Creality Cloud Plugin not appearing in plugin manager

Hello all, I hope you're doing well!

I recently tried to install the reality cloud plugins to my OctoPrint Server. It downloaded successfully, however, the plugin does not appear anywhere. I tried restarting it several times and I even tried to reinstall it with no luck.

I hope you all could be of assistance :slight_smile:

Can you please share the systeminfo bundle in your next post? (484.9 KB)

Try to ssh into your pi and run

~/oprint/bin/pip install aliyun-iot-linkkit

if you need help with the ssh connection read this guide :slight_smile:

username: pi
password: raspberry

This worked, thank you so much<3

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opened ticket on their repo.

Hello, I am facing a similar issue while trying to update plugging. I keep updating and it tells me to update successfully, but when I reboot, I am greeted with another request to update. Could you be of assistance?

Here's my system info: (279.5 KB)

That's completely Creality's fault, since they released a new update without changing the version number.

Go and complain directly on their repository for issues with the plugin:

We have dealt with far too many issues from that company on their software, I would refuse to touch it if I were you.

Thanks so much for the clarification

The proposed solution was not working for me. After browsing through the logs, I noticed aiortc was missing.

aiortc was not installed in my situation.

After the following command in a ssh session the Crealitycloud Plugin appeared (after a reboot of the raspberry pi ofcourse.

pip install aiortc

Hello @HenkVanHoek !

During 2 years a lot of things can happen. Even new software versions...