2020-11-12 16:16:48,021 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3 2020-11-12 16:16:48,044 - octoprint.server - INFO - --- Log roll over detected --------------------------------------------------- 2020-11-12 16:16:48,045 - octoprint.server - INFO - OctoPrint 1.4.2 2020-11-12 16:16:48,050 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 29 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Action Command Notification Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_notification | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | ArduCamFocus (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ArduCamFocus | Autoscroll (0.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_autoscroll | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Bed Visualizer (0.1.15) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_bedlevelvisualizer | Cancel Objects (0.4.4) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_cancelobject | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | File Check (2020.8.7) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_file_check | Firmware Check (2020.9.23) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_firmware_check | Fullscreen Plugin (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_fullscreen | GCode Viewer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/gcodeviewer | GcodeEditor (0.2.9) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_GcodeEditor | Logging (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Login UI (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/loginui | Navbar Temperature Plugin (0.14) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_navbartemp | Octolapse (0.4.0) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_octolapse | Pi Support Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | Simple Emergency Stop (1.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_simpleemergencystop | Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Themeify (1.2.2) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_themeify | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer | WebcamStreamer Plugin (0.1.1) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_webcamstreamer Prefix legend: ! = disabled, # = blacklisted, * = incompatible 2020-11-12 16:16:48,093 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 2.7.16 under Linux (linux2). Details: | hardware: | cores: 4 | freq: 1400.0 | ram: 917016576 | os: | id: linux | platform: linux2 | plugins: | pi_support: | model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3 | octopi_version: 0.17.0 | python: | pip: 19.3.1 | version: 2.7.16 | virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint 2020-11-12 16:16:48,093 - octoprint.server - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2020-11-12 16:16:49,045 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event pong, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', u'plugins': u'gcodeeditor:0.2.9,fullscreen:0.0.5,cancelobject:0.4.4,themeify:1.2.2,autoscroll:0.0.3,bedlevelvisualizer:0.1.15,simpleemergencystop:1.0.3,arducamfocus:0.0.5,navbartemp:0.14,webcamstreamer:0.1.1,octolapse:0.4.0', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 16:16:50,050 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 24} 2020-11-12 16:16:53,660 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 15.25s 2020-11-12 16:16:53,661 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'query_string': 'l10n=en', 'path': '/', 'base_url': ''} 2020-11-12 16:16:54,442 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 0.78s 2020-11-12 16:17:23,538 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:17:23,543 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 16:17:24,925 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:17:25,000 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:17:25,000 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 16:17:25,901 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - Checking stream status. 2020-11-12 16:17:25,916 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 16:17:25,917 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 16:17:27,215 - octoprint.plugins.announcements - INFO - Loaded channel _important from https://octoprint.org/feeds/important.xml in 0.89s 2020-11-12 16:17:28,388 - octoprint.plugins.announcements - INFO - Loaded channel _releases from https://octoprint.org/feeds/releases.xml in 0.9s 2020-11-12 16:17:29,383 - octoprint.plugins.announcements - INFO - Loaded channel _blog from https://octoprint.org/feeds/octoblog.xml in 0.9s 2020-11-12 16:17:30,617 - octoprint.plugins.announcements - INFO - Loaded channel _plugins from https://plugins.octoprint.org/feed.xml in 1.1s 2020-11-12 16:17:31,652 - octoprint.plugins.announcements - INFO - Loaded channel _octopi from https://octoprint.org/feeds/octopi.xml in 0.9s 2020-11-12 16:17:33,462 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from https://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins.json 2020-11-12 16:17:35,952 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin notices data from https://plugins.octoprint.org/notices.json 2020-11-12 16:17:38,265 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 16:17:38,336 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 16:17:38,441 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 16:17:38,544 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 16:17:38,782 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 16:17:49,582 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 16:17:49,583 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 16:17:50,957 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Saved version cache to disk 2020-11-12 16:17:51,390 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User subash logged in on the socket from client ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:18:28,266 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job selected - origin: local, path: retraction-cube-test-print-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 16:18:28,291 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Starting" 2020-11-12 16:18:28,306 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job started - origin: local, path: retraction-cube-test-print-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 16:18:29,333 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_started, payload: {'origin': u'local', 'file': 'c50dd26ebecb7d615b69e4bf4dd3eb20fc74f7df'} 2020-11-12 16:18:30,222 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Cancelling" 2020-11-12 16:18:30,245 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Cancelling" to "Printing" 2020-11-12 16:18:30,301 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job cancelled - origin: local, path: retraction-cube-test-print-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: None 2020-11-12 16:18:30,547 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Printing" to "Operational" 2020-11-12 16:18:31,334 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_cancelled, payload: {'origin': u'local', 'file': 'c50dd26ebecb7d615b69e4bf4dd3eb20fc74f7df', u'elapsed': 2} 2020-11-12 16:18:32,270 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_failed, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'reason': u'cancelled', 'file': 'c50dd26ebecb7d615b69e4bf4dd3eb20fc74f7df', u'elapsed': 2} 2020-11-12 16:21:22,340 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Starting" 2020-11-12 16:21:22,357 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job started - origin: local, path: retraction-cube-test-print-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 16:21:22,413 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 16:21:22,457 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Printing" 2020-11-12 16:21:23,332 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_started, payload: {'origin': u'local', 'file': 'c50dd26ebecb7d615b69e4bf4dd3eb20fc74f7df'} 2020-11-12 16:23:15,635 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer seems to support the busy protocol, will adjust timeouts and set busy interval accordingly 2020-11-12 16:23:24,120 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Telling the printer to set the busy interval to our "communicationBusy" timeout - 1s = 2s 2020-11-12 16:31:48,022 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3 2020-11-12 16:31:49,000 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 924} 2020-11-12 16:40:27,470 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Printing" to "Cancelling" 2020-11-12 16:40:27,501 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job cancelled - origin: local, path: retraction-cube-test-print-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 16:40:28,505 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_cancelled, payload: {'origin': u'local', 'file': 'c50dd26ebecb7d615b69e4bf4dd3eb20fc74f7df', u'elapsed': 1145} 2020-11-12 16:40:29,432 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_failed, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'reason': u'cancelled', 'file': 'c50dd26ebecb7d615b69e4bf4dd3eb20fc74f7df', u'elapsed': 1145} 2020-11-12 16:40:30,656 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Cancelling" to "Operational" 2020-11-12 16:33:57,419 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 16:33:57,421 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.4.2 2020-11-12 16:33:57,421 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 16:33:58,203 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity state is currently: offline 2020-11-12 16:33:58,204 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connecting to is not working 2020-11-12 16:33:58,205 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Resolving octoprint.org is not working 2020-11-12 16:33:58,213 - octoprint.startup - INFO - We don't appear to be online, not fetching plugin blacklist 2020-11-12 16:33:58,280 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-11-12 16:34:01,803 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 29 plugin(s) providing 29 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2020-11-12 16:34:01,935 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval 2020-11-12 16:34:01,981 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started 2020-11-12 16:34:01,982 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-11-12 16:34:02,121 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 29 plugin(s) providing 29 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2020-11-12 16:34:02,159 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads... 2020-11-12 16:34:02,667 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - ... file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully. 2020-11-12 16:34:02,671 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_SHOW (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_notification_show')") 2020-11-12 16:34:02,672 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_notification_clear')") 2020-11-12 16:34:02,673 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_prompt: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_PROMPT_INTERACT (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_prompt_interact')") 2020-11-12 16:34:02,674 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_READ (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_read')") 2020-11-12 16:34:02,676 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_manage'), Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_read')") 2020-11-12 16:34:02,677 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_ADMIN (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_appkeys_admin')") 2020-11-12 16:34:02,678 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin backup: PLUGIN_BACKUP_ACCESS (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_backup_access')") 2020-11-12 16:34:02,679 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin firmware_check: PLUGIN_FIRMWARE_CHECK_DISPLAY (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_firmware_check_display')") 2020-11-12 16:34:02,683 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin logging: PLUGIN_LOGGING_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_logging_manage')") 2020-11-12 16:34:02,684 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pi_support: PLUGIN_PI_SUPPORT_STATUS (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pi_support_check')") 2020-11-12 16:34:02,686 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2020-11-12 16:34:02,687 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_INSTALL (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_install'), Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2020-11-12 16:34:02,689 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CHECK (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_softwareupdate_check')") 2020-11-12 16:34:02,690 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_UPDATE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_softwareupdate_update')") 2020-11-12 16:34:02,730 - octoprint.plugins.cancelobject - INFO - No beforegcode defined 2020-11-12 16:34:02,732 - octoprint.plugins.cancelobject - INFO - No aftergcode defined 2020-11-12 16:34:02,932 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded version cache from disk 2020-11-12 16:34:04,113 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 16:34:05,248 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 19.3.1 2020-11-12 16:34:05,250 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 16:34:05,250 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 16:34:05,257 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 29 plugin implementation(s) 2020-11-12 16:34:05,278 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 29 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Action Command Notification Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_notification | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | ArduCamFocus (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ArduCamFocus | Autoscroll (0.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_autoscroll | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Bed Visualizer (0.1.15) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_bedlevelvisualizer | Cancel Objects (0.4.4) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_cancelobject | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | File Check (2020.8.7) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_file_check | Firmware Check (2020.9.23) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_firmware_check | Fullscreen Plugin (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_fullscreen | GCode Viewer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/gcodeviewer | GcodeEditor (0.2.9) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_GcodeEditor | Logging (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Login UI (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/loginui | Navbar Temperature Plugin (0.14) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_navbartemp | Octolapse (0.4.0) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_octolapse | Pi Support Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | Simple Emergency Stop (1.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_simpleemergencystop | Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Themeify (1.2.2) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_themeify | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer | WebcamStreamer Plugin (0.1.1) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_webcamstreamer Prefix legend: ! = disabled, # = blacklisted, * = incompatible 2020-11-12 16:34:05,297 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 2.7.16 under Linux (linux2). Details: | hardware: | cores: 4 | freq: 1400.0 | ram: 917016576 | os: | id: linux | platform: linux2 | plugins: | pi_support: | model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3 | octopi_version: 0.17.0 | python: | pip: 19.3.1 | version: 2.7.16 | virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint 2020-11-12 16:34:05,308 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/webassets... 2020-11-12 16:34:05,334 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache... 2020-11-12 16:34:07,032 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server... 2020-11-12 16:34:07,188 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down 2020-11-12 16:34:07,192 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event 2020-11-12 16:34:07,194 - octoprint.events - INFO - Adding 0 events to queue that were held back before startup event 2020-11-12 16:34:07,196 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue... 2020-11-12 16:34:07,197 - octoprint.server - INFO - Autoconnect on startup is configured, trying to connect to the printer... 2020-11-12 16:34:07,200 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 0 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue 2020-11-12 16:34:07,254 - octoprint.server - INFO - Trying to connect to configured serial port AUTO 2020-11-12 16:34:07,311 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection" 2020-11-12 16:34:07,318 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder... 2020-11-12 16:34:07,321 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done. 2020-11-12 16:34:07,336 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 1 port/baudrate candidates: /dev/ttyUSB0@115200 2020-11-12 16:34:07,337 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Trying port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 16:34:07,339 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 16:34:07,353 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Handshake attempt #1 with timeout 2.0s 2020-11-12 16:34:07,361 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 16:34:08,465 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Operational" 2020-11-12 16:34:08,489 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 16:34:10,064 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _http._tcp 2020-11-12 16:34:10,090 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _octoprint._tcp 2020-11-12 16:34:10,104 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered OctoPrint instance on octopi for SSDP 2020-11-12 16:34:10,204 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on 2020-11-12 16:34:10,368 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 16:34:11,544 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 16:34:11,555 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 16:34:11,658 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 16:34:12,124 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Minimum free storage across all update relevant locations is 25.8GB. That is considered sufficient for updating. 