Discussing the new camera-streamer based webcam stack for OctoPi currently in development

I just installed camera-streamer on a new Bookworm PI4 to have a my new printer with latest stuff. The cam is a PI Camera Module v3. I compiled and installed it because I followed the wiki guide and missed the .deb releases.
For the moment it runs well. I still didn't play with parameters, it is too new.

I just wonder why camera-streamer was chosen over ustreamer for OctoPI?

One of the big benefits of camera-streamer over ustreamer is the webrtc protocol. It's much less bandwidth intense as mjpeg streams on the network and as such should perform better overall.

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OK. I just tried it as I saw a reference in IP/webcam/ and IP/webcam/control. I will then configure my Octoprints to use webrtc.
I didn't know ustreamer didn't have that feature.

For the moment I stick to mjpeg as I didn't find a way to make /webcam/webrtc working in Octoprint. Seems related to Iframe not supported.
My config: PI4 / Bookworm / CMv3 / camera-streamer (compiled > 2023/10/14) / Octoprint 1.9.3

You would have to install this plugin to use it - it's WIP still, I don't have time right now to polish it up & publish it, but it works.


Thanx. What a great plugin you made although I don't want to see the unpolished parts.
It works well at first try on my config.