettings:0.4.3', 'achievements': 'the_wizard,adventurer,santas_little_helper,one_small_step_for_man'} 2024-12-10 21:16:10,115 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event startup, payload: {'version': '1.10.3', 'os': 'linux', 'bits': 32, 'python': '3.9.2', 'pip': '22.3', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1800.0, 'ram': 1908686848, 'pi_model': 'Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5', 'octopi_version': '1.0.0', 'octopiuptodate_build': '1.0.0-1.10.3-20241105100055'} 2024-12-10 21:16:10,187 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: 2024-12-10 21:16:13,713 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: 2024-12-10 21:16:15,216 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 6.58s 2024-12-10 21:16:36,925 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: tomprint 2024-12-10 21:16:36,927 - octoprint.server.api - INFO - Actively logging in user tomprint from 2024-12-10 21:16:36,994 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user tomprint from 2024-12-10 21:16:36,995 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: tomprint 2024-12-10 21:16:37,025 - octoprint.server.util.flask.PreemptiveCache - INFO - Adding entry for / and {'path': '/', 'base_url': 'http://octopi.local/', 'query_string': 'l10n=en', '_timestamp': 1733890597.0253983, '_count': 1} 2024-12-10 21:16:37,561 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: 2024-12-10 21:16:37,968 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: 2024-12-10 21:16:38,044 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user tomprint from 2024-12-10 21:16:38,045 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: tomprint 2024-12-10 21:16:38,653 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User tomprint logged in on the socket from client 2024-12-10 21:16:39,353 - octoprint.server.util.flask - WARNING - lastmodified is not timezone aware, cannot check against If-Modified-Since. In the future this will become an error! 2024-12-10 21:16:39,454 - octoprint.server.util.flask - WARNING - lastmodified is not timezone aware, cannot check against If-Modified-Since. In the future this will become an error! 2024-12-10 21:16:39,833 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event webui_load, payload: {'browser_name': 'Edge', 'browser_version': '', 'os_name': 'Windows', 'os_version': '10'} 2024-12-10 21:16:59,308 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:16:59,332 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:16:59,336 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-isp based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:16:59,371 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:16:59,525 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-decode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:16:59,624 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:16:59,627 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:16:59,633 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:16:59,634 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode_image based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:16:59,636 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:16:59,643 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:16:59,680 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-image_fx based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:16:59,682 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:18:10,069 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:18:10,094 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:18:10,098 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-isp based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:18:10,172 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:18:10,236 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-decode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:18:10,374 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:18:10,388 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:18:10,396 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:18:10,400 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode_image based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:18:10,403 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:18:10,406 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:18:10,431 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-image_fx based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:18:10,434 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:19:28,832 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Installing plugin from https://github.com/jneilliii/OctoPrint-ConsolidateTempControl/archive/master.zip 2024-12-10 21:19:35,698 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/tomprint/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2024-12-10 21:19:35,744 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 25 plugin(s) providing 24 mixin implementations, 57 hook handlers 2024-12-10 21:19:35,746 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 25 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Achievements Plugin (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/achievements | Action Command Notification Support (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_notification | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Camera Settings (0.4.3) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_CameraSettings | Classic Webcam (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/classicwebcam | !Consolidate Temp Control (0.1.10) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_consolidate_temp_control | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Dashboard (1.19.12) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_dashboard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | Event Manager (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/eventmanager | Filament Manager (1.9.1) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_filamentmanager | File Check (2024.11.4) (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_file_check | Firmware Check (2021.10.11) (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_firmware_check | GCode Viewer (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/gcodeviewer | Logging (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Pi Support Plugin (2023.10.10) (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | PrintTimeGenius Plugin (2.3.3) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_PrintTimeGenius | Software Update (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer Prefix legend: ! = disabled, # = blacklisted, * = incompatible 2024-12-10 21:19:35,746 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - The plugin was installed successfully: Consolidate Temp Control, version 0.1.10 2024-12-10 21:19:36,232 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event install_plugin, payload: {'plugin': 'consolidate_temp_control', 'plugin_version': '0.1.10'} 2024-12-10 21:19:41,911 - octoprint.server.api.system - INFO - Performing command for core:restart: sudo service octoprint restart 2024-12-10 21:19:44,064 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2024-12-10 21:19:44,067 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.10.3 2024-12-10 21:19:44,067 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2024-12-10 21:19:44,280 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity changed from offline to online 2024-12-10 21:19:44,293 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity state is currently: online 2024-12-10 21:19:44,293 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connecting to is working 2024-12-10 21:19:44,293 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Resolving octoprint.org is working 2024-12-10 21:19:44,300 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Blacklist processing done, adding 3 blacklisted plugin versions: roomtemp (any), GcodeEditor (>=0.1.1,<=0.2.8), gcodeleveling (>=0.1.0,<=0.1.1) 2024-12-10 21:19:44,311 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/tomprint/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2024-12-10 21:19:46,582 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Added settings overlay from plugin dashboard 2024-12-10 21:19:46,589 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Added settings overlay from plugin consolidate_temp_control 2024-12-10 21:19:46,590 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 25 plugin(s) providing 25 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2024-12-10 21:19:46,593 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval 2024-12-10 21:19:46,682 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started 2024-12-10 21:19:46,698 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /home/tomprint/.octoprint/uploads... 