2020-11-12 16:34:12,261 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 16:34:13,161 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:34:13,163 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 16:34:13,208 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity changed from offline to online 2020-11-12 16:34:13,312 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 16:34:13,681 - octoprint.plugins.bedlevelvisualizer - INFO - OctoPrint-BedLevelVisualizer loaded! 2020-11-12 16:34:14,462 - octoprint.plugins.themeify - INFO - Themeify initialized. 2020-11-12 16:34:14,515 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - OctoPrint-WebcamStreamer loaded! | embed_url = rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2 | stream_url = | webcam_url = | docker_image = adilinden/rpi-ffmpeg:latest | docker_container = WebStreamer | frame_rate = 5 | ffmpeg_cmd = ffmpeg -re -f mjpeg -framerate 5 -i {webcam_url} -ar 44100 -ac 2 -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le -ac 2 -i /dev/zero -acodec aac -ab 128k -vcodec h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -framerate {frame_rate} -g {gop_size} -strict experimental -filter:v {filter} -f flv {stream_url} 2020-11-12 16:34:14,704 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 16:34:14,806 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 16:34:14,815 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 16:34:14,867 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 14} 2020-11-12 16:34:15,282 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5" 2020-11-12 16:34:15,290 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 16:34:15,299 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting 2020-11-12 16:34:15,483 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'query_string': 'l10n=en', 'path': '/', 'base_url': 'http://octopi.local/'} 2020-11-12 16:34:16,042 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event pong, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', u'plugins': u'gcodeeditor:0.2.9,fullscreen:0.0.5,cancelobject:0.4.4,themeify:1.2.2,autoscroll:0.0.3,bedlevelvisualizer:0.1.15,simpleemergencystop:1.0.3,arducamfocus:0.0.5,navbartemp:0.14,webcamstreamer:0.1.1,octolapse:0.4.0', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 16:34:17,112 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event startup, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 16:34:18,452 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event printer_connected, payload: {u'printer_baudrate': 115200, u'printer_port': 'AUTO', 'firmware_name': u'Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5'} 2020-11-12 16:34:39,470 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 23.98s 2020-11-12 16:34:40,378 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:34:40,460 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:34:40,462 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 16:34:41,219 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - Checking stream status. 2020-11-12 16:34:41,234 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 16:34:41,236 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 16:34:43,221 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User subash logged in on the socket from client ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:45:04,767 - octoprint.server.api.system - INFO - Performing command for core:reboot: sudo shutdown -r now 2020-11-12 16:45:05,130 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:45:05,412 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down... 2020-11-12 16:45:06,222 - octoprint.server - INFO - Calling on_shutdown on plugins 2020-11-12 16:45:06,223 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing shutdown event, this will be our last event 2020-11-12 16:45:06,225 - octoprint.events - INFO - Event loop shut down 2020-11-12 16:45:06,507 - octoprint.server - INFO - Goodbye! 2020-11-12 16:45:14,680 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 16:45:14,682 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.4.2 2020-11-12 16:45:14,683 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 16:45:15,496 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity state is currently: offline 2020-11-12 16:45:15,498 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connecting to is not working 2020-11-12 16:45:15,499 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Resolving octoprint.org is not working 2020-11-12 16:45:15,506 - octoprint.startup - INFO - We don't appear to be online, not fetching plugin blacklist 2020-11-12 16:45:15,571 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-11-12 16:45:18,997 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 29 plugin(s) providing 29 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2020-11-12 16:45:19,144 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval 2020-11-12 16:45:19,192 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started 2020-11-12 16:45:19,193 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-11-12 16:45:19,342 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 29 plugin(s) providing 29 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2020-11-12 16:45:19,383 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads... 2020-11-12 16:45:19,909 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - ... file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully. 2020-11-12 16:45:19,913 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_SHOW (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_notification_show')") 2020-11-12 16:45:19,914 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_notification_clear')") 2020-11-12 16:45:19,915 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_prompt: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_PROMPT_INTERACT (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_prompt_interact')") 2020-11-12 16:45:19,916 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_READ (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_read')") 2020-11-12 16:45:19,918 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_manage'), Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_read')") 2020-11-12 16:45:19,918 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_ADMIN (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_appkeys_admin')") 2020-11-12 16:45:19,919 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin backup: PLUGIN_BACKUP_ACCESS (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_backup_access')") 2020-11-12 16:45:19,920 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin firmware_check: PLUGIN_FIRMWARE_CHECK_DISPLAY (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_firmware_check_display')") 2020-11-12 16:45:19,920 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin logging: PLUGIN_LOGGING_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_logging_manage')") 2020-11-12 16:45:19,921 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pi_support: PLUGIN_PI_SUPPORT_STATUS (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pi_support_check')") 2020-11-12 16:45:19,922 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2020-11-12 16:45:19,923 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_INSTALL (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_install'), Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2020-11-12 16:45:19,924 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CHECK (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_softwareupdate_check')") 2020-11-12 16:45:19,925 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_UPDATE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_softwareupdate_update')") 2020-11-12 16:45:19,974 - octoprint.plugins.cancelobject - INFO - No beforegcode defined 2020-11-12 16:45:19,975 - octoprint.plugins.cancelobject - INFO - No aftergcode defined 2020-11-12 16:45:20,191 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded version cache from disk 2020-11-12 16:45:21,445 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 16:45:22,548 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 19.3.1 2020-11-12 16:45:22,549 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 16:45:22,550 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 16:45:22,557 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 29 plugin implementation(s) 2020-11-12 16:45:22,579 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 29 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Action Command Notification Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_notification | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | ArduCamFocus (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ArduCamFocus | Autoscroll (0.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_autoscroll | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Bed Visualizer (0.1.15) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_bedlevelvisualizer | Cancel Objects (0.4.4) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_cancelobject | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | File Check (2020.8.7) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_file_check | Firmware Check (2020.9.23) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_firmware_check | Fullscreen Plugin (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_fullscreen | GCode Viewer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/gcodeviewer | GcodeEditor (0.2.9) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_GcodeEditor | Logging (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Login UI (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/loginui | Navbar Temperature Plugin (0.14) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_navbartemp | Octolapse (0.4.0) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_octolapse | Pi Support Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | Simple Emergency Stop (1.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_simpleemergencystop | Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Themeify (1.2.2) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_themeify | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer | WebcamStreamer Plugin (0.1.1) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_webcamstreamer Prefix legend: ! = disabled, # = blacklisted, * = incompatible 2020-11-12 16:45:22,598 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 2.7.16 under Linux (linux2). Details: | hardware: | cores: 4 | freq: 1400.0 | ram: 917016576 | os: | id: linux | platform: linux2 | plugins: | pi_support: | model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3 | octopi_version: 0.17.0 | python: | pip: 19.3.1 | version: 2.7.16 | virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint 2020-11-12 16:45:22,613 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/webassets... 2020-11-12 16:45:22,642 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache... 2020-11-12 16:45:24,320 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server... 2020-11-12 16:45:24,731 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down 2020-11-12 16:45:24,737 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event 2020-11-12 16:45:24,743 - octoprint.events - INFO - Adding 0 events to queue that were held back before startup event 2020-11-12 16:45:24,747 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue... 2020-11-12 16:45:24,749 - octoprint.server - INFO - Autoconnect on startup is configured, trying to connect to the printer... 2020-11-12 16:45:24,755 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 0 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue 2020-11-12 16:45:24,833 - octoprint.server - INFO - Trying to connect to configured serial port AUTO 2020-11-12 16:45:24,889 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection" 2020-11-12 16:45:24,897 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder... 2020-11-12 16:45:24,901 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done. 2020-11-12 16:45:24,916 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 1 port/baudrate candidates: /dev/ttyUSB0@115200 2020-11-12 16:45:24,919 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Trying port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 16:45:24,923 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 16:45:24,933 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Handshake attempt #1 with timeout 2.0s 2020-11-12 16:45:24,941 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 16:45:26,038 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Operational" 2020-11-12 16:45:26,047 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 16:45:27,637 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _http._tcp 2020-11-12 16:45:27,649 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _octoprint._tcp 2020-11-12 16:45:27,660 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered OctoPrint instance on octopi for SSDP 2020-11-12 16:45:27,713 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on 2020-11-12 16:45:27,859 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 16:45:28,367 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:45:28,985 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 16:45:28,987 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 16:45:28,991 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:45:29,001 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 16:45:29,171 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 16:45:29,194 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Minimum free storage across all update relevant locations is 25.8GB. That is considered sufficient for updating. 2020-11-12 16:45:29,354 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User subash logged in on the socket from client ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:45:29,757 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity changed from offline to online 2020-11-12 16:45:29,963 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 16:45:30,044 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 16:45:31,134 - octoprint.plugins.bedlevelvisualizer - INFO - OctoPrint-BedLevelVisualizer loaded! 2020-11-12 16:45:31,352 - octoprint.plugins.themeify - INFO - Themeify initialized. 2020-11-12 16:45:31,362 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - OctoPrint-WebcamStreamer loaded! | embed_url = rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2 | stream_url = | webcam_url = | docker_image = adilinden/rpi-ffmpeg:latest | docker_container = WebStreamer | frame_rate = 5 | ffmpeg_cmd = ffmpeg -re -f mjpeg -framerate 5 -i {webcam_url} -ar 44100 -ac 2 -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le -ac 2 -i /dev/zero -acodec aac -ab 128k -vcodec h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -framerate {frame_rate} -g {gop_size} -strict experimental -filter:v {filter} -f flv {stream_url} 2020-11-12 16:45:31,481 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 16:45:31,731 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 16:45:31,740 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 16:45:32,083 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 16:45:32,345 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'query_string': 'l10n=en', 'path': '/', 'base_url': 'http://octopi.local/'} 2020-11-12 16:45:32,404 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 14} 2020-11-12 16:45:32,750 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5" 2020-11-12 16:45:32,766 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting 2020-11-12 16:45:33,375 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event startup, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 16:45:34,312 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event pong, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', u'plugins': u'gcodeeditor:0.2.9,fullscreen:0.0.5,cancelobject:0.4.4,themeify:1.2.2,autoscroll:0.0.3,bedlevelvisualizer:0.1.15,simpleemergencystop:1.0.3,arducamfocus:0.0.5,navbartemp:0.14,webcamstreamer:0.1.1,octolapse:0.4.0', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 16:45:35,335 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event printer_connected, payload: {u'printer_baudrate': 115200, u'printer_port': 'AUTO', 'firmware_name': u'Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5'} 2020-11-12 16:45:56,091 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 15.42s 2020-11-12 16:47:44,838 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:47:44,841 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 16:47:45,064 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:47:45,586 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:47:45,712 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:47:45,714 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 16:47:46,468 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - Checking stream status. 