2020-03-26 19:46:05,852 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3 2020-03-26 19:46:05,885 - octoprint.server - INFO - --- Log roll over detected --------------------------------------------------- 2020-03-26 19:46:05,887 - octoprint.server - INFO - OctoPrint 1.3.12 2020-03-26 19:46:05,893 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 15 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | Force Login (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/forcelogin | Logging (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Pi Support Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | Printer Safety Check (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/printer_safety_check | Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer 2020-03-26 19:46:05,907 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 2.7.16 under Linux (linux2). Details: | hardware: | cores: 4 | freq: 1500.0 | ram: 1979641856 | os: | id: linux | platform: linux2 | plugins: | pi_support: | model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1 | octopi_version: 0.17.0 | python: | pip: 19.3.1 | version: 2.7.16 | virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint 2020-03-26 19:46:05,907 - octoprint.server - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2020-03-26 19:46:13,281 - octoprint.server.util.flask.PreemptiveCache - INFO - Adding entry for / and {'query_string': 'l10n=de', 'path': u'/', '_count': 1, '_timestamp': 1585251973.281376, 'base_url': u''} 2020-03-26 19:46:19,760 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-03-26 19:48:27,578 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-03-26 19:48:31,244 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-03-26 19:48:31,245 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-03-26 19:48:31,255 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Saved version cache to disk 2020-03-26 19:48:33,572 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff: 2020-03-26 19:48:34,724 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-03-26 19:48:34,758 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user dummy from ::ffff: 2020-03-26 19:48:35,320 - octoprint.server.api - ERROR - Error calling SimpleApiPlugin pluginmanager Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/server/api/__init__.py", line 68, in pluginData response = api_plugin.on_api_get(request) File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager/__init__.py", line 280, in on_api_get if refresh_repository or not self._is_repository_cache_valid(): File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager/__init__.py", line 797, in _is_repository_cache_valid return mtime + self._repository_cache_ttl >= time.time() > mtime TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int' 2020-03-26 19:48:35,326 - tornado.access - ERROR - 500 GET /api/plugin/pluginmanager (::ffff: 9.54ms 2020-03-26 19:48:35,812 - octoprint.plugins.announcements - INFO - Loaded channel _important from https://octoprint.org/feeds/important.xml in 0.48s 2020-03-26 19:48:36,378 - octoprint.plugins.announcements - INFO - Loaded channel _releases from https://octoprint.org/feeds/releases.xml in 0.47s 2020-03-26 19:48:37,322 - octoprint.plugins.announcements - INFO - Loaded channel _blog from https://octoprint.org/feeds/octoblog.xml in 0.48s 2020-03-26 19:48:37,730 - octoprint.plugins.announcements - INFO - Loaded channel _plugins from https://plugins.octoprint.org/feed.xml in 0.37s 2020-03-26 19:48:38,163 - octoprint.plugins.announcements - INFO - Loaded channel _octopi from https://octoprint.org/feeds/octopi.xml in 0.38s 2020-03-26 19:48:39,086 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial port" 2020-03-26 19:48:39,130 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial port" to "Opening serial port" 2020-03-26 19:48:39,137 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Detecting baudrate" 2020-03-26 19:48:40,147 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-03-26 19:48:40,155 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting baudrate" to "Operational" 2020-03-26 19:48:40,161 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-03-26 19:48:40,177 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (GitHub)" 2020-03-26 19:48:40,188 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting 2020-03-26 19:49:55,708 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Offline" 2020-03-26 19:49:58,442 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Opening serial port" 2020-03-26 19:49:58,444 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Connecting" 2020-03-26 19:49:58,448 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-03-26 19:49:58,450 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-03-26 19:49:58,452 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Operational" 2020-03-26 19:49:58,455 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-03-26 19:49:58,476 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (GitHub)" 2020-03-26 19:49:58,481 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting 2020-03-26 19:50:00,509 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Externally triggered heatup detected 2020-03-26 19:50:02,509 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Externally triggered heatup detected 2020-03-26 19:50:02,520 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer seems to support the busy protocol, will adjust timeouts and set busy interval accordingly 2020-03-26 19:50:37,966 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Externally triggered heatup detected 2020-03-26 19:51:38,555 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Externally triggered heatup detected 2020-03-26 19:51:42,339 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Telling the printer to set the busy interval to our "communicationBusy" timeout - 1s = 2s 2020-03-26 19:52:54,806 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Starting analysis of local:Realacc_X210_30deg_HD_cam_angle.gcode 2020-03-26 19:52:54,808 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Invoking analysis command: /home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m octoprint analysis gcode --speed-x=6000 --speed-y=6000 --max-t=10 --throttle=0.0 --throttle-lines=100 /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads/Realacc_X210_30deg_HD_cam_angle.gcode 2020-03-26 19:52:56,897 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job selected - origin: local, path: Realacc_X210_30deg_HD_cam_angle.gcode, owner: dummy, user: dummy 2020-03-26 19:52:56,904 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Starting" 2020-03-26 19:52:56,908 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job started - origin: local, path: Realacc_X210_30deg_HD_cam_angle.gcode, owner: dummy, user: dummy 2020-03-26 19:52:56,915 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-03-26 19:52:56,951 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Printing" 2020-03-26 19:59:10,373 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 