Adding support for M20 L?

Yeah, that's just file listing from local storage, not SD card. I think once the issue with long filenames is resolved on the OctoPrint side for that it will work correctly on the OctoDash side, or is your OctoPrint side now showing full filenames in it's file list?

Ok, I just tested using the virtual printer with extended_m20 enabled and can see that OctoDash still displays the 8.3 name. I suspect it's using name instead of display attribute from API response, so will require a patch to OctoDash...should have something for you by the end of the day.


We have success...but requires to press the refresh button in OctoPrint once after connecting due to the current bug in OP. One other caveat is that the name displayed while printing is still the shortened version. Will have to dig deeper to see if that's fixable.

If you want to test it out you can download the custom build from here. Extract the zip file and transfer the octodash_2.3.1_armv7l.deb file to your pi with scp, winscp, or filezilla. I usually just upload to the pi user's home directory /home/pi/. Then run these commands to update in an SSH/terminal session.

sudo dpkg -i /home/pi/octodash_2.3.1_armv7l.deb
sudo service getty@tty1 restart

I finally got everything ready to install the LCD and the Pi onto my printer so I tried your fix.

I installed the armv71.deb file. It doesn't work since I can't refresh OctoPrint. When I boot my Pi it boots directly into Octodash and I never see the OctoPrint and therefor have not the opportunity to refresh.

Any idea what I can/should do?

Open OctoPrint's UI in the browser on another device, and press refresh.

That is not an option since the printer is only connected to the LCD screen. I connect a laptop to it only when it really has to be done, to upgrade the firmware, for example.

Well you will have to wait until the problem is fixed then - that's what this whole conversation above your posts was about.