2020-11-12 16:47:46,485 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 16:47:46,486 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 16:47:47,626 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User subash logged in on the socket from client ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:49:37,695 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 16:49:37,698 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.4.2 2020-11-12 16:49:37,698 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 16:49:38,511 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity state is currently: offline 2020-11-12 16:49:38,512 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connecting to is not working 2020-11-12 16:49:38,513 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Resolving octoprint.org is not working 2020-11-12 16:49:38,520 - octoprint.startup - INFO - We don't appear to be online, not fetching plugin blacklist 2020-11-12 16:49:38,584 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-11-12 16:49:42,074 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 29 plugin(s) providing 29 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2020-11-12 16:49:42,215 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval 2020-11-12 16:49:42,262 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started 2020-11-12 16:49:42,262 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-11-12 16:49:42,410 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 29 plugin(s) providing 29 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2020-11-12 16:49:42,450 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads... 2020-11-12 16:49:42,981 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - ... file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully. 2020-11-12 16:49:42,985 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_SHOW (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_notification_show')") 2020-11-12 16:49:42,986 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_notification_clear')") 2020-11-12 16:49:42,988 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_prompt: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_PROMPT_INTERACT (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_prompt_interact')") 2020-11-12 16:49:42,989 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_READ (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_read')") 2020-11-12 16:49:42,991 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_manage'), Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_read')") 2020-11-12 16:49:42,992 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_ADMIN (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_appkeys_admin')") 2020-11-12 16:49:42,994 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin backup: PLUGIN_BACKUP_ACCESS (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_backup_access')") 2020-11-12 16:49:42,995 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin firmware_check: PLUGIN_FIRMWARE_CHECK_DISPLAY (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_firmware_check_display')") 2020-11-12 16:49:42,996 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin logging: PLUGIN_LOGGING_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_logging_manage')") 2020-11-12 16:49:42,997 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pi_support: PLUGIN_PI_SUPPORT_STATUS (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pi_support_check')") 2020-11-12 16:49:42,999 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2020-11-12 16:49:42,999 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_INSTALL (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_install'), Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2020-11-12 16:49:43,002 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CHECK (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_softwareupdate_check')") 2020-11-12 16:49:43,003 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_UPDATE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_softwareupdate_update')") 2020-11-12 16:49:43,047 - octoprint.plugins.cancelobject - INFO - No beforegcode defined 2020-11-12 16:49:43,048 - octoprint.plugins.cancelobject - INFO - No aftergcode defined 2020-11-12 16:49:43,266 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded version cache from disk 2020-11-12 16:49:44,461 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 16:49:45,524 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 19.3.1 2020-11-12 16:49:45,527 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 16:49:45,527 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 16:49:45,533 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 29 plugin implementation(s) 2020-11-12 16:49:45,572 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 29 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Action Command Notification Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_notification | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | ArduCamFocus (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ArduCamFocus | Autoscroll (0.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_autoscroll | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Bed Visualizer (0.1.15) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_bedlevelvisualizer | Cancel Objects (0.4.4) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_cancelobject | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | File Check (2020.8.7) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_file_check | Firmware Check (2020.9.23) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_firmware_check | Fullscreen Plugin (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_fullscreen | GCode Viewer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/gcodeviewer | GcodeEditor (0.2.9) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_GcodeEditor | Logging (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Login UI (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/loginui | Navbar Temperature Plugin (0.14) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_navbartemp | Octolapse (0.4.0) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_octolapse | Pi Support Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | Simple Emergency Stop (1.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_simpleemergencystop | Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Themeify (1.2.2) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_themeify | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer | WebcamStreamer Plugin (0.1.1) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_webcamstreamer Prefix legend: ! = disabled, # = blacklisted, * = incompatible 2020-11-12 16:49:45,590 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 2.7.16 under Linux (linux2). Details: | hardware: | cores: 4 | freq: 1400.0 | ram: 917016576 | os: | id: linux | platform: linux2 | plugins: | pi_support: | model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3 | octopi_version: 0.17.0 | python: | pip: 19.3.1 | version: 2.7.16 | virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint 2020-11-12 16:49:45,601 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/webassets... 2020-11-12 16:49:45,627 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache... 2020-11-12 16:49:47,401 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server... 2020-11-12 16:49:47,903 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down 2020-11-12 16:49:47,909 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event 2020-11-12 16:49:47,915 - octoprint.events - INFO - Adding 0 events to queue that were held back before startup event 2020-11-12 16:49:47,918 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue... 2020-11-12 16:49:47,925 - octoprint.server - INFO - Autoconnect on startup is configured, trying to connect to the printer... 2020-11-12 16:49:47,926 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 0 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue 2020-11-12 16:49:48,040 - octoprint.server - INFO - Trying to connect to configured serial port AUTO 2020-11-12 16:49:48,097 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection" 2020-11-12 16:49:48,107 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder... 2020-11-12 16:49:48,109 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done. 2020-11-12 16:49:48,123 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 1 port/baudrate candidates: /dev/ttyUSB0@115200 2020-11-12 16:49:48,125 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Trying port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 16:49:48,129 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 16:49:48,141 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Handshake attempt #1 with timeout 2.0s 2020-11-12 16:49:48,149 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 16:49:49,251 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Operational" 2020-11-12 16:49:49,274 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 16:49:50,874 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _http._tcp 2020-11-12 16:49:50,886 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _octoprint._tcp 2020-11-12 16:49:50,897 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered OctoPrint instance on octopi for SSDP 2020-11-12 16:49:51,005 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on 2020-11-12 16:49:51,096 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 16:49:52,258 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 16:49:52,259 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 16:49:52,266 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 16:49:52,295 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Minimum free storage across all update relevant locations is 25.8GB. That is considered sufficient for updating. 2020-11-12 16:49:52,671 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity changed from offline to online 2020-11-12 16:49:52,911 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 16:49:53,354 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 16:49:53,995 - octoprint.plugins.bedlevelvisualizer - INFO - OctoPrint-BedLevelVisualizer loaded! 2020-11-12 16:49:54,200 - octoprint.plugins.themeify - INFO - Themeify initialized. 2020-11-12 16:49:54,228 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - OctoPrint-WebcamStreamer loaded! | embed_url = rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2 | stream_url = | webcam_url = | docker_image = adilinden/rpi-ffmpeg:latest | docker_container = WebStreamer | frame_rate = 5 | ffmpeg_cmd = ffmpeg -re -f mjpeg -framerate 5 -i {webcam_url} -ar 44100 -ac 2 -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le -ac 2 -i /dev/zero -acodec aac -ab 128k -vcodec h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -framerate {frame_rate} -g {gop_size} -strict experimental -filter:v {filter} -f flv {stream_url} 2020-11-12 16:49:54,329 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 16:49:54,440 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 16:49:54,475 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 16:49:55,271 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 14} 2020-11-12 16:49:55,283 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 16:49:55,298 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'query_string': 'l10n=en', 'path': '/', 'base_url': 'http://octopi.local/'} 2020-11-12 16:49:55,952 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5" 2020-11-12 16:49:55,968 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting 2020-11-12 16:49:56,187 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event pong, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', u'plugins': u'gcodeeditor:0.2.9,fullscreen:0.0.5,cancelobject:0.4.4,themeify:1.2.2,autoscroll:0.0.3,bedlevelvisualizer:0.1.15,simpleemergencystop:1.0.3,arducamfocus:0.0.5,navbartemp:0.14,webcamstreamer:0.1.1,octolapse:0.4.0', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 16:49:57,181 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event startup, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 16:49:58,329 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event printer_connected, payload: {u'printer_baudrate': 115200, u'printer_port': 'AUTO', 'firmware_name': u'Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5'} 2020-11-12 16:59:29,221 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:59:29,260 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 16:59:35,140 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 16.57s 2020-11-12 16:59:36,827 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:59:36,908 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:59:36,910 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 16:59:37,217 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:59:37,258 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:59:37,260 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 16:59:37,292 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User subash logged in on the socket from client ::ffff: 2020-11-12 16:59:37,895 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - Checking stream status. 2020-11-12 16:59:37,902 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 16:59:37,903 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 16:59:39,834 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User subash logged in on the socket from client ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:04:42,219 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3 2020-11-12 17:04:54,511 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:04:54,967 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 351} 2020-11-12 17:05:06,434 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:05:06,439 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 17:05:06,646 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:05:09,153 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:05:09,216 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:05:09,219 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 17:05:11,613 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - Checking stream status. 2020-11-12 17:05:11,628 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 17:05:11,630 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 17:05:12,908 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User subash logged in on the socket from client ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:19:42,221 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3 2020-11-12 17:19:55,916 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 1251} 2020-11-12 17:28:16,750 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Starting analysis of local:pen-stand-1.gcode 2020-11-12 17:28:16,756 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Invoking analysis command: /home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m octoprint analysis gcode --speed-x=6000 --speed-y=6000 --max-t=10 --throttle=0.0 --throttle-lines=100 /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads/pen-stand-1.gcode 2020-11-12 17:28:19,176 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job selected - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 17:28:19,231 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Starting" 2020-11-12 17:28:19,246 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job started - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 17:28:19,265 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 17:28:19,307 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Printing" 2020-11-12 17:28:21,522 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_started, payload: {'origin': u'local', 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65'} 2020-11-12 17:28:57,617 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Printing" to "Cancelling" 2020-11-12 17:28:57,631 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Starting analysis of local:pen-stand-1.gcode 2020-11-12 17:28:57,638 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Invoking analysis command: /home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m octoprint analysis gcode --speed-x=6000 --speed-y=6000 --max-t=10 --throttle=0.0 --throttle-lines=100 /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads/pen-stand-1.gcode 2020-11-12 17:28:57,672 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job cancelled - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 17:28:58,643 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_cancelled, payload: {'origin': u'local', 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'elapsed': 38} 2020-11-12 17:28:59,538 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_failed, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'reason': u'cancelled', 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'elapsed': 38} 2020-11-12 17:29:25,385 - octoprint.server.api.system - INFO - Performing command for core:reboot: sudo shutdown -r now 2020-11-12 17:29:25,776 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:29:26,067 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down... 2020-11-12 17:29:26,469 - octoprint.server - INFO - Calling on_shutdown on plugins 2020-11-12 17:29:26,469 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing shutdown event, this will be our last event 2020-11-12 17:29:26,474 - octoprint.events - INFO - Event loop shut down 2020-11-12 17:29:29,297 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Analysis of entry local:pen-stand-1.gcode finished, needed 31.67s 2020-11-12 17:29:31,582 - octoprint.server - INFO - Goodbye! 2020-11-12 17:29:39,728 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 17:29:39,730 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.4.2 2020-11-12 17:29:39,731 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 17:29:40,510 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity state is currently: offline 2020-11-12 17:29:40,510 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connecting to is not working 2020-11-12 17:29:40,511 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Resolving octoprint.org is not working 2020-11-12 17:29:40,519 - octoprint.startup - INFO - We don't appear to be online, not fetching plugin blacklist 2020-11-12 17:29:40,581 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-11-12 17:29:44,009 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 29 plugin(s) providing 29 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2020-11-12 17:29:44,150 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval 2020-11-12 17:29:44,194 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started 2020-11-12 17:29:44,196 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-11-12 17:29:44,336 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 29 plugin(s) providing 29 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2020-11-12 17:29:44,374 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads... 2020-11-12 17:29:44,900 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - ... file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully. 2020-11-12 17:29:44,904 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_SHOW (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_notification_show')") 2020-11-12 17:29:44,905 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_notification_clear')") 2020-11-12 17:29:44,905 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_prompt: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_PROMPT_INTERACT (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_prompt_interact')") 2020-11-12 17:29:44,906 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_READ (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_read')") 2020-11-12 17:29:44,907 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_manage'), Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_read')") 2020-11-12 17:29:44,907 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_ADMIN (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_appkeys_admin')") 2020-11-12 17:29:44,908 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin backup: PLUGIN_BACKUP_ACCESS (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_backup_access')") 2020-11-12 17:29:44,909 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin firmware_check: PLUGIN_FIRMWARE_CHECK_DISPLAY (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_firmware_check_display')") 2020-11-12 17:29:44,909 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin logging: PLUGIN_LOGGING_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_logging_manage')") 2020-11-12 17:29:44,910 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pi_support: PLUGIN_PI_SUPPORT_STATUS (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pi_support_check')") 2020-11-12 17:29:44,911 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2020-11-12 17:29:44,912 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_INSTALL (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_install'), Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2020-11-12 17:29:44,913 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CHECK (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_softwareupdate_check')") 2020-11-12 17:29:44,917 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_UPDATE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_softwareupdate_update')") 2020-11-12 17:29:44,959 - octoprint.plugins.cancelobject - INFO - No beforegcode defined 2020-11-12 17:29:44,960 - octoprint.plugins.cancelobject - INFO - No aftergcode defined 2020-11-12 17:29:45,175 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded version cache from disk 2020-11-12 17:29:46,629 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 17:29:47,686 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 19.3.1 2020-11-12 17:29:47,687 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 17:29:47,688 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 17:29:47,694 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 29 plugin implementation(s) 2020-11-12 17:29:47,715 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 29 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Action Command Notification Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_notification | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | ArduCamFocus (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ArduCamFocus | Autoscroll (0.