Relax, dude. If this were in real life, you'd see that I'm smiling when I mess with you. I was in the Air Force at one time and some light ribbing and humor are a part of being social.
@Jonas_Ohrfeldt, I think you are taking things a bit too seriously. Everyone here is trying to help you. Tech support is very difficult, especially when it is not a paying job, and the software itself is open source and free. Some good spirited humor can be a good way to relax a bit when dealing with such complicated issues and myriad hardware configurations. Perhaps something was lost in translation?
I'd like to point out that the guide you used was NOT intended to support camera control, but rather to support a remote webcam stream, which it does correctly. Octolapse has limited support for the camera control you seek, but it is definitely incomplete and could use improvement. I'm running on a limited budget, both from a time and money perspective, and haven't gotten around to working on the raspicam. I even portioned out some of my Patreon money (thanks Patrons!) to order a raspicam (and a longer cable, since the stock version is uselessly short for this) so that I can see what's going on exactly with these things. I've recently added a newer control screen, so you can see that I'm actively working to improve things. Perhaps you'd like to contribute time or some spare change to assist with the development? If so I'd appreciate it.
I'm not sure that the webcam control is possible with a raspicam at this moment. I'm not sure why this camera is so highly recommended except for various hardware integrations due to its small form factor. A webcam can be purchased for around the same price, and is likely to have the features you want. If you have one lying around it wouldn't hurt to plug it in, change the input module (from raspicam module to webcam), and see if control.htm works.
Anyway, I hope you appreciate the situation from my perspective a bit better. I really hope your problem can be solved, and I'm sure everyone else on this thread does too.
And you're the author of OctoLapse so you'd be the one to know.
Hey Outsourced, let me call this as I see it, you’re being a jack ass. Just because someone did not choose the "fast as possible" method and actually followed the instructions given, your trying to make fun of him. He explained what he did and the information he was looking for yet you referenced something, that was not part of what he did, which is not helpful. That is like giving someone instructions on how to fix an airplane when they are working on a car. If you can only support the "fast and easy" method because that is the best you can understand that's fine, stick to it. Just don't try to put others down just because you're not able to understand the more complicated stuff. Maybe you just need to get out and away from your computer more in order to learn how to be social.
My apologies then.
Day after day, people come here having made choices which then ultimately affect their own success. The original poster made a choice: take the easy path or take the difficult path. He chose the latter and honestly for the wrong reasons—he could have taken the easy path and then applied the differences necessary to make the Raspi also do other things.
Okay, you believe that I was being a jack ass. As a software development teacher I had a roomful of people who sometimes read the instructions but often did not. In person, you'd see that in a situation like that I would be smiling at the student but I'd also rib them for doing something different and then expecting this to be easy. Regardless, learning happens. You either learn how to setup a good first layer (having followed the easy path and you're now productive) or you're learning a variety of Linux commands like nano
and sudo
and its file system (and your printer doesn't work yet). It's easy to be frustrated in a situation like that.
There was value in what I posted above. I researched and pulled the code from the OctoPi repository, posted links and what happens normally when you do this the easy way. One may then go to school on how this is supposed to work and then manually apply that wisdom to one's own rig. And yet, the original poster didn't wish to learn, he wished to complain that the path he took wasn't easy and didn't work. He was in denial that the path he chose wasn't optimal for him and he didn't want to be confronted in humor or otherwise that he should start over.
If I did come across as mean then I do apologize again. It is my intent that everyone have a working printer as well as a working brain by the end of things.
Though I appreciate the soul searching going on in here, and have in fact contributed to it, I'd like to remind everyone that we still haven't been able to figure out if OPs problem is the install or the raspicam mjpegstreamer module (or octolapse, shudder...)! My bet is the module, because from what I can tell @Jonas_Ohrfeldt has it installed and working properly, otherwise I'd have expected a 40X/500 from the /control.htm request, not a (null) Http output plugin
response. Also, he stated his stream worked, so it IS working from an OctoPrint perspective. It's just the Octolapse stuff that's not working, which unfortunately is tied to mjpegstreamer's raspicam module in this case.
My camera should be in next week, so I'll be able to figure out for certain. @Jonas_Ohrfeldt, please stay tuned.
TLDR: I believe @Jonas_Ohrfeldt has installed mjpegstreamer correctly, and that the raspicam module is incompatible with control.htm. Needs testing to validate. Might need to add support specifically for raspicam (ug...)