Curious issue with print progress

Hello @all, this is my first post. Sorry if I missed something.
Thank's a lot for OctoPrint and OctoPi!
@foosel, you wrote Mar. 17 .:

I've looked through the difference in the GCODE viewer files between 1.3.12 and 1.4.0 and this is literally the only difference:

Did you notice the difference in the signs (= 1, = -1)?
Maybe it makes a difference?
I'm using S3D 4.1.2 with firmware 3.8.1 on my Prusa MK3S.
I'm back to OctoPrint 1.3.12 and the g-code viewer works now as expected.

Greetings Holger :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello Holger. If you read further down the post you will see that @foosel tracked it down to her print time estimation routines and whether the gcode lines terminate with CR/LF or just LF. @foosel has released a plugin to fix it in 1.4.0. It will be permanently fixed in the next release.

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As a curiosity:

This issue sometimes affected me, but sometimes it didn't. I realiced that if I save from Cura to a file, the gcode has CR + LF. But if I send directly from cura to octoprint and then download from octoprint to a file, the gcode has only LF