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_autoscroll | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Bed Visualizer (0.1.15) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_bedlevelvisualizer | Cancel Objects (0.4.4) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_cancelobject | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | File Check (2020.8.7) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_file_check | Firmware Check (2020.9.23) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_firmware_check | Fullscreen Plugin (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_fullscreen | GCode Viewer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/gcodeviewer | GcodeEditor (0.2.9) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_GcodeEditor | Logging (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Login UI (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/loginui | Navbar Temperature Plugin (0.14) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_navbartemp | Octolapse (0.4.0) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_octolapse | Pi Support Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | Simple Emergency Stop (1.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_simpleemergencystop | Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Themeify (1.2.2) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_themeify | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer | WebcamStreamer Plugin (0.1.1) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_webcamstreamer Prefix legend: ! = disabled, # = blacklisted, * = incompatible 2020-11-12 17:29:47,733 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 2.7.16 under Linux (linux2). Details: | hardware: | cores: 4 | freq: 1400.0 | ram: 917016576 | os: | id: linux | platform: linux2 | plugins: | pi_support: | model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3 | octopi_version: 0.17.0 | python: | pip: 19.3.1 | version: 2.7.16 | virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint 2020-11-12 17:29:47,748 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/webassets... 2020-11-12 17:29:47,776 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache... 2020-11-12 17:29:49,458 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server... 2020-11-12 17:29:49,724 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down 2020-11-12 17:29:49,727 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event 2020-11-12 17:29:49,728 - octoprint.events - INFO - Adding 0 events to queue that were held back before startup event 2020-11-12 17:29:49,731 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue... 2020-11-12 17:29:49,732 - octoprint.server - INFO - Autoconnect on startup is configured, trying to connect to the printer... 2020-11-12 17:29:49,736 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 0 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue 2020-11-12 17:29:49,790 - octoprint.server - INFO - Trying to connect to configured serial port AUTO 2020-11-12 17:29:49,845 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection" 2020-11-12 17:29:49,855 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder... 2020-11-12 17:29:49,856 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done. 2020-11-12 17:29:49,873 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 1 port/baudrate candidates: /dev/ttyUSB0@115200 2020-11-12 17:29:49,873 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Trying port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 17:29:49,875 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 17:29:49,889 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Handshake attempt #1 with timeout 2.0s 2020-11-12 17:29:49,894 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 17:29:50,996 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Operational" 2020-11-12 17:29:51,006 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 17:29:52,758 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _http._tcp 2020-11-12 17:29:52,786 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _octoprint._tcp 2020-11-12 17:29:52,797 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered OctoPrint instance on octopi for SSDP 2020-11-12 17:29:52,884 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on 2020-11-12 17:29:53,024 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 17:29:53,208 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:29:53,780 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:29:53,888 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 17:29:54,088 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 17:29:54,089 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 17:29:54,100 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 17:29:54,144 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Minimum free storage across all update relevant locations is 25.8GB. That is considered sufficient for updating. 2020-11-12 17:29:54,292 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User subash logged in on the socket from client ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:29:55,146 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 17:29:55,348 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity changed from offline to online 2020-11-12 17:29:55,540 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 17:29:56,662 - octoprint.plugins.bedlevelvisualizer - INFO - OctoPrint-BedLevelVisualizer loaded! 2020-11-12 17:29:57,117 - octoprint.plugins.themeify - INFO - Themeify initialized. 2020-11-12 17:29:57,122 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - OctoPrint-WebcamStreamer loaded! | embed_url = rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2 | stream_url = | webcam_url = | docker_image = adilinden/rpi-ffmpeg:latest | docker_container = WebStreamer | frame_rate = 5 | ffmpeg_cmd = ffmpeg -re -f mjpeg -framerate 5 -i {webcam_url} -ar 44100 -ac 2 -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le -ac 2 -i /dev/zero -acodec aac -ab 128k -vcodec h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -framerate {frame_rate} -g {gop_size} -strict experimental -filter:v {filter} -f flv {stream_url} 2020-11-12 17:29:57,344 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 17:29:57,462 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 17:29:57,510 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 17:29:57,519 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 17:29:57,825 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5" 2020-11-12 17:29:57,910 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting 2020-11-12 17:29:58,032 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'query_string': 'l10n=en', 'path': '/', 'base_url': 'http://octopi.local/'} 2020-11-12 17:29:58,127 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event startup, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 17:29:59,053 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 14} 2020-11-12 17:30:00,058 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event pong, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', u'plugins': u'gcodeeditor:0.2.9,fullscreen:0.0.5,cancelobject:0.4.4,themeify:1.2.2,autoscroll:0.0.3,bedlevelvisualizer:0.1.15,simpleemergencystop:1.0.3,arducamfocus:0.0.5,navbartemp:0.14,webcamstreamer:0.1.1,octolapse:0.4.0', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 17:30:01,278 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event printer_connected, payload: {u'printer_baudrate': 115200, u'printer_port': 'AUTO', 'firmware_name': u'Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5'} 2020-11-12 17:30:12,954 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 14.92s 2020-11-12 17:30:49,228 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:30:49,233 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 17:30:49,915 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:30:50,786 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:30:50,881 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:30:50,882 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 17:30:51,664 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - Checking stream status. 2020-11-12 17:30:51,681 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 17:30:51,685 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 17:30:52,967 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User subash logged in on the socket from client ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:34:52,703 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job selected - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 17:34:52,774 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Starting" 2020-11-12 17:34:52,805 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job started - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 17:34:55,388 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_started, payload: {'origin': u'local', 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65'} 2020-11-12 17:35:02,413 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 17:35:02,438 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Printing" 2020-11-12 17:37:32,043 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Printing" to "Cancelling" 2020-11-12 17:37:32,083 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job cancelled - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 17:37:33,111 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_cancelled, payload: {'origin': u'local', 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'elapsed': 159} 2020-11-12 17:37:34,038 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_failed, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'reason': u'cancelled', 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'elapsed': 159} 2020-11-12 17:38:02,618 - octoprint.util.comm - WARNING - Received an error from the printer's firmware: Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called! | Last lines in terminal: | Recv: T:28.55 /0.00 B:28.28 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.55 /0.00 B:28.03 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.18 /0.00 B:28.34 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.58 /0.00 B:28.19 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.32 /0.00 B:28.03 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.49 /0.00 B:28.12 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.27 /0.00 B:28.12 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.69 /0.00 B:28.00 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.75 /0.00 B:28.12 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.72 /0.00 B:28.00 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.52 /0.00 B:28.06 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.52 /0.00 B:28.25 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.52 /0.00 B:28.00 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.47 /0.00 B:28.16 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.55 /0.00 B:28.03 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.55 /0.00 B:27.97 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.38 /0.00 B:28.34 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.18 /0.00 B:28.31 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: Error:Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed | Recv: Error:Printer halted. kill() called! 2020-11-12 17:38:02,622 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Cancelling" to "Error: Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!" 2020-11-12 17:38:02,628 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Force-sending M112 to the printer 2020-11-12 17:38:02,685 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Error: Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!" to "Offline (Error: Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!)" 2020-11-12 17:38:02,732 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Notifications cleared 2020-11-12 17:38:03,662 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event commerror_firmware, payload: {'commerror_text': u'Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!'} 2020-11-12 17:39:40,200 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Opening serial connection" 2020-11-12 17:39:40,218 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 17:39:40,243 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial connection" to "Connecting" 2020-11-12 17:39:40,251 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 17:39:40,255 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 17:39:41,319 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 17:39:47,996 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Operational" 2020-11-12 17:39:48,006 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 17:39:48,132 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5" 2020-11-12 17:39:48,198 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting 2020-11-12 17:39:49,077 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event printer_connected, payload: {u'printer_baudrate': 115200, u'printer_port': u'/dev/ttyUSB0', 'firmware_name': u'Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5'} 2020-11-12 17:39:52,971 - octoprint.plugins.pi_support - WARNING - This Raspberry Pi is reporting problems that might lead to bad performance or errors caused by overheating or insufficient power. !!! UNDERVOLTAGE REPORTED !!! Make sure that the power supply and power cable are capable of supplying enough voltage and current to your Pi. 2020-11-12 17:39:53,906 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event system_unthrottled, payload: {'throttled_mask': 851968, 'throttled_voltage_now': False, 'throttled_voltage_past': True, 'throttled_overheat_now': False, 'throttled_now': False, 'throttled_past': True, 'throttled_overheat_past': False} 2020-11-12 17:42:35,767 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job selected - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 17:42:35,865 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Starting" 2020-11-12 17:42:35,897 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job started - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 17:42:39,610 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_started, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_mask': 851968, 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'throttled_past': True} 2020-11-12 17:42:43,174 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 17:42:43,189 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Printing" 2020-11-12 17:43:33,065 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Printing" to "Cancelling" 2020-11-12 17:43:33,099 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job cancelled - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 17:43:34,098 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_cancelled, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'throttled_mask': 851968, u'elapsed': 57, 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_past': True} 2020-11-12 17:43:35,023 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_failed, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'throttled_mask': 851968, u'elapsed': 57, u'reason': u'cancelled', 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_past': True} 2020-11-12 17:44:44,153 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3 2020-11-12 17:44:57,769 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 906} 2020-11-12 17:45:19,914 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/files/local (::ffff: 872.66ms 2020-11-12 17:45:32,211 - octoprint.server.api.system - INFO - Performing command for core:restart: sudo service octoprint restart 2020-11-12 17:45:32,561 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down... 2020-11-12 17:45:33,217 - octoprint.server - INFO - Calling on_shutdown on plugins 2020-11-12 17:45:33,217 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing shutdown event, this will be our last event 2020-11-12 17:45:33,233 - octoprint.events - INFO - Event loop shut down 2020-11-12 17:45:34,201 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event shutdown, payload: {} 2020-11-12 17:45:34,241 - octoprint.server - INFO - Goodbye! 