2024-12-10 21:19:46,716 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - ... file metadata for /home/tomprint/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully. 2024-12-10 21:19:46,720 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin achievements: PLUGIN_ACHIEVEMENTS_VIEW (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_achievements_view')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,721 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin achievements: PLUGIN_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESET (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_achievements_reset')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,721 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_SHOW (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_action_command_notification_show')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,721 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_action_command_notification_clear')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,721 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_prompt: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_PROMPT_INTERACT (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_action_command_prompt_interact')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,722 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_READ (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_announcements_read')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,722 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_MANAGE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_announcements_read'), Need(method='role', value='plugin_announcements_manage')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,722 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_ADMIN (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_appkeys_admin')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,722 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_GRANT (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_appkeys_user')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,723 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin backup: PLUGIN_BACKUP_CREATE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_backup_create')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,723 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin dashboard: PLUGIN_DASHBOARD_ADMIN (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_dashboard_admin')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,723 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin file_check: PLUGIN_FILE_CHECK_RUN (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_file_check_run')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,723 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin firmware_check: PLUGIN_FIRMWARE_CHECK_DISPLAY (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_firmware_check_display')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,724 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin logging: PLUGIN_LOGGING_MANAGE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_logging_manage')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,724 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pi_support: PLUGIN_PI_SUPPORT_STATUS (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pi_support_check')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,724 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_LIST (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_list')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,725 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_MANAGE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,725 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_INSTALL (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_install'), Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,725 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CHECK (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_softwareupdate_check')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,725 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_UPDATE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_softwareupdate_update')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,726 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CONFIGURE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_softwareupdate_configure')") 2024-12-10 21:19:46,740 - octoprint.printer.standard - INFO - Using print time estimator provided by PrintTimeGenius 2024-12-10 21:19:47,655 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/tomprint/oprint/bin/python -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2024-12-10 21:19:48,546 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 22.3 2024-12-10 21:19:48,556 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2024-12-10 21:19:48,556 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2024-12-10 21:19:48,583 - octoprint.plugins.achievements - INFO - Loading data from /home/tomprint/.octoprint/data/achievements/data.json 2024-12-10 21:19:48,585 - octoprint.plugins.achievements - INFO - Loading data for None from /home/tomprint/.octoprint/data/achievements/2024.json 2024-12-10 21:19:48,640 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded version cache from disk 2024-12-10 21:19:48,706 - octoprint.plugins.file_check - INFO - Native grep available: True 2024-12-10 21:19:48,841 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 25 plugin implementation(s) 2024-12-10 21:19:48,936 - octoprint - INFO - Installing webcam compat overlay for configured default webcam 2024-12-10 21:19:48,937 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 25 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Achievements Plugin (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/achievements | Action Command Notification Support (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_notification | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Camera Settings (0.4.3) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_CameraSettings | Classic Webcam (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/classicwebcam | Consolidate Temp Control (0.1.10) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_consolidate_temp_control | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Dashboard (1.19.12) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_dashboard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | Event Manager (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/eventmanager | Filament Manager (1.9.1) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_filamentmanager | File Check (2024.11.4) (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_file_check | Firmware Check (2021.10.11) (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_firmware_check | GCode Viewer (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/gcodeviewer | Logging (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Pi Support Plugin (2023.10.10) (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | PrintTimeGenius Plugin (2.3.3) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_PrintTimeGenius | Software Update (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer Prefix legend: ! = disabled, # = blacklisted, * = incompatible 2024-12-10 21:19:48,970 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 3.9.2 under Linux (linux). Details: | hardware: | cores: 4 | freq: 1800.0 | ram: 1908686848 | os: | bits: 32 | id: linux | platform: linux | plugins: | pi_support: | model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5 | octopi_camera_stack: camera-streamer | octopi_version: 1.0.0 | octopiuptodate_build: 1.0.0-1.10.3-20241105100055 | octopiuptodate_build_short: 2024.11.05.100055 | throttle_check_enabled: true | throttle_check_functional: true | throttle_state: '0x0' | python: | pip: '22.3' | version: 3.9.2 | virtualenv: /home/tomprint/oprint 2024-12-10 21:19:48,984 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/tomprint/.octoprint/generated/webassets... 2024-12-10 21:19:48,985 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/tomprint/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache... 2024-12-10 21:19:48,986 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/tomprint/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-manifest.json... 2024-12-10 21:19:49,056 - octoprint.plugins.filamentmanager - WARNING - The Blueprint of this plugin is relying on the default implementation of is_blueprint_csrf_protected (newly added in OctoPrint 1.8.3), which in a future version will be switched from False to True for security reasons. Plugin authors should ensure they explicitly declare the CSRF protection status in their BlueprintPlugin mixin implementation. Recommendation is to enable CSRF protection and exempt views that must not use it with the octoprint.plugin.BlueprintPlugin.csrf_exempt decorator. 2024-12-10 21:19:49,056 - octoprint.server - WARNING - CSRF Protection for Blueprint of plugin filamentmanager is DISABLED 2024-12-10 21:19:49,445 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server... 