Bed Leveling Wizard...Settings

I have a solution to a question I was going to post. The BLW settings on the plugin are where you set your modified bed level hight. I was fighting with this on the Main Page of OctoPrint. They'd clear out every restart, of the server or the OctoPi-service...dUH!

It came to me. Go to the Plugin, select Custom, then your needed specs can be entered in...and they stay. I put stiffer springs, longer bolts & a glass plate. My z-axis hight needed to set to 8.5, my z-height I set to 20, and my x/y I set to 10. It does give me a tad less space, but It is lining up correctly at the correct height. No more compressing the springs! This was on a Monoprice Mini v.1

some times the answer just comes out of the blue. At first you have a hard time of grasping the idea then all of a sudden the light above your head goes off because it the answer came to you in a way that you understand but not under pressure to understand the concept and that pressure that is not there really helps you chew on it in a different way and for some people they slow down and that helps them to get a understanding of it but, for me i play the B-52s and Led Zeppelin to help keep me in step besides "nobody's faut but mine" in my mind is the greatest's rock song ever recorded plus who dont like the B52s with thier music is so full of energy it's like Red Bull for my ears
sorry for blowing up on you just one thing led to another