2020-11-12 17:45:36,220 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 17:45:36,222 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.4.2 2020-11-12 17:45:36,222 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 17:45:36,797 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity changed from offline to online 2020-11-12 17:45:36,840 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity state is currently: online 2020-11-12 17:45:36,841 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connecting to is working 2020-11-12 17:45:36,841 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Resolving octoprint.org is working 2020-11-12 17:45:38,922 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Blacklist processing done, adding 10 blacklisted plugin versions: roomtemp (any), GcodeEditor (0.1.1), GcodeEditor (0.2.0), GcodeEditor (0.2.1), GcodeEditor (0.2.2), GcodeEditor (0.2.3), GcodeEditor (0.2.4), GcodeEditor (0.2.5), GcodeEditor (0.2.6), GcodeEditor (0.2.8) 2020-11-12 17:45:38,955 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-11-12 17:45:40,995 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 29 plugin(s) providing 29 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2020-11-12 17:45:41,119 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval 2020-11-12 17:45:41,144 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started 2020-11-12 17:45:41,145 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-11-12 17:45:41,287 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 29 plugin(s) providing 29 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2020-11-12 17:45:41,323 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads... 2020-11-12 17:45:41,853 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - ... file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully. 2020-11-12 17:45:41,857 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_SHOW (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_notification_show')") 2020-11-12 17:45:41,859 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_notification_clear')") 2020-11-12 17:45:41,860 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_prompt: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_PROMPT_INTERACT (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_prompt_interact')") 2020-11-12 17:45:41,862 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_READ (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_read')") 2020-11-12 17:45:41,863 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_manage'), Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_read')") 2020-11-12 17:45:41,865 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_ADMIN (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_appkeys_admin')") 2020-11-12 17:45:41,867 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin backup: PLUGIN_BACKUP_ACCESS (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_backup_access')") 2020-11-12 17:45:41,868 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin firmware_check: PLUGIN_FIRMWARE_CHECK_DISPLAY (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_firmware_check_display')") 2020-11-12 17:45:41,870 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin logging: PLUGIN_LOGGING_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_logging_manage')") 2020-11-12 17:45:41,872 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pi_support: PLUGIN_PI_SUPPORT_STATUS (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pi_support_check')") 2020-11-12 17:45:41,873 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2020-11-12 17:45:41,875 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_INSTALL (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_install'), Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2020-11-12 17:45:41,877 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CHECK (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_softwareupdate_check')") 2020-11-12 17:45:41,878 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_UPDATE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_softwareupdate_update')") 2020-11-12 17:45:41,917 - octoprint.plugins.cancelobject - INFO - No beforegcode defined 2020-11-12 17:45:41,919 - octoprint.plugins.cancelobject - INFO - No aftergcode defined 2020-11-12 17:45:42,180 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded version cache from disk 2020-11-12 17:45:43,197 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 17:45:44,199 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 19.3.1 2020-11-12 17:45:44,201 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 17:45:44,202 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 17:45:44,209 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 29 plugin implementation(s) 2020-11-12 17:45:44,230 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 29 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Action Command Notification Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_notification | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | ArduCamFocus (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ArduCamFocus | Autoscroll (0.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_autoscroll | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Bed Visualizer (0.1.15) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_bedlevelvisualizer | Cancel Objects (0.4.4) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_cancelobject | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | File Check (2020.8.7) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_file_check | Firmware Check (2020.9.23) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_firmware_check | Fullscreen Plugin (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_fullscreen | GCode Viewer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/gcodeviewer | GcodeEditor (0.2.9) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_GcodeEditor | Logging (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Login UI (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/loginui | Navbar Temperature Plugin (0.14) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_navbartemp | Octolapse (0.4.0) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_octolapse | Pi Support Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | Simple Emergency Stop (1.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_simpleemergencystop | Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Themeify (1.2.2) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_themeify | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer | WebcamStreamer Plugin (0.1.1) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_webcamstreamer Prefix legend: ! = disabled, # = blacklisted, * = incompatible 2020-11-12 17:45:44,245 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 2.7.16 under Linux (linux2). Details: | hardware: | cores: 4 | freq: 1400.0 | ram: 917016576 | os: | id: linux | platform: linux2 | plugins: | pi_support: | model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3 | octopi_version: 0.17.0 | python: | pip: 19.3.1 | version: 2.7.16 | virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint 2020-11-12 17:45:44,261 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/webassets... 2020-11-12 17:45:44,294 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache... 2020-11-12 17:45:45,873 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server... 2020-11-12 17:45:46,363 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down 2020-11-12 17:45:46,369 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event 2020-11-12 17:45:46,372 - octoprint.events - INFO - Adding 1 events to queue that were held back before startup event 2020-11-12 17:45:46,388 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue... 2020-11-12 17:45:46,394 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 0 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue 2020-11-12 17:45:46,399 - octoprint.server - INFO - Autoconnect on startup is configured, trying to connect to the printer... 2020-11-12 17:45:46,519 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 17:45:48,314 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 17:45:48,406 - octoprint.server - INFO - Trying to connect to configured serial port None 2020-11-12 17:45:48,461 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection" 2020-11-12 17:45:48,469 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder... 2020-11-12 17:45:48,472 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done. 2020-11-12 17:45:48,611 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 1 port/baudrate candidates: /dev/ttyUSB0@115200 2020-11-12 17:45:48,611 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Trying port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 17:45:48,613 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 17:45:48,624 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Handshake attempt #1 with timeout 2.0s 2020-11-12 17:45:48,629 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 17:45:49,734 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Operational" 2020-11-12 17:45:49,759 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 17:45:51,245 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _http._tcp 2020-11-12 17:45:51,272 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _octoprint._tcp 2020-11-12 17:45:51,297 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered OctoPrint instance on octopi for SSDP 2020-11-12 17:45:51,355 - octoprint.plugins.pi_support - WARNING - This Raspberry Pi is reporting problems that might lead to bad performance or errors caused by overheating or insufficient power. !!! UNDERVOLTAGE REPORTED !!! Make sure that the power supply and power cable are capable of supplying enough voltage and current to your Pi. 2020-11-12 17:45:51,376 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on 2020-11-12 17:45:51,559 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 17:45:51,665 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:45:52,374 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:45:52,408 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 17:45:52,410 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event system_unthrottled, payload: {'throttled_mask': 851968, 'throttled_voltage_now': False, 'throttled_voltage_past': True, 'throttled_overheat_now': False, 'throttled_now': False, 'throttled_past': True, 'throttled_overheat_past': False} 2020-11-12 17:45:52,524 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User subash logged in on the socket from client ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:45:52,705 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 17:45:52,726 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 17:45:52,730 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 17:45:52,830 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Minimum free storage across all update relevant locations is 25.8GB. That is considered sufficient for updating. 2020-11-12 17:45:53,390 - octoprint.plugins.bedlevelvisualizer - INFO - OctoPrint-BedLevelVisualizer loaded! 2020-11-12 17:45:53,842 - octoprint.plugins.themeify - INFO - Themeify initialized. 2020-11-12 17:45:53,847 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - OctoPrint-WebcamStreamer loaded! | embed_url = rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2 | stream_url = | webcam_url = | docker_image = adilinden/rpi-ffmpeg:latest | docker_container = WebStreamer | frame_rate = 5 | ffmpeg_cmd = ffmpeg -re -f mjpeg -framerate 5 -i {webcam_url} -ar 44100 -ac 2 -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le -ac 2 -i /dev/zero -acodec aac -ab 128k -vcodec h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -framerate {frame_rate} -g {gop_size} -strict experimental -filter:v {filter} -f flv {stream_url} 2020-11-12 17:45:53,876 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 17:45:53,881 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 17:45:53,903 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 17:45:53,906 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 17:45:54,067 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'query_string': 'l10n=en', 'path': '/', 'base_url': 'http://octopi.local/'} 2020-11-12 17:45:54,480 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 13} 2020-11-12 17:45:55,400 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event startup, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 17:45:56,379 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event pong, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', u'plugins': u'gcodeeditor:0.2.9,fullscreen:0.0.5,cancelobject:0.4.4,themeify:1.2.2,autoscroll:0.0.3,bedlevelvisualizer:0.1.15,simpleemergencystop:1.0.3,arducamfocus:0.0.5,navbartemp:0.14,webcamstreamer:0.1.1,octolapse:0.4.0', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 17:45:56,440 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5" 2020-11-12 17:45:56,482 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting 2020-11-12 17:45:57,843 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event printer_connected, payload: {u'printer_baudrate': 115200, u'printer_port': None, 'firmware_name': u'Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5'} 2020-11-12 17:46:08,092 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 14.02s 2020-11-12 17:46:20,532 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:46:20,535 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 17:46:20,723 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:46:21,650 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:46:21,725 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:46:21,726 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 17:46:22,482 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - Checking stream status. 2020-11-12 17:46:22,490 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 17:46:22,492 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 17:46:24,142 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User subash logged in on the socket from client ::ffff: 2020-11-12 17:46:38,380 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer seems to support the busy protocol, will adjust timeouts and set busy interval accordingly 2020-11-12 17:46:48,646 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Telling the printer to set the busy interval to our "communicationBusy" timeout - 1s = 2s 2020-11-12 17:47:27,322 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job selected - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 17:47:27,416 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Starting" 2020-11-12 17:47:27,435 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job started - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 17:47:30,096 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_started, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_mask': 851968, 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'throttled_past': True} 2020-11-12 17:47:31,586 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Cancelling" to "Printing" 2020-11-12 17:47:31,632 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Cancelling" 2020-11-12 17:47:31,709 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job cancelled - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 17:47:31,926 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Printing" to "Operational" 2020-11-12 17:47:33,111 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_cancelled, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'throttled_mask': 851968, u'elapsed': 4, 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_past': True} 2020-11-12 17:47:34,058 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_failed, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'throttled_mask': 851968, u'elapsed': 4, u'reason': u'cancelled', 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_past': True} 2020-11-12 17:47:34,934 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job deselected - user: n/a 2020-11-12 17:47:45,755 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Starting analysis of local:pen-stand-1.gcode 2020-11-12 17:47:45,763 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Invoking analysis command: /home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m octoprint analysis gcode --speed-x=6000 --speed-y=6000 --max-t=10 --throttle=0.0 --throttle-lines=100 /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads/pen-stand-1.gcode 2020-11-12 17:48:17,840 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Analysis of entry local:pen-stand-1.gcode finished, needed 32.08s 2020-11-12 17:50:30,819 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Starting analysis of local:pen-stand-1.gcode 2020-11-12 17:50:30,822 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Invoking analysis command: /home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m octoprint analysis gcode --speed-x=6000 --speed-y=6000 --max-t=10 --throttle=0.0 --throttle-lines=100 /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads/pen-stand-1.gcode 2020-11-12 17:50:30,951 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job selected - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 17:50:31,011 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Starting" 2020-11-12 17:50:31,053 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job started - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 17:50:33,676 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_started, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_mask': 851968, 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'throttled_past': True} 2020-11-12 17:51:03,283 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Analysis of entry local:pen-stand-1.gcode finished, needed 32.46s 2020-11-12 17:52:33,183 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 17:52:33,204 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Printing" 2020-11-12 17:52:41,676 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Printing" to "Cancelling" 2020-11-12 17:52:41,712 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job cancelled - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 17:52:42,690 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_cancelled, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'throttled_mask': 851968, u'elapsed': 130, 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_past': True} 2020-11-12 17:52:43,604 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_failed, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'throttled_mask': 851968, u'elapsed': 130, u'reason': u'cancelled', 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_past': True} 2020-11-12 17:55:33,495 - octoprint.util.comm - WARNING - Received an error from the printer's firmware: Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called! | Last lines in terminal: | Recv: T:28.64 /0.00 B:28.22 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.61 /0.00 B:28.28 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.55 /0.00 B:28.28 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.64 /0.00 B:28.22 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.49 /0.00 B:28.12 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.72 /0.00 B:28.37 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.64 /0.00 B:28.25 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.52 /0.00 B:28.25 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.44 /0.00 B:28.25 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.75 /0.00 B:28.31 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.52 /0.00 B:28.16 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.66 /0.00 B:28.31 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.72 /0.00 B:28.25 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.58 /0.00 B:28.25 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.47 /0.00 B:28.16 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.52 /0.00 B:28.31 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.61 /0.00 B:28.19 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.49 /0.00 B:28.19 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: Error:Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed | Recv: Error:Printer halted. kill() called! 