2024-12-10 21:19:49,709 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down 2024-12-10 21:19:49,712 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event 2024-12-10 21:19:49,712 - octoprint.events - INFO - Adding 2 events to queue that were held back before startup event 2024-12-10 21:19:49,713 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue... 2024-12-10 21:19:49,718 - octoprint.server - INFO - Starting autorefresh of serial port list 2024-12-10 21:19:49,742 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Fetching check overlays from https://plugins.octoprint.org/update_check_overlay.json 2024-12-10 21:19:49,748 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 0 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue 2024-12-10 21:19:49,779 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder... 2024-12-10 21:19:49,784 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2024-12-10 21:19:49,785 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done. 2024-12-10 21:19:49,825 - octoprint.server - INFO - Serial port list was updated, refreshing the port list in the frontend 2024-12-10 21:19:50,291 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event system_unthrottled, payload: {'throttled_now': False, 'throttled_past': False, 'throttled_mask': 0, 'throttled_voltage_now': False, 'throttled_voltage_past': False, 'throttled_overheat_now': False, 'throttled_overheat_past': False} 2024-12-10 21:19:50,787 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2024-12-10 21:19:50,806 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi._http._tcp.local.' for _http._tcp.local. 2024-12-10 21:19:51,624 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi._octoprint._tcp.local.' for _octoprint._tcp.local. 2024-12-10 21:19:51,636 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered OctoPrint instance on octopi for SSDP 2024-12-10 21:19:51,689 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on 2024-12-10 21:19:51,713 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/tomprint/oprint/bin/python -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2024-12-10 21:19:51,713 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2024-12-10 21:19:51,714 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2024-12-10 21:19:51,767 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Saved version cache to disk 2024-12-10 21:19:51,782 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2024-12-10 21:19:52,791 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/tomprint/oprint/bin/python -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2024-12-10 21:19:52,792 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2024-12-10 21:19:52,808 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2024-12-10 21:19:52,891 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Minimum free storage across all update relevant locations is 53.8GB. That is considered sufficient for updating. 2024-12-10 21:19:52,903 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2024-12-10 21:19:52,938 - octoprint.plugins.dashboard - INFO - Dashboard started 2024-12-10 21:19:52,944 - octoprint.JsFrontendErrors(Dash) - INFO - Js Logger (Dash) started 2024-12-10 21:19:52,974 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'base_url': '', 'path': '/', 'query_string': 'l10n=en'} 2024-12-10 21:19:53,395 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 7, 'printer_state': 'OFFLINE'} 2024-12-10 21:19:53,891 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event pong, payload: {'version': '1.10.3', 'os': 'linux', 'bits': 32, 'python': '3.9.2', 'pip': '22.3', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1800.0, 'ram': 1908686848, 'pi_model': 'Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5', 'octopi_version': '1.0.0', 'octopiuptodate_build': '1.0.0-1.10.3-20241105100055', 'plugins': 'printtimegenius:2.3.3,filamentmanager:1.9.1,dashboard:1.19.12,camerasettings:0.4.3,consolidate_temp_control:0.1.10', 'achievements': 'the_wizard,adventurer,santas_little_helper,one_small_step_for_man'} 2024-12-10 21:19:54,396 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event startup, payload: {'version': '1.10.3', 'os': 'linux', 'bits': 32, 'python': '3.9.2', 'pip': '22.3', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1800.0, 'ram': 1908686848, 'pi_model': 'Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5', 'octopi_version': '1.0.0', 'octopiuptodate_build': '1.0.0-1.10.3-20241105100055'} 2024-12-10 21:19:54,456 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: 2024-12-10 21:19:55,756 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: 2024-12-10 21:19:59,365 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 6.39s 2024-12-10 21:19:59,365 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'base_url': 'http://octopi.local/', 'path': '/', 'query_string': 'l10n=en'} 2024-12-10 21:19:59,925 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 0.56s 2024-12-10 21:20:14,277 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: tomprint 2024-12-10 21:20:14,278 - octoprint.server.api - INFO - Actively logging in user tomprint from 2024-12-10 21:20:14,349 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user tomprint from 2024-12-10 21:20:14,349 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: tomprint 2024-12-10 21:20:14,422 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: 2024-12-10 21:20:14,886 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: 2024-12-10 21:20:14,909 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user tomprint from 2024-12-10 21:20:14,909 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: tomprint 2024-12-10 21:20:15,489 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User tomprint logged in on the socket from client 2024-12-10 21:20:16,160 - octoprint.server.util.flask - WARNING - lastmodified is not timezone aware, cannot check against If-Modified-Since. In the future this will become an error! 2024-12-10 21:20:16,284 - octoprint.server.util.flask - WARNING - lastmodified is not timezone aware, cannot check against If-Modified-Since. In the future this will become an error! 2024-12-10 21:20:16,636 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event webui_load, payload: {'browser_name': 'Edge', 'browser_version': '', 'os_name': 'Windows', 'os_version': '10'} 2024-12-10 21:23:07,478 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:23:07,501 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:23:07,507 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-isp based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:23:07,535 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:23:07,656 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-decode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:23:07,769 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:23:07,777 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:23:07,799 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:23:07,823 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode_image based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:23:07,856 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:23:07,863 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:23:07,930 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-image_fx based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:23:07,933 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:24:15,714 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user tomprint from 2024-12-10 21:24:15,715 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: tomprint 2024-12-10 21:24:15,957 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: 2024-12-10 21:24:16,422 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: 2024-12-10 21:24:16,452 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user tomprint from 2024-12-10 21:24:16,452 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: tomprint 2024-12-10 21:24:17,041 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User tomprint logged in on the socket from client 2024-12-10 21:24:17,722 - octoprint.server.util.flask - WARNING - lastmodified is not timezone aware, cannot check against If-Modified-Since. In the future this will become an error! 2024-12-10 21:24:17,834 - octoprint.server.util.flask - WARNING - lastmodified is not timezone aware, cannot check against If-Modified-Since. In the future this will become an error! 2024-12-10 21:24:18,171 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event webui_load, payload: {'browser_name': 'Edge', 'browser_version': '', 'os_name': 'Windows', 'os_version': '10'} 2024-12-10 21:24:42,042 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user tomprint from 2024-12-10 21:24:42,042 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: tomprint 2024-12-10 21:24:42,148 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: 2024-12-10 21:24:42,461 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: 2024-12-10 21:24:42,538 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user tomprint from 2024-12-10 21:24:42,539 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: tomprint 2024-12-10 21:24:43,150 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User tomprint logged in on the socket from client 2024-12-10 21:24:43,791 - octoprint.server.util.flask - WARNING - lastmodified is not timezone aware, cannot check against If-Modified-Since. In the future this will become an error! 