19:59:14,376 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 19:59:18,373 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 19:59:22,374 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 19:59:26,374 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 19:59:30,374 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 19:59:34,374 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 19:59:38,375 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 19:59:42,375 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 19:59:46,377 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 19:59:50,375 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 19:59:54,375 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 19:59:58,375 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:00:02,375 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:00:06,376 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:00:10,376 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:00:14,376 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:00:18,376 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:00:22,377 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:00:26,377 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:00:30,377 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:00:34,377 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:00:38,378 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:00:42,378 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:00:46,378 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:00:50,378 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:00:54,381 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:00:58,378 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:01:02,380 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:01:05,853 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3 2020-03-26 20:01:06,380 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:01:10,379 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:01:14,379 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:01:18,379 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:01:22,380 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:01:26,380 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:01:30,379 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:01:34,382 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:01:38,380 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:01:42,380 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:01:46,380 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:01:50,380 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:01:54,381 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:01:58,381 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 19:54:09,808 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-03-26 19:54:09,809 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.3.12 2020-03-26 19:54:09,827 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-03-26 19:54:10,577 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Unable to fetch plugin blacklist from https://plugins.octoprint.org/blacklist.json, proceeding without it. 2020-03-26 19:54:10,577 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Blacklist processing done 2020-03-26 19:54:10,646 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-03-26 19:54:11,880 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 15 plugin(s) providing 15 mixin implementations, 23 hook handlers 2020-03-26 19:54:11,997 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval 2020-03-26 19:54:12,032 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started 2020-03-26 19:54:12,032 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-03-26 19:54:12,094 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 15 plugin(s) providing 15 mixin implementations, 23 hook handlers 2020-03-26 19:54:12,111 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads... 2020-03-26 19:54:12,368 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - ... file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully. 2020-03-26 19:54:12,389 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded version cache from disk 2020-03-26 19:54:13,124 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-03-26 19:54:13,687 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 19.3.1 2020-03-26 19:54:13,689 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-03-26 19:54:13,689 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-03-26 19:54:13,693 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 15 plugin implementation(s) 2020-03-26 19:54:13,699 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 15 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | Force Login (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/forcelogin | Logging (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Pi Support Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | Printer Safety Check (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/printer_safety_check | Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer 2020-03-26 19:54:13,710 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 2.7.16 under Linux (linux2). Details: | hardware: | cores: 4 | freq: 1500.0 | ram: 1979641856 | os: | id: linux | platform: linux2 | plugins: | pi_support: | model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1 | octopi_version: 0.17.0 | python: | pip: 19.3.1 | version: 2.7.16 | virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint 2020-03-26 19:54:13,715 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/webassets... 2020-03-26 19:54:13,727 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache... 2020-03-26 19:54:14,210 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server... 2020-03-26 19:54:14,539 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down 2020-03-26 19:54:14,541 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event 2020-03-26 19:54:14,542 - octoprint.events - INFO - Adding 0 events to queue that were held back before startup event 2020-03-26 19:54:14,543 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue... 2020-03-26 19:54:14,545 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder... 2020-03-26 19:54:14,548 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done. 2020-03-26 19:54:14,566 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 1 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue 2020-03-26 19:54:14,569 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Starting analysis of local:Realacc_X210_30deg_HD_cam_angle.gcode 2020-03-26 19:54:14,571 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Invoking analysis command: /home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m octoprint analysis gcode --speed-x=6000 --speed-y=6000 --max-t=10 --throttle=0.01 --throttle-lines=100 /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads/Realacc_X210_30deg_HD_cam_angle.gcode 2020-03-26 19:54:14,584 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _http._tcp 2020-03-26 19:54:14,602 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _octoprint._tcp 2020-03-26 19:54:14,631 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on 2020-03-26 19:54:14,967 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - ERROR - Could not fetch plugins from repository at https://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins.json: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='plugins.octoprint.