I am having trouble getting a plugin to load when I am calling for a hook (similar to the example in the documentation for rewriting M107). Below is what I have in my init.py for my plugin. As well as the output from the console. Is there some other place this is supposed to be defined that I have missed?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\devel\octoprint\src\octoprint\plugin\core.py", line 836, in load_plugin
File "c:\devel\octoprint-helloworld\octoprint_helloworld\__init__.py", line 54, in __plugin_load__
"octoprint.comm.protocol.gcode.queuing": __plugin_implementation__.rewrite_G1,
AttributeError: 'HelloWorldPlugin' object has no attribute 'rewrite_G1'
# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import
from decimal import *
import re
import octoprint.plugin
class HelloWorldPlugin(octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin,
def on_after_startup(self):
self._logger.info("Hello World! (more: %s)" % self._settings.get(["liveOffset"]))
def get_settings_defaults(self):
return dict(url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_world",liveOffset=0)
def get_template_configs(self):
return [
dict(type="navbar", custom_bindings=False),
dict(type="settings", custom_bindings=False)
def get_assets(self):
return dict(
def rewrite_g1(self, comm_instance, phase, cmd, cmd_type, gcode, *args, **kwargs):
if gcode and cmd.startswith('g1'):
curZ = re.search("\s[zZ]-?([0-9.]{1,15})", cmd) #capture the current Z value
if curZ:
self._logger.info("Found Z value " + curZ )
# add the currrent live offset value to the gcode line
newZ = float(curZ) + self.liveOffset
# rebuild gcode line by substituting in new Z value for current
newGcode = re.sub('\s[zZ]-?([0-9.]{1,15})', str(newZ), cmd)
cmd = newGcode
self._logger.info("New Code to be sent " + cmd )
return cmd,
__plugin_name__ = "Hello World"
__plugin_implementation__ = HelloWorldPlugin()
def __plugin_load__():
global __plugin_implementation__
__plugin_implementation__ = HelloWorldPlugin()
global __plugin_hooks__
__plugin_hooks__ = {
"octoprint.comm.protocol.gcode.queuing": __plugin_implementation__.rewrite_g1,
"octoprint.plugin.softwareupdate.check_config": __plugin_implementation__.get_update_information
You have an indentation error there with your rewrite_g1 function. The way it is indented, it's not actually part of your HelloWorldPlugin class but instead a top level element. So it's no wonder that you are getting that error, your class actually doesn't have an attribute called rewrite_g1 (or rewrite_G1 as you had it named in your initial post).
You can call your hook handler handle_some_awesome_stuff and it won't care about it, your hook's code is what will have to see if it's actually supposed to run based on the passed in commands.
# coding=utf-8
import octoprint.plugin
class RewriteM107Plugin(octoprint.plugin.OctoPrintPlugin):
def rewrite_m107(self, comm_instance, phase, cmd, cmd_type, gcode, *args, **kwargs):
if gcode and gcode == "M107":
cmd = "M106 S0"
return cmd,
def sent_m106(self, comm_instance, phase, cmd, cmd_type, gcode, *args, **kwargs):
if gcode and gcode == "M106":
self._logger.info("Just sent M106: {cmd}".format(**locals()))
__plugin_name__ = "Rewrite M107"
def __plugin_load__():
global __plugin_implementation__
__plugin_implementation__ = RewriteM107Plugin()
global __plugin_hooks__
__plugin_hooks__ = {
"octoprint.comm.protocol.gcode.queuing": __plugin_implementation__.rewrite_m107,
"octoprint.comm.protocol.gcode.sent": __plugin_implementation__.sent_m106
It's the if gcode and gcode == "M107" check that determines whether to rewrite here (and yes, those gcode values - if set - will always be upper case because GCODE commands are upper case), the method could have been called cute_little_bunny instead of rewrite_m107 and that still would work. However, it is generally a good idea to use meaningful names