After 0.17 -> 0.18 install and restore Backup Credentials wont work

After restoring the Backup from 0.17, i'm always getting this screen
but the old User/Pw will not work

Tried the delete user.yaml a.s.o. but also will not work.
any advise?

Do you have NoScript or similar running on your browser?
You may have to enable a new IP address for NoScript.

Thanx, No i'd tried it in Brave with disabled Shield and in Edge w/o any plugins

I solved it (not realy)
initial screen asked for restore, i've done it
User/pw will not work
entered this lines into putty

rm ~/.octoprint/users.yaml
sed -i -e 's/firstRun: false/firstRun: true/g' ~/.octoprint/config.yaml
sudo service octoprint restart

when the initial screen appears again i do not the restore but added a new user/pw.
That works (4me) and the Restored entries are already there

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