[Dashboard Plugin] Feedback needed

So you get all the other host metrics except the SOC temp. Is that right? What kind of device are you running OctoPrint on?

I'm running a RasPi 3B+.
Here is a screenshot in standby mode:

just an idea - I see you got the soc temp also in the navbar - maybe two plugins checking the temp at the same time is the problem?

I already disabled it, maybe I should uninstall it.

I'm also running on a 3b+ without problem.

What happens if you run this on the host?

>>> import psutil
>>> thermal = psutil.sensors_temperatures(fahrenheit=False)
>>> cpu_temp = round((thermal["cpu-thermal"][0][1]))
>>> print(cpu_temp)

I already get an error with import psutil:

>>> import psutil
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named psutil

exit python and run this first to see if psutil is available in the virtual environment used by octoprint:

source ~/oprint/bin/activate

Then start python again and try importing.

Now I get up to:

>>> cpu_temp = round((thermal["cpu-thermal"][0][1]))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'cpu-thermal'

Ok. That means that the temp sensor on your RPi is called something different compared to my 3b+.

Please run psutil.sensors_temperatures() and post the output.

>>> psutil.sensors_temperatures()
{'w1_slave_temp': [shwtemp(label='', current=21.625, high=None, critical=None)]}

Um. Very Strange. That command should have listed all your sensors but that seems to be some other kind of temp sensor given the reported current temperature. Do you happen to have any sensor attached via GPIO?

I have a DS18B20 that I read via the Enclosure Plugin

This must be some kind of problem with either psutil, the sensor or the RPi firmware. It looks like psutil doesn't report the SOC temp if that sensor is enabled.

The sensor I have (DHT11) doesn't cause that problem.

The plugin that displays the temp in the toolbar uses a different method to get the temp so that explains why it works while the dashboard doesn't.

I'm afraid that there is not much I can do beyond refactoring the Dashboard to use some other way to get the temp.

No worries. I'll update the RasPi OS tomorrow, maybe that helps. I'll give report then. OK?

Ok. I'll spend the evening upgrading a bunch of OctoPrint installations to 1.13.12

A lot of success with that.
I'm on the early shift tomorrow and it's already getting late here...

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So I've updated Raspbian - but no change.
I'll get me another type of thermistor for the room temperature the next days and change it.

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I've got a little issue on display. Installed on a Raspberry Pi 3B.

Resources don't update (cf screenshot). Resource Monitor Tab updates correctly.

Looked just like what i was looking for and i installed it today but do not see the dashboard tab on my octoprint screen.
Wondering what i am doing wrong, running octoprint on my Pi 4b.

make sure the tab isn't hidden under the collapsed tabs on the far right of the tab list. Dashboard installs as a separate tab.