API print time remaining e73 override

looking at https://docs.octoprint.org/en/master/api/datamodel.html#sec-api-datamodel-jobs-progress

I can get printTimeLeft via the api.

I use an E73 eta override plugin to display the time remaining that the slicer estimated in the octoprint web UI. Is there a way, e.g. with modifying the plugin (or not, whatever works) to have the modified time remaining returned via the api?

maybe set printTimeLeftOrigin to gcode or plugin or something else as well.

here's the plugin I'm using:

and I think where I'd need to modify the code in the plugin in a branch:

Seems that plugin is utilizing the print time estimator hook rather than something like PrintTimeGenius which does full analysis of the file and stores the overall estimate in the files metadata. It's this file metadata that I assume that OctoPrint is getting it's print time remaining property. Have you tried installing PrintTimeGenius?

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i can't tell if print time genius is using the E73 gcode, or trying to do more than that. but it is returning its estimate via the api.

"printTimeLeft": 717,
"printTimeLeftOrigin": "genius"