Bed Visualizer Update Testers Needed

I received an issue report to the Bed Visualizer plugin regarding Smoothieware Cartesian Grid Leveling Mesh and from my testing in Marlin 1.1.9 it still works for me, but I wanted to get some additional testers, specifically in other firmwares prior to release.

If you already have Bed Level Visualizer and your are willing to assist, please install the update using the url below in Plugin Manager and report back here with your firmware name, version, etc. Thanks for your assistance. It would also be helpful if you were to paste your leveling report here (make sure to use the image button when pasting to keep the formatting as is from the terminal tab.

  • Marlin
  • PrusaFirmware
  • Repetier
  • Smoothiware

This is my Marlin 1.1.9 report, seems to be working.

Send: M155 S30
Recv: ok P15 B3
Send: G29 T
Recv: Bed Topography Report:
Recv:     ( 10,290)                                                              (274,290)
Recv:         0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9
Recv:  9 | -0.421  -0.284  -0.235  -0.131  -0.121  -0.079  +0.098  +0.007  -0.169  -0.270
Recv:    |
Recv:  8 | -0.229  -0.293  -0.167  -0.102  -0.040  -0.040  -0.099  -0.132  -0.073  -0.081
Recv:    |
Recv:  7 | -0.247  -0.240  -0.365  -0.175  -0.263  -0.262  -0.093  -0.088  +0.032  +0.108
Recv:    |
Recv:  6 | -0.232  -0.055  -0.140  -0.144  -0.099  -0.118  -0.081  -0.062  -0.077  +0.295
Recv:    |
Recv:  5 | -0.077  -0.011  -0.247  +0.053  -0.192  -0.140  -0.144  -0.101  +0.013  +0.071
Recv:    |
Recv:  4 | +0.033  -0.075  -0.005  -0.127  -0.110  -0.089  -0.165  -0.090  +0.124  +0.168
Recv:    |
Recv:  3 | +0.148  +0.028  -0.102  +0.075  +0.004  +0.034  +0.008  +0.012  +0.072  +0.226
Recv:    |
Recv:  2 | +0.233  +0.136  +0.160  -0.030  +0.008  -0.200  +0.104  +0.009  +0.178  +0.299
Recv:    |
Recv:  1 | +0.256  +0.178  +0.178  +0.133  +0.127  +0.147  +0.161  +0.185  +0.208  +0.334
Recv:    |
Recv:  0 |[+0.341] +0.334  +0.323  +0.332  +0.267  +0.263  +0.174  +0.141  +0.290  +0.493
Recv:         0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9
Recv:     ( 10, 10)                                                              (274, 10)
Recv: ok P15 B3
Send: M155 S3
Recv: ok P15 B3


you struck out marlin, so you don't need more reports from it?

It wouldn't be a bad idea to get others to test as well.

my MP Mini Delta has always looked bad, at least as long as I remember.

Send: G29 P3 Z0.4 T V4
Recv: G29 Auto Bed Leveling
Recv: Bed X: 0.000 Y: -50.000 Z: 6.421
Recv: Bed X: 0.000 Y: -50.000 Z: 6.429
Recv: Bed X: 50.000 Y: 0.000 Z: 6.528
Recv: Bed X: 50.000 Y: 0.000 Z: 6.571
Recv: Bed X: 0.000 Y: 0.000 Z: 5.974
Recv: Bed X: 0.000 Y: 0.000 Z: 5.974
Recv: Bed X: -50.000 Y: 0.000 Z: 5.910
Recv: Bed X: -50.000 Y: 0.000 Z: 5.910
Recv: Bed X: 0.000 Y: 50.000 Z: 5.923
Recv: Bed X: 0.000 Y: 50.000 Z: 5.931
Recv: 6.756 6.821 7.374
Recv: 6.310 6.374 6.928
Recv: 6.258 6.323 6.876

What firmware does that run? Also have you tried enabling the option for use relative z offsets?

I think it's some magical unknown fork of marlin, there are some guesses of it being from around 1.1.0.

Send: M115
Recv: NAME. Malyan	VER: 4.3	MODEL: M300	HW: HG01
Recv: CLK:EXT BUILD: Jan 27 2018 10:40:29

Even after checking the 'relative Z' box it looks the same.

That format does look exactly like the old marlin report that I was accounting for in the numpy release version that still causes me headaches. What does your Stored Mesh look like in plug settings? Also if you could enable debug logging for the plugin in logging settings and upload the relavant info from your octoprint.log when trying to run the process that may help me too. I think it's just not reading it right.

Here? Also