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /plugins.json (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution',)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager/__init__.py", line 823, in _fetch_repository_from_url r = requests.get(repository_url, timeout=30) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/api.py", line 75, in get return request('get', url, params=params, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/api.py", line 60, in request return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 533, in request resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 646, in send r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 516, in send raise ConnectionError(e, request=request) ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='plugins.octoprint.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /plugins.json (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution',)) 2020-03-26 19:54:14,999 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - ERROR - Could not fetch notices from https://plugins.octoprint.org/notices.json: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='plugins.octoprint.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /notices.json (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution',)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager/__init__.py", line 891, in _fetch_notices_from_url r = requests.get(notices_url, timeout=30) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/api.py", line 75, in get return request('get', url, params=params, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/api.py", line 60, in request return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 533, in request resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 646, in send r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 516, in send raise ConnectionError(e, request=request) ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='plugins.octoprint.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /notices.json (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution',)) 2020-03-26 19:54:15,418 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-03-26 19:54:15,419 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-03-26 19:54:15,420 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-03-26 19:54:15,519 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'query_string': 'l10n=de', 'path': '/', 'base_url': ''} 2020-03-26 19:54:23,893 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 8.37s 2020-03-26 20:04:31,057 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Analysis of entry local:Realacc_X210_30deg_HD_cam_angle.gcode finished, needed 77.57s 2020-03-26 20:05:19,253 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-03-26 20:05:19,300 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user dummy from ::ffff: 2020-03-26 20:05:20,003 - octoprint.server.api - ERROR - Error calling SimpleApiPlugin pluginmanager Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/server/api/__init__.py", line 68, in pluginData response = api_plugin.on_api_get(request) File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager/__init__.py", line 280, in on_api_get if refresh_repository or not self._is_repository_cache_valid(): File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager/__init__.py", line 797, in _is_repository_cache_valid return mtime + self._repository_cache_ttl >= time.time() > mtime TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int' 2020-03-26 20:05:20,010 - tornado.access - ERROR - 500 GET /api/plugin/pluginmanager (::ffff: 14.57ms 2020-03-26 20:05:33,217 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial port" 2020-03-26 20:05:33,312 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial port" to "Opening serial port" 2020-03-26 20:05:33,321 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Detecting baudrate" 2020-03-26 20:05:34,333 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-03-26 20:05:34,339 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting baudrate" to "Operational" 2020-03-26 20:05:34,346 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-03-26 20:05:34,384 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (GitHub)" 2020-03-26 20:05:34,392 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting 2020-03-26 20:05:38,442 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer seems to support the busy protocol, will adjust timeouts and set busy interval accordingly 2020-03-26 20:07:18,338 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Telling the printer to set the busy interval to our "communicationBusy" timeout - 1s = 2s 2020-03-26 20:07:59,031 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job selected - origin: local, path: Realacc_X210_30deg_HD_cam_angle.gcode, owner: dummy, user: dummy 2020-03-26 20:07:59,047 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Starting" 2020-03-26 20:07:59,055 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job started - origin: local, path: Realacc_X210_30deg_HD_cam_angle.gcode, owner: dummy, user: dummy 2020-03-26 20:07:59,066 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-03-26 20:07:59,117 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Printing" 2020-03-26 20:09:11,999 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3 2020-03-26 20:11:28,353 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:11:32,353 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:11:36,356 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:11:40,353 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:11:44,354 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:11:48,354 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:11:52,354 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:11:56,354 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:12:00,354 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:12:04,354 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:12:08,355 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:12:12,355 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:12:16,355 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:12:20,357 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:12:24,355 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:12:28,355 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:12:32,355 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:12:36,358 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:12:40,360 