Audible Finish Plugin

I was wondering if there was a plugin that will give an audible beep to announce the print job is done.

Hi @ScottZ0,

you may try the M300 command in the OctoPrint GCODE script box
After print job completes.
If your printer has no speaker, you may add this plugin:

I created a tutorial for my own approach. It's similar, though. You want to be careful firing off aplay during a printout since it blocks. At the end of the job it may work out... but sometimes it can confuse OctoPrint in such a way that it can get stuck in the "Finishing..." phase.

There's also the M117 Speech Synthesis one (shameless plug)...

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M117 I like big plugs and I can not lie :laugh:

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hi @jneilliii
m117 speech synthesis is great but i cant get the sound to play on the Speaker Connected to Pi directly, any help would be great .

Any errors in octoprint.log? I never tested personally on a pi but on my windows laptop it was definitely working.

this might be something to look at. No Audio on Raspberry Pi: A helpful, illustrated guide – Fun Consumer Tech and it might be necessary to add the pi user to the audio group maybe usermod -a -G audio pi (replace pi with the username).

thanks i had a read , i can play music etc on the pi and it comes out the speaker ok.
just not working with the plugin.