2020-11-12 17:55:33,497 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Cancelling" to "Error: Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!" 2020-11-12 17:55:33,503 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Force-sending M112 to the printer 2020-11-12 17:55:33,562 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Error: Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!" to "Offline (Error: Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!)" 2020-11-12 17:55:33,601 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Notifications cleared 2020-11-12 17:55:34,485 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event commerror_firmware, payload: {u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_past': True, 'commerror_text': u'Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!', u'throttled_mask': 851968} 2020-11-12 18:00:41,122 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3 2020-11-12 18:00:54,357 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 913} 2020-11-12 18:04:07,767 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 18:04:07,769 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.4.2 2020-11-12 18:04:07,770 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 18:04:08,596 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity state is currently: offline 2020-11-12 18:04:08,597 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connecting to is not working 2020-11-12 18:04:08,597 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Resolving octoprint.org is not working 2020-11-12 18:04:08,605 - octoprint.startup - INFO - We don't appear to be online, not fetching plugin blacklist 2020-11-12 18:04:08,666 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-11-12 18:04:12,201 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 29 plugin(s) providing 29 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2020-11-12 18:04:12,324 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval 2020-11-12 18:04:12,371 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started 2020-11-12 18:04:12,372 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-11-12 18:04:12,524 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 29 plugin(s) providing 29 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2020-11-12 18:04:12,564 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads... 2020-11-12 18:04:13,117 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - ... file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully. 2020-11-12 18:04:13,122 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_SHOW (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_notification_show')") 2020-11-12 18:04:13,124 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_notification_clear')") 2020-11-12 18:04:13,125 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_prompt: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_PROMPT_INTERACT (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_prompt_interact')") 2020-11-12 18:04:13,126 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_READ (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_read')") 2020-11-12 18:04:13,127 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_manage'), Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_read')") 2020-11-12 18:04:13,128 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_ADMIN (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_appkeys_admin')") 2020-11-12 18:04:13,129 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin backup: PLUGIN_BACKUP_ACCESS (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_backup_access')") 2020-11-12 18:04:13,130 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin firmware_check: PLUGIN_FIRMWARE_CHECK_DISPLAY (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_firmware_check_display')") 2020-11-12 18:04:13,131 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin logging: PLUGIN_LOGGING_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_logging_manage')") 2020-11-12 18:04:13,132 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pi_support: PLUGIN_PI_SUPPORT_STATUS (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pi_support_check')") 2020-11-12 18:04:13,133 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2020-11-12 18:04:13,136 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_INSTALL (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_install'), Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2020-11-12 18:04:13,138 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CHECK (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_softwareupdate_check')") 2020-11-12 18:04:13,140 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_UPDATE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_softwareupdate_update')") 2020-11-12 18:04:13,183 - octoprint.plugins.cancelobject - INFO - No beforegcode defined 2020-11-12 18:04:13,184 - octoprint.plugins.cancelobject - INFO - No aftergcode defined 2020-11-12 18:04:13,397 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded version cache from disk 2020-11-12 18:04:14,710 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 18:04:15,733 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 19.3.1 2020-11-12 18:04:15,735 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 18:04:15,735 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 18:04:15,741 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 29 plugin implementation(s) 2020-11-12 18:04:15,762 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 29 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Action Command Notification Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_notification | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | ArduCamFocus (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ArduCamFocus | Autoscroll (0.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_autoscroll | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Bed Visualizer (0.1.15) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_bedlevelvisualizer | Cancel Objects (0.4.4) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_cancelobject | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | File Check (2020.8.7) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_file_check | Firmware Check (2020.9.23) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_firmware_check | Fullscreen Plugin (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_fullscreen | GCode Viewer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/gcodeviewer | GcodeEditor (0.2.9) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_GcodeEditor | Logging (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Login UI (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/loginui | Navbar Temperature Plugin (0.14) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_navbartemp | Octolapse (0.4.0) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_octolapse | Pi Support Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | Simple Emergency Stop (1.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_simpleemergencystop | Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Themeify (1.2.2) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_themeify | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer | WebcamStreamer Plugin (0.1.1) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_webcamstreamer Prefix legend: ! = disabled, # = blacklisted, * = incompatible 2020-11-12 18:04:15,780 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 2.7.16 under Linux (linux2). Details: | hardware: | cores: 4 | freq: 1400.0 | ram: 917016576 | os: | id: linux | platform: linux2 | plugins: | pi_support: | model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3 | octopi_version: 0.17.0 | python: | pip: 19.3.1 | version: 2.7.16 | virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint 2020-11-12 18:04:15,792 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/webassets... 2020-11-12 18:04:15,817 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache... 2020-11-12 18:04:17,636 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server... 2020-11-12 18:04:18,109 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down 2020-11-12 18:04:18,112 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event 2020-11-12 18:04:18,115 - octoprint.events - INFO - Adding 0 events to queue that were held back before startup event 2020-11-12 18:04:18,117 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue... 2020-11-12 18:04:18,117 - octoprint.server - INFO - Autoconnect on startup is configured, trying to connect to the printer... 2020-11-12 18:04:18,121 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 0 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue 2020-11-12 18:04:18,179 - octoprint.server - INFO - Trying to connect to configured serial port None 2020-11-12 18:04:18,240 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection" 2020-11-12 18:04:18,246 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder... 2020-11-12 18:04:18,254 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done. 2020-11-12 18:04:18,274 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 1 port/baudrate candidates: /dev/ttyUSB0@115200 2020-11-12 18:04:18,275 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Trying port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 18:04:18,276 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 18:04:18,285 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Handshake attempt #1 with timeout 2.0s 2020-11-12 18:04:18,289 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 18:04:19,395 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Operational" 2020-11-12 18:04:19,415 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 18:04:21,150 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _http._tcp 2020-11-12 18:04:21,169 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _octoprint._tcp 2020-11-12 18:04:21,185 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered OctoPrint instance on octopi for SSDP 2020-11-12 18:04:21,242 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on 2020-11-12 18:04:21,386 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 18:04:22,451 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 18:04:22,474 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 18:04:22,523 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 18:04:22,695 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Minimum free storage across all update relevant locations is 25.8GB. That is considered sufficient for updating. 2020-11-12 18:04:23,026 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity changed from offline to online 2020-11-12 18:04:23,426 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 18:04:23,535 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 18:04:24,803 - octoprint.plugins.bedlevelvisualizer - INFO - OctoPrint-BedLevelVisualizer loaded! 2020-11-12 18:04:25,370 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 18:04:25,382 - octoprint.plugins.themeify - INFO - Themeify initialized. 2020-11-12 18:04:25,396 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - OctoPrint-WebcamStreamer loaded! | embed_url = rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2 | stream_url = | webcam_url = | docker_image = adilinden/rpi-ffmpeg:latest | docker_container = WebStreamer | frame_rate = 5 | ffmpeg_cmd = ffmpeg -re -f mjpeg -framerate 5 -i {webcam_url} -ar 44100 -ac 2 -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le -ac 2 -i /dev/zero -acodec aac -ab 128k -vcodec h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -framerate {frame_rate} -g {gop_size} -strict experimental -filter:v {filter} -f flv {stream_url} 2020-11-12 18:04:25,410 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 18:04:25,417 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 18:04:25,418 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 18:04:25,558 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'query_string': 'l10n=en', 'path': '/', 'base_url': 'http://octopi.local/'} 2020-11-12 18:04:26,084 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5" 2020-11-12 18:04:26,093 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting 2020-11-12 18:04:26,266 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 14} 2020-11-12 18:04:27,277 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event pong, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', u'plugins': u'gcodeeditor:0.2.9,fullscreen:0.0.5,cancelobject:0.4.4,themeify:1.2.2,autoscroll:0.0.3,bedlevelvisualizer:0.1.15,simpleemergencystop:1.0.3,arducamfocus:0.0.5,navbartemp:0.14,webcamstreamer:0.1.1,octolapse:0.4.0', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 18:04:28,285 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event startup, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 18:04:29,512 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event printer_connected, payload: {u'printer_baudrate': 115200, u'printer_port': None, 'firmware_name': u'Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5'} 2020-11-12 18:09:58,976 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 14.57s 2020-11-12 18:13:44,668 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 18:13:44,671 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.4.2 2020-11-12 18:13:44,674 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 18:51:08,256 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 18:51:08,259 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.4.2 2020-11-12 18:51:08,262 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 18:51:09,909 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity state is currently: offline 2020-11-12 18:51:09,911 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connecting to is not working 2020-11-12 18:51:09,914 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Resolving octoprint.org is not working 2020-11-12 18:51:09,926 - octoprint.startup - INFO - We don't appear to be online, not fetching plugin blacklist 2020-11-12 18:51:10,050 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-11-12 18:51:13,955 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 29 plugin(s) providing 29 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2020-11-12 18:51:14,091 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval 2020-11-12 18:51:14,135 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started 2020-11-12 18:51:14,136 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-11-12 18:51:14,277 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 29 plugin(s) providing 29 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2020-11-12 18:51:14,317 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads... 2020-11-12 18:51:14,842 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - ... file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully. 2020-11-12 18:51:14,846 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_SHOW (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_notification_show')") 2020-11-12 18:51:14,848 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_notification_clear')") 2020-11-12 18:51:14,849 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_prompt: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_PROMPT_INTERACT (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_prompt_interact')") 2020-11-12 18:51:14,851 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_READ (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_read')") 2020-11-12 18:51:14,853 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_manage'), Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_read')") 2020-11-12 18:51:14,854 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_ADMIN (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_appkeys_admin')") 2020-11-12 18:51:14,856 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin backup: PLUGIN_BACKUP_ACCESS (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_backup_access')") 2020-11-12 18:51:14,857 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin firmware_check: PLUGIN_FIRMWARE_CHECK_DISPLAY (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_firmware_check_display')") 2020-11-12 18:51:14,859 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin logging: PLUGIN_LOGGING_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_logging_manage')") 2020-11-12 18:51:14,860 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pi_support: PLUGIN_PI_SUPPORT_STATUS (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pi_support_check')") 2020-11-12 18:51:14,862 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2020-11-12 18:51:14,863 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_INSTALL (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_install'), Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2020-11-12 18:51:14,865 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CHECK (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_softwareupdate_check')") 2020-11-12 18:51:14,866 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_UPDATE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_softwareupdate_update')") 2020-11-12 18:51:14,907 - octoprint.plugins.cancelobject - INFO - No beforegcode defined 2020-11-12 18:51:14,908 - octoprint.plugins.cancelobject - INFO - No aftergcode defined 2020-11-12 18:51:15,120 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded version cache from disk 2020-11-12 18:51:16,575 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 18:51:17,590 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 19.3.1 2020-11-12 18:51:17,592 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 18:51:17,593 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 18:51:17,599 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 29 plugin implementation(s) 2020-11-12 18:51:17,621 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 29 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Action Command Notification Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_notification | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | ArduCamFocus (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ArduCamFocus | Autoscroll (0.