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:12:44,360 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:12:48,358 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:12:52,356 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:12:56,358 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:13:00,359 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:13:04,361 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:13:08,357 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:11:39,786 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-03-26 20:11:39,789 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.3.12 2020-03-26 20:11:39,790 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-03-26 20:11:40,296 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Unable to fetch plugin blacklist from https://plugins.octoprint.org/blacklist.json, proceeding without it. 2020-03-26 20:11:40,297 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Blacklist processing done 2020-03-26 20:11:40,363 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-03-26 20:11:41,630 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 15 plugin(s) providing 15 mixin implementations, 23 hook handlers 2020-03-26 20:11:41,754 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval 2020-03-26 20:11:41,789 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started 2020-03-26 20:11:41,790 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-03-26 20:11:41,851 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 15 plugin(s) providing 15 mixin implementations, 23 hook handlers 2020-03-26 20:11:41,868 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads... 2020-03-26 20:11:42,122 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - ... file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully. 2020-03-26 20:11:42,144 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded version cache from disk 2020-03-26 20:11:42,871 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-03-26 20:11:43,429 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 19.3.1 2020-03-26 20:11:43,430 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-03-26 20:11:43,431 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-03-26 20:11:43,434 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 15 plugin implementation(s) 2020-03-26 20:11:43,440 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 15 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | Force Login (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/forcelogin | Logging (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Pi Support Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | Printer Safety Check (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/printer_safety_check | Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer 2020-03-26 20:11:43,451 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 2.7.16 under Linux (linux2). Details: | hardware: | cores: 4 | freq: 1500.0 | ram: 1979641856 | os: | id: linux | platform: linux2 | plugins: | pi_support: | model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1 | octopi_version: 0.17.0 | python: | pip: 19.3.1 | version: 2.7.16 | virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint 2020-03-26 20:11:43,456 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/webassets... 2020-03-26 20:11:43,468 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache... 2020-03-26 20:11:43,891 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server... 2020-03-26 20:11:44,294 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down 2020-03-26 20:11:44,297 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event 2020-03-26 20:11:44,306 - octoprint.events - INFO - Adding 0 events to queue that were held back before startup event 2020-03-26 20:11:44,310 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue... 2020-03-26 20:11:44,315 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder... 2020-03-26 20:11:44,317 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 0 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue 2020-03-26 20:11:44,319 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done. 2020-03-26 20:11:44,339 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _http._tcp 2020-03-26 20:11:44,359 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _octoprint._tcp 2020-03-26 20:11:44,414 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on 2020-03-26 20:11:44,498 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - ERROR - Could not fetch plugins from repository at https://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins.json: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='plugins.octoprint.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /plugins.json (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution',)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager/__init__.py", line 823, in _fetch_repository_from_url r = requests.get(repository_url, timeout=30) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/api.py", line 75, in get return request('get', url, params=params, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/api.py", line 60, in request return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 533, in request resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 646, in send r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 516, in send raise ConnectionError(e, request=request) ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='plugins.octoprint.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /plugins.json (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution',)) 2020-03-26 20:11:44,549 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - ERROR - Could not fetch notices from https://plugins.octoprint.org/notices.json: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='plugins.octoprint.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /notices.json (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution',)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager/__init__.py", line 891, in _fetch_notices_from_url r = requests.get(notices_url, timeout=30) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/api.py", line 75, in get return request('get', url, params=params, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/api.py", line 60, in request return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 533, in request resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 646, in send r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 516, in send raise ConnectionError(e, request=request) ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='plugins.octoprint.