Adding nas to octopi

I have been having trouble with the cura octoprint plugin. I was wondering if it would be possible to add a nas server to octopi through the command line that would use the folder gcode files are stored in as nas so I could save it to octopi instead of using the plugin. I have very little experience with this kind of thing so I don't even know if it is possible.

You could add the NAS to OctoPi just like you would add the NAS to anything else Linux, then just adjust the path under settings > folders - I recommend you use the watched folder, then when you add a file to the NAS it will get copied to the local storage. You don't want network issues ruining your prints.

I got everything installed but it says I don't have permission to save in the location. Is there anything I can do about that? I can download files but i cant upload anywhere to the pi. Here is a screenshot of the error Screenshot 2020-12-28 151258 I followed this tutorial. everything relevant to this project starts at 11:09.

I used sudo chmod a+w to set permissions to allow me to write.

Do not put files straight into the uploads folder. Use the watched folder instead. Otherwise OctoPrint will not properly process the files that you added via the network connection.

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I will try that. I have been running into more permissions issues. My last comment only fixed it for a while.