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_autoscroll | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Bed Visualizer (0.1.15) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_bedlevelvisualizer | Cancel Objects (0.4.4) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_cancelobject | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | File Check (2020.8.7) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_file_check | Firmware Check (2020.9.23) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_firmware_check | Fullscreen Plugin (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_fullscreen | GCode Viewer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/gcodeviewer | GcodeEditor (0.2.9) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_GcodeEditor | Logging (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Login UI (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/loginui | Navbar Temperature Plugin (0.14) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_navbartemp | Octolapse (0.4.0) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_octolapse | Pi Support Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | Simple Emergency Stop (1.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_simpleemergencystop | Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Themeify (1.2.2) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_themeify | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer | WebcamStreamer Plugin (0.1.1) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_webcamstreamer Prefix legend: ! = disabled, # = blacklisted, * = incompatible 2020-11-12 18:51:17,640 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 2.7.16 under Linux (linux2). Details: | hardware: | cores: 4 | freq: 1400.0 | ram: 917016576 | os: | id: linux | platform: linux2 | plugins: | pi_support: | model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3 | octopi_version: 0.17.0 | python: | pip: 19.3.1 | version: 2.7.16 | virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint 2020-11-12 18:51:17,651 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/webassets... 2020-11-12 18:51:17,652 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache... 2020-11-12 18:51:19,465 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server... 2020-11-12 18:51:19,846 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down 2020-11-12 18:51:19,850 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event 2020-11-12 18:51:19,852 - octoprint.events - INFO - Adding 0 events to queue that were held back before startup event 2020-11-12 18:51:19,854 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue... 2020-11-12 18:51:19,855 - octoprint.server - INFO - Autoconnect on startup is configured, trying to connect to the printer... 2020-11-12 18:51:19,857 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 0 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue 2020-11-12 18:51:19,913 - octoprint.server - INFO - Trying to connect to configured serial port None 2020-11-12 18:51:19,971 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection" 2020-11-12 18:51:19,980 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder... 2020-11-12 18:51:19,983 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done. 2020-11-12 18:51:19,998 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 1 port/baudrate candidates: /dev/ttyUSB0@115200 2020-11-12 18:51:20,001 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Trying port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 18:51:20,004 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 18:51:20,016 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Handshake attempt #1 with timeout 2.0s 2020-11-12 18:51:20,024 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 18:51:21,125 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Operational" 2020-11-12 18:51:21,145 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 18:51:22,767 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _http._tcp 2020-11-12 18:51:22,780 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _octoprint._tcp 2020-11-12 18:51:22,795 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered OctoPrint instance on octopi for SSDP 2020-11-12 18:51:22,868 - octoprint.plugins.pi_support - WARNING - This Raspberry Pi is reporting problems that might lead to bad performance or errors caused by overheating or insufficient power. !!! UNDERVOLTAGE REPORTED !!! Make sure that the power supply and power cable are capable of supplying enough voltage and current to your Pi. 2020-11-12 18:51:22,879 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on 2020-11-12 18:51:23,049 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 18:51:24,159 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 18:51:24,201 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 18:51:24,204 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 18:51:24,353 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Minimum free storage across all update relevant locations is 25.8GB. That is considered sufficient for updating. 2020-11-12 18:51:24,497 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity changed from offline to online 2020-11-12 18:51:25,064 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 18:51:26,207 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 18:51:26,210 - octoprint.plugins.bedlevelvisualizer - INFO - OctoPrint-BedLevelVisualizer loaded! 2020-11-12 18:51:26,299 - octoprint.plugins.themeify - INFO - Themeify initialized. 2020-11-12 18:51:26,304 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - OctoPrint-WebcamStreamer loaded! | embed_url = rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2 | stream_url = | webcam_url = | docker_image = adilinden/rpi-ffmpeg:latest | docker_container = WebStreamer | frame_rate = 5 | ffmpeg_cmd = ffmpeg -re -f mjpeg -framerate 5 -i {webcam_url} -ar 44100 -ac 2 -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le -ac 2 -i /dev/zero -acodec aac -ab 128k -vcodec h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -framerate {frame_rate} -g {gop_size} -strict experimental -filter:v {filter} -f flv {stream_url} 2020-11-12 18:51:26,336 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 18:51:26,349 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 18:51:26,350 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 18:51:26,674 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'query_string': 'l10n=en', 'path': '/', 'base_url': 'http://octopi.local/'} 2020-11-12 18:51:27,306 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 14} 2020-11-12 18:51:27,443 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 18:51:27,818 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5" 2020-11-12 18:51:27,842 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting 2020-11-12 18:51:28,250 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event startup, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 18:51:29,189 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 18:51:29,237 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event pong, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', u'plugins': u'gcodeeditor:0.2.9,fullscreen:0.0.5,cancelobject:0.4.4,themeify:1.2.2,autoscroll:0.0.3,bedlevelvisualizer:0.1.15,simpleemergencystop:1.0.3,arducamfocus:0.0.5,navbartemp:0.14,webcamstreamer:0.1.1,octolapse:0.4.0', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 18:51:29,235 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 18:51:30,389 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event printer_connected, payload: {u'printer_baudrate': 115200, u'printer_port': None, 'firmware_name': u'Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5'} 2020-11-12 18:52:32,478 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 27.21s 2020-11-12 18:52:35,073 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 18:52:35,192 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 18:52:35,194 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 18:52:37,555 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - Checking stream status. 2020-11-12 18:52:37,572 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 18:52:37,573 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 18:52:39,354 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User subash logged in on the socket from client ::ffff: 2020-11-12 18:54:22,120 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job selected - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 18:54:22,167 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Starting" 2020-11-12 18:54:22,196 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job started - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 18:54:24,686 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_started, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_mask': 327680, 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'throttled_past': True} 2020-11-12 18:54:29,265 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 18:54:29,280 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Printing" 2020-11-12 18:55:54,591 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 29.28ms 2020-11-12 18:55:54,625 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 23.65ms 2020-11-12 18:55:54,802 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/settings (::ffff: 168.93ms 2020-11-12 18:55:54,856 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printerprofiles (::ffff: 48.88ms 2020-11-12 18:55:58,268 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 35.12ms 2020-11-12 18:55:58,313 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 35.64ms 2020-11-12 18:55:58,572 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 17.24ms 2020-11-12 18:55:58,593 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 15.99ms 2020-11-12 18:56:00,583 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 36.09ms 2020-11-12 18:56:00,631 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 38.25ms 2020-11-12 18:56:02,583 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 34.73ms 2020-11-12 18:56:02,627 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 34.74ms 2020-11-12 18:56:04,581 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 32.80ms 2020-11-12 18:56:04,624 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 33.01ms 2020-11-12 18:56:06,576 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 30.12ms 2020-11-12 18:56:06,620 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 34.79ms 2020-11-12 18:56:08,571 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 32.19ms 2020-11-12 18:56:08,608 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 26.62ms 2020-11-12 18:56:10,580 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 34.22ms 2020-11-12 18:56:10,618 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 29.39ms 2020-11-12 18:56:12,576 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 31.68ms 2020-11-12 18:56:12,618 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 32.41ms 2020-11-12 18:56:14,591 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 37.03ms 2020-11-12 18:56:14,632 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 31.74ms 2020-11-12 18:56:16,577 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 34.70ms 2020-11-12 18:56:16,618 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 32.38ms 2020-11-12 18:56:18,574 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 31.86ms 2020-11-12 18:56:18,618 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 34.45ms 2020-11-12 18:56:20,580 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 31.81ms 2020-11-12 18:56:20,620 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 30.93ms 2020-11-12 18:56:22,579 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 32.40ms 2020-11-12 18:56:22,618 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 30.08ms 2020-11-12 18:56:24,582 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 35.04ms 2020-11-12 18:56:24,615 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 24.73ms 2020-11-12 18:56:26,578 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 30.07ms 2020-11-12 18:56:26,618 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 31.86ms 2020-11-12 18:56:28,582 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 32.24ms 2020-11-12 18:56:28,622 - tornado.access - WARNING - 403 GET /api/job (::ffff: 31.23ms 2020-11-12 18:57:29,526 - octoprint.util.comm - WARNING - Received an error from the printer's firmware: Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called! | Last lines in terminal: | Recv: T:28.66 /0.00 B:28.06 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.66 /0.00 B:28.25 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.69 /0.00 B:28.34 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.41 /0.00 B:28.28 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.64 /0.00 B:28.37 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.47 /0.00 B:28.50 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.66 /0.00 B:28.28 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.55 /0.00 B:28.16 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.69 /0.00 B:28.31 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.52 /0.00 B:28.09 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.64 /0.00 B:28.31 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.61 /0.00 B:28.12 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.61 /0.00 B:28.28 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.64 /0.00 B:28.31 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.52 /0.00 B:28.09 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.69 /0.00 B:28.47 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.64 /0.00 B:28.47 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 | Recv: T:28.49 /0.00 B:28.41 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: Error:Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed | Recv: Error:Printer halted. kill() called! 2020-11-12 18:57:29,528 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Printing" to "Error: Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!" 2020-11-12 18:57:29,543 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Force-sending M112 to the printer 2020-11-12 18:57:29,599 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Error: Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!" to "Offline (Error: Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!)" 2020-11-12 18:57:29,683 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Notifications cleared 2020-11-12 18:57:30,599 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event commerror_firmware, payload: {u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_past': True, 'commerror_text': u'Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!', u'throttled_mask': 327680} 2020-11-12 18:57:31,525 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_failed, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'throttled_mask': 327680, u'commerror_text': u'Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!', u'elapsed': 187, u'reason': u'error', 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_past': True} 2020-11-12 19:00:11,567 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 19:00:26,072 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 19:00:26,076 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 19:00:27,005 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 19:00:27,033 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 19:00:27,034 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 19:00:27,820 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - Checking stream status. 2020-11-12 19:00:27,838 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 19:00:27,840 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 19:00:29,306 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User subash logged in on the socket from client ::ffff: 2020-11-12 19:03:42,295 - octoprint.server.api.system - INFO - Performing command for core:restart: sudo service octoprint restart 2020-11-12 19:03:42,639 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down... 2020-11-12 19:03:43,459 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing shutdown event, this will be our last event 2020-11-12 19:03:43,459 - octoprint.server - INFO - Calling on_shutdown on plugins 2020-11-12 19:03:43,478 - octoprint.events - INFO - Event loop shut down 2020-11-12 19:03:44,460 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event shutdown, payload: {} 2020-11-12 19:03:44,483 - octoprint.server - INFO - Goodbye! 2020-11-12 19:03:46,397 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 19:03:46,400 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.4.2 2020-11-12 19:03:46,400 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** 2020-11-12 19:03:47,304 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity changed from offline to online 2020-11-12 19:03:47,348 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity state is currently: online 2020-11-12 19:03:47,348 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connecting to is working 2020-11-12 19:03:47,349 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Resolving octoprint.org is working 2020-11-12 19:03:49,420 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Blacklist processing done, adding 10 blacklisted plugin versions: roomtemp (any), GcodeEditor (0.1.1), GcodeEditor (0.2.0), GcodeEditor (0.2.1), GcodeEditor (0.2.2), GcodeEditor (0.2.3), GcodeEditor (0.2.4), GcodeEditor (0.2.5), GcodeEditor (0.2.6), GcodeEditor (0.2.8) 2020-11-12 19:03:49,452 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-11-12 19:03:51,459 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 29 plugin(s) providing 29 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2020-11-12 19:03:51,578 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval 2020-11-12 19:03:51,603 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started 2020-11-12 19:03:51,603 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... 