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /notices.json (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution',)) 2020-03-26 20:11:45,059 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-03-26 20:11:45,060 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-03-26 20:11:45,061 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-03-26 20:11:45,149 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'query_string': 'l10n=de', 'path': '/', 'base_url': ''} 2020-03-26 20:11:50,288 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 5.14s 2020-03-26 20:17:45,416 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-03-26 20:17:45,517 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user dummy from ::ffff: 2020-03-26 20:17:46,162 - octoprint.server.api - ERROR - Error calling SimpleApiPlugin pluginmanager Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/server/api/__init__.py", line 68, in pluginData response = api_plugin.on_api_get(request) File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager/__init__.py", line 280, in on_api_get if refresh_repository or not self._is_repository_cache_valid(): File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager/__init__.py", line 797, in _is_repository_cache_valid return mtime + self._repository_cache_ttl >= time.time() > mtime TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int' 2020-03-26 20:17:46,167 - tornado.access - ERROR - 500 GET /api/plugin/pluginmanager (::ffff: 9.22ms 2020-03-26 20:17:50,015 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial port" 2020-03-26 20:17:50,092 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial port" to "Opening serial port" 2020-03-26 20:17:50,096 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Detecting baudrate" 2020-03-26 20:17:51,107 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-03-26 20:17:51,113 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting baudrate" to "Operational" 2020-03-26 20:17:51,119 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-03-26 20:17:51,156 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (GitHub)" 2020-03-26 20:17:51,164 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting 2020-03-26 20:17:55,207 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer seems to support the busy protocol, will adjust timeouts and set busy interval accordingly 2020-03-26 20:19:22,822 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Telling the printer to set the busy interval to our "communicationBusy" timeout - 1s = 14s 2020-03-26 20:21:20,019 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job selected - origin: local, path: Realacc_X210_30deg_HD_cam_angle.gcode, owner: dummy, user: dummy 2020-03-26 20:21:20,041 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Starting" 2020-03-26 20:21:20,050 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job started - origin: local, path: Realacc_X210_30deg_HD_cam_angle.gcode, owner: dummy, user: dummy 2020-03-26 20:21:20,062 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-03-26 20:21:20,114 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Printing" 2020-03-26 20:26:02,844 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:26:22,845 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:26:41,756 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3 2020-03-26 20:26:42,848 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:27:02,847 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:27:22,847 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:27:42,848 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:28:02,849 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:28:22,851 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:28:42,851 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:29:02,855 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:29:22,853 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:29:42,854 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:30:02,855 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:30:22,856 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:30:42,857 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:31:02,859 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:31:22,861 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:31:42,859 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:32:02,861 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:32:22,861 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:32:42,862 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:33:02,863 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:33:22,864 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:33:42,865 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:19:22,187 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-03-26 20:19:22,189 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.3.12 2020-03-26 20:19:22,190 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-03-26 20:19:22,682 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Unable to fetch plugin blacklist from https://plugins.octoprint.org/blacklist.json, proceeding without it. 2020-03-26 20:19:22,682 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Blacklist processing done 2020-03-26 20:19:22,748 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-03-26 20:19:23,970 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 15 plugin(s) providing 15 mixin implementations, 23 hook handlers 2020-03-26 20:19:24,096 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval 2020-03-26 20:19:24,131 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started 2020-03-26 20:19:24,131 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-03-26 20:19:24,193 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 15 plugin(s) providing 15 mixin implementations, 23 hook handlers 2020-03-26 20:19:24,209 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads... 2020-03-26 20:19:24,473 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - ... file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully. 2020-03-26 20:19:24,494 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded version cache from disk 2020-03-26 20:19:25,225 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-03-26 20:19:25,787 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 19.3.1 2020-03-26 20:19:25,788 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-03-26 20:19:25,788 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-03-26 20:19:25,792 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 15 plugin implementation(s) 2020-03-26 20:19:25,798 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 15 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | Force Login (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/forcelogin | Logging (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Pi Support Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | Printer Safety Check (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/printer_safety_check | Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer 2020-03-26 20:19:25,809 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 2.7.16 under Linux (linux2). Details: | hardware: | cores: 4 | freq: 1500.0 | ram: 1979641856 | os: | id: linux | platform: linux2 | plugins: | pi_support: | model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1 | octopi_version: 0.17.0 | python: | pip: 19.3.1 | version: 2.7.16 | virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint 2020-03-26 20:19:25,814 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/webassets... 