2024-12-10 21:24:43,859 - octoprint.server.util.flask - WARNING - lastmodified is not timezone aware, cannot check against If-Modified-Since. In the future this will become an error! 2024-12-10 21:24:44,232 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event webui_load, payload: {'browser_name': 'Edge', 'browser_version': '', 'os_name': 'Windows', 'os_version': '10'} 2024-12-10 21:26:46,202 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:26:46,219 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:26:46,238 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-isp based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:26:46,272 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:26:46,342 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-decode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:26:46,392 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:26:46,393 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:26:46,394 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:26:46,395 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode_image based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:26:46,396 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:26:46,397 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:26:46,427 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-image_fx based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:26:46,429 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:27:00,952 - octoprint.settings - WARNING - DeprecationWarning: Detected access to deprecated settings path ['webcam', 'stream'], returned value is derived from compatibility overlay. Please use the webcam system introduced with 1.9.0, this compatibility layer will be removed in a future release. 2024-12-10 21:27:01,023 - octoprint.settings - WARNING - DeprecationWarning: Detected access to deprecated settings path ['webcam', 'streamRatio'], returned value is derived from compatibility overlay. Please use the webcam system introduced with 1.9.0, this compatibility layer will be removed in a future release. 2024-12-10 21:27:28,384 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:27:28,412 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:27:28,426 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-isp based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:27:28,432 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:27:28,509 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-decode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:27:28,685 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:27:28,725 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:27:28,761 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:27:28,768 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode_image based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:27:28,771 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:27:28,776 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:27:28,812 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-image_fx based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:27:28,815 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:28:22,980 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:28:23,016 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:28:23,035 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-isp based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:28:23,040 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:28:23,136 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-decode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:28:23,299 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:28:23,315 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:28:23,346 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:28:23,363 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode_image based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:28:23,368 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:28:23,372 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:28:23,406 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-image_fx based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:28:23,409 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:28:56,564 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event disable_plugin, payload: {'plugin': 'consolidate_temp_control', 'plugin_version': '0.1.10'} 2024-12-10 21:29:01,680 - octoprint.server.api.system - INFO - Performing command for core:restart: sudo service octoprint restart 2024-12-10 21:29:03,832 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2024-12-10 21:29:03,834 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.10.3 2024-12-10 21:29:03,835 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2024-12-10 21:29:04,049 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity changed from offline to online 2024-12-10 21:29:04,061 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity state is currently: online 2024-12-10 21:29:04,061 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connecting to is working 2024-12-10 21:29:04,061 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Resolving octoprint.org is working 2024-12-10 21:29:04,069 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Blacklist processing done, adding 3 blacklisted plugin versions: roomtemp (any), GcodeEditor (>=0.1.1,<=0.2.8), gcodeleveling (>=0.1.0,<=0.1.1) 2024-12-10 21:29:04,079 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/tomprint/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2024-12-10 21:29:06,293 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Plugin Consolidate Temp Control (0.1.10) is disabled. 2024-12-10 21:29:06,374 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Added settings overlay from plugin dashboard 2024-12-10 21:29:06,377 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 25 plugin(s) providing 24 mixin implementations, 57 hook handlers 2024-12-10 21:29:06,381 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval 2024-12-10 21:29:06,468 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started 2024-12-10 21:29:06,487 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /home/tomprint/.octoprint/uploads... 2024-12-10 21:29:06,509 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - ... file metadata for /home/tomprint/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully. 2024-12-10 21:29:06,513 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin achievements: PLUGIN_ACHIEVEMENTS_VIEW (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_achievements_view')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,513 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin achievements: PLUGIN_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESET (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_achievements_reset')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,513 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_SHOW (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_action_command_notification_show')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,514 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_action_command_notification_clear')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,514 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_prompt: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_PROMPT_INTERACT (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_action_command_prompt_interact')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,514 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_READ (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_announcements_read')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,514 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_MANAGE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_announcements_read'), Need(method='role', value='plugin_announcements_manage')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,515 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_ADMIN (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_appkeys_admin')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,515 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_GRANT (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_appkeys_user')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,515 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin backup: PLUGIN_BACKUP_CREATE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_backup_create')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,515 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin dashboard: PLUGIN_DASHBOARD_ADMIN (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_dashboard_admin')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,516 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin file_check: PLUGIN_FILE_CHECK_RUN (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_file_check_run')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,516 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin firmware_check: PLUGIN_FIRMWARE_CHECK_DISPLAY (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_firmware_check_display')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,516 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin logging: PLUGIN_LOGGING_MANAGE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_logging_manage')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,517 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pi_support: PLUGIN_PI_SUPPORT_STATUS (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pi_support_check')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,517 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_LIST (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_list')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,517 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_MANAGE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,517 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_INSTALL (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_install'), Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,518 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CHECK (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_softwareupdate_check')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,518 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_UPDATE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_softwareupdate_update')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,528 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CONFIGURE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_softwareupdate_configure')") 2024-12-10 21:29:06,539 - octoprint.printer.standard - INFO - Using print time estimator provided by PrintTimeGenius 2024-12-10 21:29:07,484 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/tomprint/oprint/bin/python -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2024-12-10 21:29:08,390 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 22.3 2024-12-10 21:29:08,397 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2024-12-10 21:29:08,398 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2024-12-10 21:29:08,428 - octoprint.plugins.achievements - INFO - Loading data from /home/tomprint/.octoprint/data/achievements/data.json 2024-12-10 21:29:08,434 - octoprint.plugins.achievements - INFO - Loading data for None from /home/tomprint/.octoprint/data/achievements/2024.json 2024-12-10 21:29:08,493 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded version cache from disk 2024-12-10 21:29:08,559 - octoprint.plugins.file_check - INFO - Native grep available: True 2024-12-10 21:29:08,687 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 24 plugin implementation(s) 2024-12-10 21:29:08,775 - octoprint - INFO - Installing webcam compat overlay for configured default webcam 2024-12-10 21:29:08,777 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 25 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Achievements Plugin (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/achievements | Action Command Notification Support (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_notification | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Camera Settings (0.4.3) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_CameraSettings | Classic Webcam (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/classicwebcam | !Consolidate Temp Control (0.1.10) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_consolidate_temp_control | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Dashboard (1.19.12) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_dashboard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | Event Manager (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/eventmanager | Filament Manager (1.9.1) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_filamentmanager | File Check (2024.11.4) (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_file_check | Firmware Check (2021.10.11) (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_firmware_check | GCode Viewer (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/gcodeviewer | Logging (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Pi Support Plugin (2023.10.10) (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | PrintTimeGenius Plugin (2.3.3) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_PrintTimeGenius | Software Update (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer Prefix legend: ! = disabled, # = blacklisted, * = incompatible 2024-12-10 21:29:08,807 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 3.9.2 under Linux (linux). Details: | hardware: | cores: 4 | freq: 1800.0 | ram: 1908686848 | os: | bits: 32 | id: linux | platform: linux | plugins: | pi_support: | model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5 | octopi_camera_stack: camera-streamer | octopi_version: 1.0.0 | octopiuptodate_build: 1.0.0-1.10.3-20241105100055 | octopiuptodate_build_short: 2024.11.05.100055 | throttle_check_enabled: true | throttle_check_functional: true | throttle_state: '0x0' | python: | pip: '22.3' | version: 3.9.2 | virtualenv: /home/tomprint/oprint 2024-12-10 21:29:08,822 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/tomprint/.octoprint/generated/webassets... 2024-12-10 21:29:08,823 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/tomprint/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache... 2024-12-10 21:29:08,824 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/tomprint/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-manifest.json... 2024-12-10 21:29:08,890 - octoprint.plugins.filamentmanager - WARNING - The Blueprint of this plugin is relying on the default implementation of is_blueprint_csrf_protected (newly added in OctoPrint 1.8.3), which in a future version will be switched from False to True for security reasons. Plugin authors should ensure they explicitly declare the CSRF protection status in their BlueprintPlugin mixin implementation. Recommendation is to enable CSRF protection and exempt views that must not use it with the octoprint.plugin.BlueprintPlugin.csrf_exempt decorator. 2024-12-10 21:29:08,890 - octoprint.server - WARNING - CSRF Protection for Blueprint of plugin filamentmanager is DISABLED 2024-12-10 21:29:09,286 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server... 2024-12-10 21:29:09,438 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down 2024-12-10 21:29:09,441 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event 2024-12-10 21:29:09,441 - octoprint.events - INFO - Adding 2 events to queue that were held back before startup event 2024-12-10 21:29:09,442 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue... 2024-12-10 21:29:09,452 - octoprint.server - INFO - Starting autorefresh of serial port list 2024-12-10 21:29:09,476 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Fetching check overlays from https://plugins.octoprint.org/update_check_overlay.json 2024-12-10 21:29:09,480 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 0 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue 2024-12-10 21:29:09,504 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder... 2024-12-10 21:29:09,505 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2024-12-10 21:29:09,514 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done. 2024-12-10 21:29:09,534 - octoprint.server - INFO - Serial port list was updated, refreshing the port list in the frontend 2024-12-10 21:29:10,034 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event system_unthrottled, payload: {'throttled_now': False, 'throttled_past': False, 'throttled_mask': 0, 'throttled_voltage_now': False, 'throttled_voltage_past': False, 'throttled_overheat_now': False, 'throttled_overheat_past': False} 2024-12-10 21:29:10,513 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi._http._tcp.local.' for _http._tcp.local. 2024-12-10 21:29:10,522 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2024-12-10 21:29:11,328 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi._octoprint._tcp.local.' for _octoprint._tcp.local. 2024-12-10 21:29:11,345 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered OctoPrint instance on octopi for SSDP 2024-12-10 21:29:11,407 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on 2024-12-10 21:29:11,482 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2024-12-10 21:29:12,516 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/tomprint/oprint/bin/python -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2024-12-10 21:29:12,528 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/tomprint/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2024-12-10 21:29:12,528 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2024-12-10 21:29:12,533 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Minimum free storage across all update relevant locations is 53.8GB. That is considered sufficient for updating. 