Add the ability for mqtt plugin to be able to access more of octoprint

hi is it posible for the mqtt plugin to be able to access more info from octoprint and other plugins,
ie- filament weight to mqtt, pi conected temperature sensor to mqtt etc

The existing events that are available in the MQTT PlugIn are things that are core to OctoPrint. In general, it would be more or less impossible for the MQTT Plugin developer to know what events or data is needed from within the many other PlugIns that are being developed and maintained.

I happen to be looking at that plugin earlier today. It is setup in a way that any PlugIn developer can enable events to be sent out using the MQTT helpers. Documents on this are in the Helpers Sections of the MQTT documentation.

With that in mind, the best path to get what you are asking for is to request to the specific plugIn developer to enable this integration as part of their plugIn capabilities.

