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AnnouncementsGeneral announcements
Get HelpThis is the right place to get help with or questions answered about anything OctoPrint or OctoPi.
DevelopmentIf you want to implement something in a plugin or even core OctoPrint or talk about protocol specifics or potential optimisations, this is the right place for you.
PluginsLooking for help with a third party plugin? Are you the author of a third party plugin and want a centralized place to interact with the OctoPrint community? Have an idea for a new plugin? This is the right place for you.
ShowcaseHave an interesting OctoPrint setup with loads of customization to share? Got a cool 3d printing project you are working on? Post it here!
GeneralAnything that doesn't fit into any of the other categories.
Site FeedbackDiscussion and questions about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
BlogThis category will stay in sync with the OctoBlog and be used for commenting. Comments will also be embedded into the post on the OctoBlog itself.