2024-12-10 21:29:12,666 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2024-12-10 21:29:12,676 - octoprint.plugins.dashboard - INFO - Dashboard started 2024-12-10 21:29:12,683 - octoprint.JsFrontendErrors(Dash) - INFO - Js Logger (Dash) started 2024-12-10 21:29:12,708 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'base_url': '', 'path': '/', 'query_string': 'l10n=en'} 2024-12-10 21:29:13,141 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 6, 'printer_state': 'OFFLINE'} 2024-12-10 21:29:13,627 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event pong, payload: {'version': '1.10.3', 'os': 'linux', 'bits': 32, 'python': '3.9.2', 'pip': '22.3', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1800.0, 'ram': 1908686848, 'pi_model': 'Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5', 'octopi_version': '1.0.0', 'octopiuptodate_build': '1.0.0-1.10.3-20241105100055', 'plugins': 'printtimegenius:2.3.3,filamentmanager:1.9.1,dashboard:1.19.12,camerasettings:0.4.3', 'achievements': 'the_wizard,adventurer,santas_little_helper,one_small_step_for_man'} 2024-12-10 21:29:14,114 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event startup, payload: {'version': '1.10.3', 'os': 'linux', 'bits': 32, 'python': '3.9.2', 'pip': '22.3', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1800.0, 'ram': 1908686848, 'pi_model': 'Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5', 'octopi_version': '1.0.0', 'octopiuptodate_build': '1.0.0-1.10.3-20241105100055'} 2024-12-10 21:29:14,147 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: 2024-12-10 21:29:15,430 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: 2024-12-10 21:29:19,079 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 6.37s 2024-12-10 21:29:19,080 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'base_url': 'http://octopi.local/', 'path': '/', 'query_string': 'l10n=en'} 2024-12-10 21:29:19,619 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 0.54s 2024-12-10 21:29:45,188 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: tomprint 2024-12-10 21:29:45,189 - octoprint.server.api - INFO - Actively logging in user tomprint from 2024-12-10 21:29:45,249 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user tomprint from 2024-12-10 21:29:45,249 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: tomprint 2024-12-10 21:29:45,316 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: 2024-12-10 21:29:45,801 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: 2024-12-10 21:29:45,824 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user tomprint from 2024-12-10 21:29:45,824 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: tomprint 2024-12-10 21:29:46,399 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User tomprint logged in on the socket from client 2024-12-10 21:29:47,042 - octoprint.server.util.flask - WARNING - lastmodified is not timezone aware, cannot check against If-Modified-Since. In the future this will become an error! 2024-12-10 21:29:47,159 - octoprint.server.util.flask - WARNING - lastmodified is not timezone aware, cannot check against If-Modified-Since. In the future this will become an error! 2024-12-10 21:29:47,490 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event webui_load, payload: {'browser_name': 'Edge', 'browser_version': '', 'os_name': 'Windows', 'os_version': '10'} 2024-12-10 21:31:10,473 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:31:10,487 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:31:10,496 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-isp based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:31:10,505 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:31:10,642 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-decode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:31:10,809 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:31:10,816 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:31:10,820 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:31:10,825 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode_image based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:31:10,846 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:31:10,854 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:31:10,897 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-image_fx based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:31:10,899 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:32:49,695 - octoprint.settings - WARNING - DeprecationWarning: Detected access to deprecated settings path ['webcam', 'stream'], returned value is derived from compatibility overlay. Please use the webcam system introduced with 1.9.0, this compatibility layer will be removed in a future release. 2024-12-10 21:32:49,769 - octoprint.settings - WARNING - DeprecationWarning: Detected access to deprecated settings path ['webcam', 'streamRatio'], returned value is derived from compatibility overlay. Please use the webcam system introduced with 1.9.0, this compatibility layer will be removed in a future release. 2024-12-10 21:33:17,734 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:33:17,737 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:33:17,775 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-isp based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:33:17,798 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:33:17,916 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-decode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:33:17,953 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:33:17,957 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:33:17,960 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:33:17,963 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode_image based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:33:17,967 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:33:17,968 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:33:17,995 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-image_fx based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:33:17,998 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:34:26,794 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:34:26,835 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:34:26,850 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-isp based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:34:26,864 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:34:27,048 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-decode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:34:27,174 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:34:27,177 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:34:27,180 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:34:27,182 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode_image based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:34:27,185 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:34:27,189 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:34:27,242 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-image_fx based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:34:27,245 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:44:06,383 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3 2024-12-10 21:44:14,212 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: 2024-12-10 21:44:18,148 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 906, 'printer_state': 'OFFLINE'} 2024-12-10 21:59:06,383 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3 2024-12-10 21:59:13,140 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 1807, 'printer_state': 'OFFLINE'} 2024-12-10 21:59:53,773 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:59:53,782 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:59:53,827 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-isp based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:59:53,842 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:59:53,927 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-decode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:59:54,123 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:59:54,174 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:59:54,179 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:59:54,184 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode_image based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:59:54,192 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:59:54,197 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:59:54,230 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-image_fx based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 21:59:54,232 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:00:22,482 - octoprint.plugins.logging - INFO - Setting logger octoprint.plugins.camerasettings level to DEBUG 2024-12-10 22:00:26,839 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - Building camera list 2024-12-10 22:00:26,861 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:00:26,906 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:00:26,929 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-isp based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:00:26,939 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:00:26,961 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - Getting controls for video1 2024-12-10 22:00:27,103 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video1] Processing output of v4l2-ctl --list-ctrls-menus: 2024-12-10 22:00:27,104 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video1] Skipping line, no CTRL_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:00:27,132 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-decode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:00:27,141 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - Getting controls for video19 2024-12-10 22:00:27,208 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Processing output of v4l2-ctl --list-ctrls-menus: 2024-12-10 22:00:27,208 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Skipping line, no CTRL_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:00:27,208 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Skipping line, no CTRL_PAT match: Stateless Codec Controls 2024-12-10 22:00:27,208 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Skipping line, no CTRL_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:00:27,209 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found CONTROL in: hevc_sequence_parameter_set 0x00a40a90 (unknown): type=270 flags=has-payload 2024-12-10 22:00:27,209 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found CONTROL in: hevc_picture_parameter_set 0x00a40a91 (unknown): type=271 flags=has-payload 2024-12-10 22:00:27,209 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found CONTROL in: slice_param_array 0x00a40a92 (unknown): type=272 [4096] flags=has-payload, 0x00000800 2024-12-10 22:00:27,209 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found CONTROL in: hevc_scaling_matrix 0x00a40a93 (unknown): type=273 flags=has-payload 2024-12-10 22:00:27,209 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found CONTROL in: hevc_decode_parameters 0x00a40a94 (unknown): type=274 flags=has-payload 2024-12-10 22:00:27,209 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found CONTROL in: hevc_decode_mode 0x00a40a95 (menu) : min=0 max=0 default=0 value=0 2024-12-10 22:00:27,209 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found MENU item in: 0: Slice-Based 2024-12-10 22:00:27,209 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found CONTROL in: hevc_start_code 0x00a40a96 (menu) : min=0 max=1 default=0 value=0 2024-12-10 22:00:27,210 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found MENU item in: 0: No Start Code 2024-12-10 22:00:27,210 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found MENU item in: 1: Annex B Start Code 2024-12-10 22:00:27,210 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Skipping line, no MENU_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:00:27,222 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:00:27,264 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:00:27,275 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:00:27,283 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode_image based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:00:27,289 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:00:27,292 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:00:27,295 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - Getting controls for video0 2024-12-10 22:00:27,318 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Processing output of v4l2-ctl --list-ctrls-menus: 2024-12-10 22:00:27,318 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Skipping line, no CTRL_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:00:27,319 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Skipping line, no CTRL_PAT match: User Controls 2024-12-10 22:00:27,319 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Skipping line, no CTRL_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:00:27,319 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: brightness 0x00980900 (int) : min=-64 max=64 step=1 default=0 value=0 2024-12-10 22:00:27,319 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: contrast 0x00980901 (int) : min=0 max=64 step=1 default=32 value=32 2024-12-10 22:00:27,319 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: saturation 0x00980902 (int) : min=0 max=128 step=1 default=64 value=64 2024-12-10 22:00:27,319 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: hue 0x00980903 (int) : min=-40 max=40 step=1 default=0 value=0 2024-12-10 22:00:27,319 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: white_balance_automatic 0x0098090c (bool) : default=1 value=1 2024-12-10 22:00:27,320 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: gamma 0x00980910 (int) : min=72 max=500 step=1 default=100 value=100 2024-12-10 22:00:27,320 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: gain 0x00980913 (int) : min=0 max=100 step=1 default=0 value=0 2024-12-10 22:00:27,320 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: power_line_frequency 0x00980918 (menu) : min=0 max=2 default=1 value=1 2024-12-10 22:00:27,320 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found MENU item in: 0: Disabled 2024-12-10 22:00:27,320 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found MENU item in: 1: 50 Hz 2024-12-10 22:00:27,320 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found MENU item in: 2: 60 Hz 2024-12-10 22:00:27,320 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: white_balance_temperature 0x0098091a (int) : min=2800 max=6500 step=1 default=4600 value=4600 flags=inactive 2024-12-10 22:00:27,321 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: sharpness 0x0098091b (int) : min=0 max=6 step=1 default=2 value=2 2024-12-10 22:00:27,321 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: backlight_compensation 0x0098091c (int) : min=0 max=2 step=1 default=1 value=1 2024-12-10 22:00:27,321 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Skipping line, no MENU_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:00:27,321 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Skipping line, no MENU_PAT match: Camera Controls 2024-12-10 22:00:27,321 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Skipping line, no MENU_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:00:27,321 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: auto_exposure 0x009a0901 (menu) : min=0 max=3 default=3 value=3 2024-12-10 22:00:27,321 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found MENU item in: 1: Manual Mode 2024-12-10 22:00:27,322 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found MENU item in: 3: Aperture Priority Mode 2024-12-10 22:00:27,322 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: exposure_time_absolute 0x009a0902 (int) : min=1 max=5000 step=1 default=157 value=157 flags=inactive 2024-12-10 22:00:27,322 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: exposure_dynamic_framerate 0x009a0903 (bool) : default=0 value=1 2024-12-10 22:00:27,322 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: focus_absolute 0x009a090a (int) : min=0 max=1023 step=1 default=0 value=584 2024-12-10 22:00:27,322 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: focus_automatic_continuous 0x009a090c (bool) : default=1 value=0 2024-12-10 22:00:27,323 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Skipping line, no MENU_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:00:27,341 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-image_fx based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:00:27,345 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:00:27,346 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - Building multicam_mapping 2024-12-10 22:00:27,348 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - Original multicam_mapping [{'camera': 'rpivid', 'multicam': None}, {'camera': 'HD USB Camera: HD USB Camera', 'multicam': None}] 2024-12-10 22:00:27,349 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - New multicam_mapping [{'camera': 'rpivid', 'multicam': None}, {'camera': 'HD USB Camera: HD USB Camera', 'multicam': None}] 2024-12-10 22:00:27,352 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - Cameras found: [{'device': 'video19', 'camera': 'rpivid'}, {'device': 'video0', 'camera': 'HD USB Camera: HD USB Camera'}] 2024-12-10 22:14:06,385 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3 2024-12-10 22:14:13,141 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 2707, 'printer_state': 'OFFLINE'} 2024-12-10 22:27:00,612 