2020-11-12 19:03:51,743 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 29 plugin(s) providing 29 mixin implementations, 58 hook handlers 2020-11-12 19:03:51,780 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads... 2020-11-12 19:03:52,307 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - ... file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully. 2020-11-12 19:03:52,313 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_SHOW (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_notification_show')") 2020-11-12 19:03:52,314 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_notification_clear')") 2020-11-12 19:03:52,315 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_prompt: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_PROMPT_INTERACT (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_action_command_prompt_interact')") 2020-11-12 19:03:52,318 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_READ (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_read')") 2020-11-12 19:03:52,320 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_manage'), Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_announcements_read')") 2020-11-12 19:03:52,322 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_ADMIN (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_appkeys_admin')") 2020-11-12 19:03:52,324 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin backup: PLUGIN_BACKUP_ACCESS (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_backup_access')") 2020-11-12 19:03:52,325 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin firmware_check: PLUGIN_FIRMWARE_CHECK_DISPLAY (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_firmware_check_display')") 2020-11-12 19:03:52,326 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin logging: PLUGIN_LOGGING_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_logging_manage')") 2020-11-12 19:03:52,327 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pi_support: PLUGIN_PI_SUPPORT_STATUS (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pi_support_check')") 2020-11-12 19:03:52,328 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_MANAGE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2020-11-12 19:03:52,329 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_INSTALL (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_install'), Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") 2020-11-12 19:03:52,331 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CHECK (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_softwareupdate_check')") 2020-11-12 19:03:52,333 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_UPDATE (needs: u"Need(method='role', value=u'plugin_softwareupdate_update')") 2020-11-12 19:03:52,372 - octoprint.plugins.cancelobject - INFO - No beforegcode defined 2020-11-12 19:03:52,373 - octoprint.plugins.cancelobject - INFO - No aftergcode defined 2020-11-12 19:03:52,575 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded version cache from disk 2020-11-12 19:03:53,602 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 19:03:54,647 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 19.3.1 2020-11-12 19:03:54,649 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 19:03:54,649 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 19:03:54,655 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 29 plugin implementation(s) 2020-11-12 19:03:54,678 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 29 plugin(s) registered with the system: | Action Command Notification Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_notification | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys | ArduCamFocus (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ArduCamFocus | Autoscroll (0.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_autoscroll | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup | Bed Visualizer (0.1.15) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_bedlevelvisualizer | Cancel Objects (0.4.4) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_cancelobject | Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard | Discovery (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery | Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking | File Check (2020.8.7) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_file_check | Firmware Check (2020.9.23) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_firmware_check | Fullscreen Plugin (0.0.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_fullscreen | GCode Viewer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/gcodeviewer | GcodeEditor (0.2.9) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_GcodeEditor | Logging (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging | Login UI (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/loginui | Navbar Temperature Plugin (0.14) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_navbartemp | Octolapse (0.4.0) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_octolapse | Pi Support Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pi_support | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager | Simple Emergency Stop (1.0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_simpleemergencystop | Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate | Themeify (1.2.2) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_themeify | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer | WebcamStreamer Plugin (0.1.1) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_webcamstreamer Prefix legend: ! = disabled, # = blacklisted, * = incompatible 2020-11-12 19:03:54,693 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 2.7.16 under Linux (linux2). Details: | hardware: | cores: 4 | freq: 1400.0 | ram: 917016576 | os: | id: linux | platform: linux2 | plugins: | pi_support: | model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3 | octopi_version: 0.17.0 | python: | pip: 19.3.1 | version: 2.7.16 | virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint 2020-11-12 19:03:54,709 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/webassets... 2020-11-12 19:03:54,742 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache... 2020-11-12 19:03:56,362 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server... 2020-11-12 19:03:56,547 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down 2020-11-12 19:03:56,550 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event 2020-11-12 19:03:56,552 - octoprint.events - INFO - Adding 1 events to queue that were held back before startup event 2020-11-12 19:03:56,554 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue... 2020-11-12 19:03:56,555 - octoprint.server - INFO - Autoconnect on startup is configured, trying to connect to the printer... 2020-11-12 19:03:56,584 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 0 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue 2020-11-12 19:03:56,694 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 19:03:58,527 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 19:03:58,564 - octoprint.server - INFO - Trying to connect to configured serial port None 2020-11-12 19:03:58,620 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection" 2020-11-12 19:03:58,629 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder... 2020-11-12 19:03:58,631 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done. 2020-11-12 19:03:58,646 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 1 port/baudrate candidates: /dev/ttyUSB0@115200 2020-11-12 19:03:58,648 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Trying port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 19:03:58,652 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 19:03:58,753 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Handshake attempt #1 with timeout 2.0s 2020-11-12 19:03:58,774 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 19:04:00,779 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Handshake attempt #2 with timeout 2.0s 2020-11-12 19:04:00,782 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 19:04:01,400 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _http._tcp 2020-11-12 19:04:01,426 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _octoprint._tcp 2020-11-12 19:04:01,441 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered OctoPrint instance on octopi for SSDP 2020-11-12 19:04:01,519 - octoprint.plugins.pi_support - WARNING - This Raspberry Pi is reporting problems that might lead to bad performance or errors caused by overheating or insufficient power. !!! UNDERVOLTAGE REPORTED !!! Make sure that the power supply and power cable are capable of supplying enough voltage and current to your Pi. 2020-11-12 19:04:01,530 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on 2020-11-12 19:04:01,734 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 19:04:01,951 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 19:04:02,245 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 19:04:02,297 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 19:04:02,390 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User subash logged in on the socket from client ::ffff: 2020-11-12 19:04:02,501 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event system_unthrottled, payload: {'throttled_mask': 327680, 'throttled_voltage_now': False, 'throttled_voltage_past': True, 'throttled_overheat_now': False, 'throttled_now': False, 'throttled_past': True, 'throttled_overheat_past': False} 2020-11-12 19:04:02,790 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Handshake attempt #3 with timeout 2.0s 2020-11-12 19:04:02,898 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 19:04:02,951 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip 2020-11-12 19:04:02,970 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes 2020-11-12 19:04:02,986 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes 2020-11-12 19:04:03,223 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Minimum free storage across all update relevant locations is 25.8GB. That is considered sufficient for updating. 2020-11-12 19:04:03,871 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid 2020-11-12 19:04:03,910 - octoprint.plugins.bedlevelvisualizer - INFO - OctoPrint-BedLevelVisualizer loaded! 2020-11-12 19:04:03,936 - octoprint.plugins.themeify - INFO - Themeify initialized. 2020-11-12 19:04:03,945 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - OctoPrint-WebcamStreamer loaded! | embed_url = rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2 | stream_url = | webcam_url = | docker_image = adilinden/rpi-ffmpeg:latest | docker_container = WebStreamer | frame_rate = 5 | ffmpeg_cmd = ffmpeg -re -f mjpeg -framerate 5 -i {webcam_url} -ar 44100 -ac 2 -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le -ac 2 -i /dev/zero -acodec aac -ab 128k -vcodec h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -framerate {frame_rate} -g {gop_size} -strict experimental -filter:v {filter} -f flv {stream_url} 2020-11-12 19:04:03,958 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 19:04:03,966 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 19:04:03,971 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 19:04:04,336 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'query_string': 'l10n=en', 'path': '/', 'base_url': 'http://octopi.local/'} 2020-11-12 19:04:04,826 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected." 2020-11-12 19:04:04,845 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected." to "Offline (Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.)" 2020-11-12 19:04:04,876 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 13} 2020-11-12 19:04:04,908 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Notifications cleared 2020-11-12 19:04:05,773 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event startup, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 19:04:06,157 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 19:04:06,159 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 19:04:06,941 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event pong, payload: {'python': '2.7.16', 'ram': 917016576, u'octopi_version': u'0.17.0', 'version': u'1.4.2', u'plugins': u'gcodeeditor:0.2.9,fullscreen:0.0.5,cancelobject:0.4.4,themeify:1.2.2,autoscroll:0.0.3,bedlevelvisualizer:0.1.15,simpleemergencystop:1.0.3,arducamfocus:0.0.5,navbartemp:0.14,webcamstreamer:0.1.1,octolapse:0.4.0', 'pip': '19.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1400.0, u'pi_model': u'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3', 'os': 'linux'} 2020-11-12 19:04:08,593 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event commerror_autodetect, payload: {u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_past': True, 'commerror_text': u'No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.', u'throttled_mask': 327680} 2020-11-12 19:04:27,444 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 23.11s 2020-11-12 19:04:27,537 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 19:04:27,541 - tornado.application - ERROR - Future exception was never retrieved: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/gen.py", line 1141, in run yielded = self.gen.throw(*exc_info) File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/websocket.py", line 876, in wrapper raise WebSocketClosedError() WebSocketClosedError 2020-11-12 19:04:28,144 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff: 2020-11-12 19:04:28,216 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user subash from ::ffff: 2020-11-12 19:04:28,218 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: subash 2020-11-12 19:04:29,104 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - Checking stream status. 2020-11-12 19:04:29,112 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - ERROR - Docker not responding: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')) 2020-11-12 19:04:29,113 - octoprint.plugins.webcamstreamer - INFO - stream is inactive 2020-11-12 19:04:30,595 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User subash logged in on the socket from client ::ffff: 2020-11-12 19:04:48,893 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection" 2020-11-12 19:04:48,953 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 1 port/baudrate candidates: /dev/ttyUSB0@115200 2020-11-12 19:04:48,954 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Trying port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 19:04:48,956 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 19:04:49,075 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Handshake attempt #1 with timeout 2.0s 2020-11-12 19:04:49,080 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 19:04:51,085 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Handshake attempt #2 with timeout 2.0s 2020-11-12 19:04:51,100 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 19:04:53,106 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Handshake attempt #3 with timeout 2.0s 2020-11-12 19:04:53,123 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 19:04:55,132 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected." 2020-11-12 19:04:55,158 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected." to "Offline (Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.)" 2020-11-12 19:04:55,248 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Notifications cleared 2020-11-12 19:04:56,141 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event commerror_autodetect, payload: {u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_past': True, 'commerror_text': u'No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.', u'throttled_mask': 327680} 2020-11-12 19:05:01,836 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Opening serial connection" 2020-11-12 19:05:01,851 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200 2020-11-12 19:05:01,880 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial connection" to "Connecting" 2020-11-12 19:05:01,889 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 19:05:02,988 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 19:05:09,628 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 19:05:09,638 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Operational" 2020-11-12 19:05:09,680 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 19:05:09,791 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5" 2020-11-12 19:05:09,860 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting 2020-11-12 19:05:10,731 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event printer_connected, payload: {u'printer_baudrate': 115200, u'printer_port': u'/dev/ttyUSB0', 'firmware_name': u'Marlin TH3D U1.R2.B5'} 2020-11-12 19:05:19,920 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job selected - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 19:05:20,005 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Starting" 2020-11-12 19:05:20,026 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job started - origin: local, path: pen-stand-1.gcode, owner: subash, user: subash 2020-11-12 19:05:22,428 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_started, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_mask': 327680, 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'throttled_past': True} 2020-11-12 19:05:27,000 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 2020-11-12 19:05:27,020 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Printing" 2020-11-12 19:08:27,295 - octoprint.util.comm - WARNING - Received an error from the printer's firmware: Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called! | Last lines in terminal: | Recv: T:28.44 /0.00 B:28.41 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.86 /0.00 B:27.91 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.30 /0.00 B:28.44 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.55 /0.00 B:27.97 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.52 /0.00 B:28.16 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.95 /0.00 B:28.19 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:29.06 /0.00 B:28.16 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.86 /0.00 B:27.97 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.41 /0.00 B:28.44 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.32 /0.00 B:28.34 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.66 /0.00 B:28.34 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.27 /0.00 B:28.75 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.61 /0.00 B:28.25 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.44 /0.00 B:28.03 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.30 /0.00 B:28.69 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.72 /0.00 B:27.87 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.49 /0.00 B:28.47 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: T:28.24 /0.00 B:28.69 /40.00 @:0 B@:127 W:? | Recv: Error:Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed | Recv: Error:Printer halted. kill() called! 2020-11-12 19:08:27,297 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Printing" to "Error: Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!" 2020-11-12 19:08:27,309 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Force-sending M112 to the printer 2020-11-12 19:08:27,384 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Error: Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!" to "Offline (Error: Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!)" 2020-11-12 19:08:27,556 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Notifications cleared 2020-11-12 19:08:28,386 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event commerror_firmware, payload: {u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_past': True, 'commerror_text': u'Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!', u'throttled_mask': 327680} 2020-11-12 19:08:29,299 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event print_failed, payload: {'origin': u'local', u'throttled_mask': 327680, u'commerror_text': u'Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed - Printer halted. kill() called!', u'elapsed': 187, u'reason': u'error', 'file': '0e17479afeb70a539901d314297c1d7baf9d7c65', u'throttled_now': False, u'throttled_past': True}