2020-03-26 20:19:25,826 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache... 2020-03-26 20:19:26,261 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server... 2020-03-26 20:19:26,644 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down 2020-03-26 20:19:26,645 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event 2020-03-26 20:19:26,646 - octoprint.events - INFO - Adding 0 events to queue that were held back before startup event 2020-03-26 20:19:26,647 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue... 2020-03-26 20:19:26,650 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 0 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue 2020-03-26 20:19:26,650 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder... 2020-03-26 20:19:26,652 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done. 2020-03-26 20:19:26,660 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _http._tcp 2020-03-26 20:19:26,667 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _octoprint._tcp 2020-03-26 20:19:26,687 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on 2020-03-26 20:19:26,741 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - ERROR - Could not fetch plugins from repository at https://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins.json: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='plugins.octoprint.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /plugins.json (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution',)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager/__init__.py", line 823, in _fetch_repository_from_url r = requests.get(repository_url, timeout=30) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/api.py", line 75, in get return request('get', url, params=params, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/api.py", line 60, in request return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 533, in request resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 646, in send r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 516, in send raise ConnectionError(e, request=request) ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='plugins.octoprint.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /plugins.json (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution',)) 2020-03-26 20:19:26,790 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - ERROR - Could not fetch notices from https://plugins.octoprint.org/notices.json: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='plugins.octoprint.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /notices.json (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution',)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager/__init__.py", line 891, in _fetch_notices_from_url r = requests.get(notices_url, timeout=30) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/api.py", line 75, in get return request('get', url, params=params, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/api.py", line 60, in request return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 533, in request resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 646, in send r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 516, in send raise ConnectionError(e, request=request) ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='plugins.octoprint.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /notices.json (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution',)) 2020-03-26 20:19:27,334 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-03-26 20:19:27,335 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-03-26 20:19:27,336 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-03-26 20:19:27,435 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'query_string': 'l10n=de', 'path': '/', 'base_url': ''} 2020-03-26 20:19:32,771 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 5.34s 2020-03-26 20:35:10,732 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3 2020-03-26 20:36:09,149 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-03-26 20:36:09,256 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user dummy from ::ffff: 2020-03-26 20:36:09,941 - octoprint.server.api - ERROR - Error calling SimpleApiPlugin pluginmanager Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/server/api/__init__.py", line 68, in pluginData response = api_plugin.on_api_get(request) File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager/__init__.py", line 280, in on_api_get if refresh_repository or not self._is_repository_cache_valid(): File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager/__init__.py", line 797, in _is_repository_cache_valid return mtime + self._repository_cache_ttl >= time.time() > mtime TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int' 2020-03-26 20:36:09,945 - tornado.access - ERROR - 500 GET /api/plugin/pluginmanager (::ffff: 7.82ms 2020-03-26 20:36:23,973 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial port" 2020-03-26 20:36:24,046 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial port" to "Opening serial port" 2020-03-26 20:36:24,050 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Detecting baudrate" 2020-03-26 20:36:25,060 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-03-26 20:36:25,066 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting baudrate" to "Operational" 2020-03-26 20:36:25,073 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-03-26 20:36:25,110 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (GitHub)" 2020-03-26 20:36:25,119 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting 2020-03-26 20:36:29,167 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer seems to support the busy protocol, will adjust timeouts and set busy interval accordingly 2020-03-26 20:38:09,254 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Telling the printer to set the busy interval to our "communicationBusy" timeout - 1s = 14s 2020-03-26 20:41:55,732 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job selected - origin: local, path: Realacc_X210_30deg_HD_cam_angle.gcode, owner: dummy, user: dummy 2020-03-26 20:41:55,753 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Starting" 2020-03-26 20:41:55,761 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job started - origin: local, path: Realacc_X210_30deg_HD_cam_angle.gcode, owner: dummy, user: dummy 2020-03-26 20:41:55,771 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-03-26 20:41:55,798 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Printing" 2020-03-26 20:46:19,282 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:46:39,281 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. 2020-03-26 20:46:50,801 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff: