Canvas Plugin Wont Show on tab

Trying to get pallete 2 to work with octo print but cant get the dang canvas plugin to show. I follow directions from " Setup Guide: DIY Canvas Hub (OctoPi + CANVAS and P2 Plugins) - Mosaic Manufacturing " and even edited the python " like one user had mentioned online but still no luck. What am I messing up? ;,,,,,,(

Python Edit

Please help as I want to automate my farm to change filaments with palette 2.

I got this working for someone on the discord server, but they mentioned it might not be completely functional. To get it to load the following two plugins are patched versions of theirs just to fix some dependency issues. (1.3 MB) (785.8 KB)

tried this one but its not going. still says installed"unknown"

share octoprint.log and can possibly help you figure out why.