Bed Level Visualizer

Thanks, I appreciate that. Don't scrutinize the code though, I'm not a professionally trained programmer and there's probably more efficient methods than I use.

I'm probably being dense, but what do I need to do to get this to work? I have a pruse mk3., I have these GCODE commands set:

The Bed Visualizer tab just has a grayed out Update button. I see with the latest version there is a @BEDLEVELVISUALIZER command I should also use?

Try making your GCODE the following:

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And the button will only be enabled when you have a saved mesh, or if that's not enabled or never happened you're not printing.

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It works!

I was looking at it while I was printing something. Once the print was done I could click update and it forced a bed level check.

After heating the bed and nozzle for a few minutes:

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Very flat... and it has a nice gradual diagonal tilt in the front. Are there thumb screws to adjust?

No. Prusa i3 Mk3. We spenty a LOT of time making sure the bed was super flat before we tightned it up.

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I got curious and had to check, so here's my MK3's visualization:


It apparently has a bit of a bend in it. Might have to recheck the screws :wink:

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Simple question here:

So this plug in only works for machines that already have an auto bed leveling feature?

I'm guessing it works for anything that can run a G29 (autolevel) and it then tries to create a virtual plane/mesh from what it finds. In some cases, these printers have an IR module that uses light. In others, it could use a physical device to probe for the bed, possibly even a cold hotend.

Yes, the machine has to have firmware enabled ABL. My plugin only converts the text based report into a surface visualization.

Thank you all very much.

@jneilliii what Gcode should I use for Repetier firmware, I normally run a G32 S2 to probe and store to EEPROM

It depends on how repetier reports the mesh. What isa the end result returned after running that command?

Send: N9 G32 S280
Recv: ok 9
Recv: busy:processing
Printer seems to support the busy protocol, adjusting timeouts and setting busy interval accordingly
Send: N10 M113 S2
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.000 E:0.0000
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Info:Autoleveling disabled
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Z-probe:4.922 X:20.00 Y:20.00
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Z-probe:4.989 X:20.00 Y:70.00
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Z-probe:5.149 X:20.00 Y:120.00
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Z-probe:5.333 X:20.00 Y:170.00
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Z-probe:4.530 X:68.33 Y:20.00
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Z-probe:4.679 X:68.33 Y:70.00
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Z-probe:4.800 X:68.33 Y:120.00
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Z-probe:4.905 X:68.33 Y:170.00
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Z-probe:4.255 X:116.66 Y:20.00
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Z-probe:4.342 X:116.66 Y:70.00
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Z-probe:4.386 X:116.66 Y:120.00
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Z-probe:4.426 X:116.66 Y:170.00
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Z-probe:3.950 X:165.00 Y:20.00
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Z-probe:4.023 X:165.00 Y:70.00
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Z-probe:4.019 X:165.00 Y:120.00
Recv: busy:processing
Recv: Z-probe:3.940 X:165.00 Y:170.00
Recv: plane: a = -0.0077 b = 0.0016 c = 5.1027
Recv: Transformation matrix: 0.999970 0.000000 0.007700 0.000012 0.999999 -0.001580 -0.007700 0.001580 0.999969
Recv: CurrentZ:5.10 atZ:5.10
Recv: Info:Autoleveling enabled
Recv: X:165.03 Y:169.99 Z:4.100 E:0.0000
Recv: ok 10
Recv: Unknown command:N10 M113 S2

Not looking so good with those results. What do you get if you issue a G33 L0 command?

My MK2 looks very similar - with the lowered corner at 250/0

Try to setup the Bed Level Visualizer on my pi for my Tevo Little Monster
The TLM has a smoothieboard build in and uses a Bl-Touch for probing
Can anybody help how the right gecode must be set for this kinda configuration?

This is what I tried (without crashing into the bed) but getting no values back!
M280 S7
M280 S10.6
M280 PS3

Thanks in advance

Do you know what the firmware flavor is? Did you try G29 T as the last line instead of just G29?