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - Building camera list 2024-12-10 22:27:00,636 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:27:00,654 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:27:00,684 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-isp based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:27:00,731 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:27:00,765 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - Getting controls for video1 2024-12-10 22:27:00,831 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video1] Processing output of v4l2-ctl --list-ctrls-menus: 2024-12-10 22:27:00,831 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video1] Skipping line, no CTRL_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:27:00,840 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-decode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:27:00,862 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - Getting controls for video19 2024-12-10 22:27:00,888 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Processing output of v4l2-ctl --list-ctrls-menus: 2024-12-10 22:27:00,889 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Skipping line, no CTRL_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:27:00,889 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Skipping line, no CTRL_PAT match: Stateless Codec Controls 2024-12-10 22:27:00,889 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Skipping line, no CTRL_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:27:00,889 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found CONTROL in: hevc_sequence_parameter_set 0x00a40a90 (unknown): type=270 flags=has-payload 2024-12-10 22:27:00,889 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found CONTROL in: hevc_picture_parameter_set 0x00a40a91 (unknown): type=271 flags=has-payload 2024-12-10 22:27:00,890 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found CONTROL in: slice_param_array 0x00a40a92 (unknown): type=272 [4096] flags=has-payload, 0x00000800 2024-12-10 22:27:00,890 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found CONTROL in: hevc_scaling_matrix 0x00a40a93 (unknown): type=273 flags=has-payload 2024-12-10 22:27:00,890 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found CONTROL in: hevc_decode_parameters 0x00a40a94 (unknown): type=274 flags=has-payload 2024-12-10 22:27:00,890 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found CONTROL in: hevc_decode_mode 0x00a40a95 (menu) : min=0 max=0 default=0 value=0 2024-12-10 22:27:00,890 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found MENU item in: 0: Slice-Based 2024-12-10 22:27:00,890 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found CONTROL in: hevc_start_code 0x00a40a96 (menu) : min=0 max=1 default=0 value=0 2024-12-10 22:27:00,890 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found MENU item in: 0: No Start Code 2024-12-10 22:27:00,890 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Found MENU item in: 1: Annex B Start Code 2024-12-10 22:27:00,891 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video19] Skipping line, no MENU_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:27:00,905 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture1 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:27:00,914 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:27:00,917 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-output0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:27:00,920 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode_image based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:27:00,924 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-capture0 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:27:00,928 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-encode based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:27:00,930 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - Getting controls for video0 2024-12-10 22:27:00,972 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Processing output of v4l2-ctl --list-ctrls-menus: 2024-12-10 22:27:00,973 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Skipping line, no CTRL_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:27:00,973 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Skipping line, no CTRL_PAT match: User Controls 2024-12-10 22:27:00,973 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Skipping line, no CTRL_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:27:00,973 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: brightness 0x00980900 (int) : min=-64 max=64 step=1 default=0 value=0 2024-12-10 22:27:00,973 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: contrast 0x00980901 (int) : min=0 max=64 step=1 default=32 value=32 2024-12-10 22:27:00,974 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: saturation 0x00980902 (int) : min=0 max=128 step=1 default=64 value=64 2024-12-10 22:27:00,974 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: hue 0x00980903 (int) : min=-40 max=40 step=1 default=0 value=0 2024-12-10 22:27:00,974 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: white_balance_automatic 0x0098090c (bool) : default=1 value=1 2024-12-10 22:27:00,974 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: gamma 0x00980910 (int) : min=72 max=500 step=1 default=100 value=100 2024-12-10 22:27:00,974 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: gain 0x00980913 (int) : min=0 max=100 step=1 default=0 value=0 2024-12-10 22:27:00,974 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: power_line_frequency 0x00980918 (menu) : min=0 max=2 default=1 value=1 2024-12-10 22:27:00,974 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found MENU item in: 0: Disabled 2024-12-10 22:27:00,974 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found MENU item in: 1: 50 Hz 2024-12-10 22:27:00,975 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found MENU item in: 2: 60 Hz 2024-12-10 22:27:00,975 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: white_balance_temperature 0x0098091a (int) : min=2800 max=6500 step=1 default=4600 value=4600 flags=inactive 2024-12-10 22:27:00,975 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: sharpness 0x0098091b (int) : min=0 max=6 step=1 default=2 value=2 2024-12-10 22:27:00,975 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: backlight_compensation 0x0098091c (int) : min=0 max=2 step=1 default=1 value=1 2024-12-10 22:27:00,975 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Skipping line, no MENU_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:27:00,975 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Skipping line, no MENU_PAT match: Camera Controls 2024-12-10 22:27:00,975 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Skipping line, no MENU_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:27:00,975 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: auto_exposure 0x009a0901 (menu) : min=0 max=3 default=3 value=3 2024-12-10 22:27:00,975 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found MENU item in: 1: Manual Mode 2024-12-10 22:27:00,976 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found MENU item in: 3: Aperture Priority Mode 2024-12-10 22:27:00,976 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: exposure_time_absolute 0x009a0902 (int) : min=1 max=5000 step=1 default=157 value=157 flags=inactive 2024-12-10 22:27:00,976 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: exposure_dynamic_framerate 0x009a0903 (bool) : default=0 value=1 2024-12-10 22:27:00,976 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: focus_absolute 0x009a090a (int) : min=0 max=1023 step=1 default=0 value=584 2024-12-10 22:27:00,976 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Found CONTROL in: focus_automatic_continuous 0x009a090c (bool) : default=1 value=0 2024-12-10 22:27:00,976 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - [video0] Skipping line, no MENU_PAT match: 2024-12-10 22:27:00,988 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-codec-image_fx based on ^bcm2835-codec-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:27:00,996 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - INFO - Excluding camera bcm2835-isp-stats2 based on ^bcm2835-isp-\w+$ 2024-12-10 22:27:00,998 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - Building multicam_mapping 2024-12-10 22:27:01,002 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - Original multicam_mapping [{'camera': 'rpivid', 'multicam': None}, {'camera': 'HD USB Camera: HD USB Camera', 'multicam': None}] 2024-12-10 22:27:01,003 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - New multicam_mapping [{'camera': 'rpivid', 'multicam': None}, {'camera': 'HD USB Camera: HD USB Camera', 'multicam': None}] 2024-12-10 22:27:01,007 - octoprint.plugins.camerasettings - DEBUG - Cameras found: [{'device': 'video19', 'camera': 'rpivid'}, {'device': 'video0', 'camera': 'HD USB Camera: HD USB Camera'}]