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Options: -C, --clear clear the kernel ring buffer -c, --read-clear read and clear all messages -D, --console-off disable printing messages to console -E, --console-on enable printing messages to console -F, --file use the file instead of the kernel log buffer -f, --facility restrict output to defined facilities -H, --human human readable output -k, --kernel display kernel messages -L, --color[=] colorize messages (auto, always or never) colors are enabled by default %s -l, --level restrict output to defined levels -n, --console-level set level of messages printed to console -P, --nopager do not pipe output into a pager -p, --force-prefix force timestamp output on each line of multi-line messages -r, --raw print the raw message buffer -S, --syslog force to use syslog(2) rather than /dev/kmsg -s, --buffer-size buffer size to query the kernel ring buffer -u, --userspace display userspace messages -w, --follow wait for new messages -x, --decode decode facility and level to readable string -d, --show-delta show time delta between printed messages -e, --reltime show local time and time delta in readable format -T, --ctime show human-readable timestamp (may be inaccurate!) -t, --notime don't show any timestamp with messages --time-format show timestamp using the given format: [delta|reltime|ctime|notime|iso] Suspending/resume will make ctime and iso timestamps inaccurate. display this helpdisplay version -h, --help%-29s%s %-29s%s -V, --version Supported log facilities: %7s - %s Supported log levels (priorities): For more details see %s. dmesg(1)unsupported color modeinvalid buffer size argument%s from %s util-linux 2.33.1notimectimedeltareltimeisounknown time format: %sTry '%s --help' for more information. CcDdEeF:f:HhkL::l:n:iPprSs:TtuVwxbad usage--show-delta is ignored when used together with iso8601 time formatdmesg/dev/kmsg--raw can be used together with --level or --facility only when reading messages from /dev/kmsgcannot open %sstat of %s failedcannot mmap: %scannot allocate %zu bytes,,;;>]read kernel buffer failedunsupported commandklogctl failed --%sclearcolorconsole-levelconsole-offconsole-ondecodefilefacilityfollowhumanhelpkernelsyslograwread-clearshow-deltanopageruserspacetime-formatforce-prefixkernel messagesuserrandom user-level messagesmailmail systemsystem daemonsauthsecurity/authorization messagesmessages generated internally by syslogdlprline printer subsystemnewsnetwork news subsystemuucpUUCP subsystemcronclock daemonauthprivsecurity/authorization messages (private)ftpFTP daemonsystem is unusablealertaction must be taken immediatelycritcritical conditionserrerror conditionswarnwarning conditionsnoticenormal but significant conditioninfoinformationaldebugdebug-level messagestimetimebreak \waitpid failed (%s)FRSXLESSfailed to set the %s environment variablelessPAGERcatPATHfailed to execute %ssh-c%s: '%s'KMGTPEZYkmgtpezyBKMGTPE%d%s%llu%s%d%s'"parse_secparse_timestampsecondslib/timeutils.c Sundayusecnowtodayyesterdaytomorrow ago%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%y-%m-%d %H:%M%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%y-%m-%d%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S%H:%M%Y%m%d%H%M%S%4ld-%.2d-%.2dformat_iso_time: buffer overflow.%02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld,%06ld%+03d:%02dtime %ld is out of range.%02d:%02d%b%d/%H:%M%b%d%Y-%b%dsecondsecminutesminuteminmonthsmonthmsecmshourshourhrdaysweeksweekwyearsyearusSunMondayMonTuesdayTueWednesdayWedThursdayThuFridayFriSaturdaySatcn_sequence%d: %s: %8s: CONFtermcolorsterminal is ready (supports %d colors)terminal is NOT readySCHEMEfree schemeenableschemedisablereading dir: '%s'unknown type '%s'item '%s': score=%d [cur: %d, name(%zu): %s, term(%zu): %s]setting '%s' from %d -to-> %d%s/%sTERMXDG_CONFIG_HOME%s/terminal-colors.dHOME/etc/terminal-colors.d%s/.config/terminal-colors.dreading file '%s'%128[^ ] %128[^ ]add '%s'lib/colors.c(out - *seq) <= lenunknown logical name: %ssort scheme[%smsearch '%s'undefinedautoneveralways???TERMINAL_COLORS_DEBUGall%d: %s: don't print memory addresses (SUID executable). 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