Hi - I have Octoprint setup with Ophom which allows me to toggle printer power. This plugin is working fine with no problems and I can toggle printer power from Octoprints web interface.
I want to be able to do this via mobile on Octopod and I see two options -
- Using custom controls
- Adding an action
Both of these will automatically appear in Octopod
So - If I try and add an action with the command - curl "http://localhost/api/plugin/ophom?action=toggle" to config.yaml. This appears up fine but when I run it - Octoprint crashes.
Logs show -
octoprint failed with return code -15
If I create .sh and set to run that, I get the same thing.
Crashes in the sense that Octoprint ends up restarting.
Any ideas or pointers on how I would fix this?