DisplayLayerProgress - Layer indicator not found in file

What is the problem?

OnUploading / Loading files i get:

Layer indicator not found in file: 'XXX/YYY.gx'
Check 'layer pattern', 'Look ahead limit' in DisplayLayerProgress-Settings and reUpload the file!

What did you already try to solve it?

different patterns in config

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?

see above

Systeminfo Bundle

browser.user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
connectivity.connection_ok: True
connectivity.enabled: True
connectivity.online: True
connectivity.resolution_check: octoprint.org
connectivity.resolution_ok: True
env.hardware.cores: 4
env.hardware.freq: 1200.0
env.hardware.ram: 914006016
env.os.bits: 32
env.os.id: linux
env.os.platform: linux
env.plugins.pi_support.model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
env.plugins.pi_support.octopi_camera_stack: webcamd
env.plugins.pi_support.octopi_version: 0.18.0
env.plugins.pi_support.octopiuptodate_build: 0.18.0-1.8.0-20220517112637
env.plugins.pi_support.octopiuptodate_build_short: 2022.05.17.112637
env.plugins.pi_support.throttle_check_enabled: True
env.plugins.pi_support.throttle_check_functional: True
env.plugins.pi_support.throttle_state: 0x0
env.python.pip: 20.3.3
env.python.version: 3.7.3
env.python.virtualenv: True
octoprint.last_safe_mode.date: unknown
octoprint.last_safe_mode.reason: unknown
octoprint.safe_mode: False
octoprint.version: 1.9.3
printer.firmware: FlashForge
systeminfo.generated: 2024-02-22T08:52:26Z
systeminfo.generator: zipapi

Additional information about your setup

FlashForge Creator Pro 2

Example gcode Extract:


count	[;layer:.*]	FlashPrint
xgcode 1.0
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ;generated by ffslicer 2.4.3 02/22/24 08:26:55
;gcode_flavor: flashforge
;machine_type: Creator Pro 2
;right_extruder_material: PLA
;right_extruder_material_density: 1.24
;filament_diameter0: 1.75
;right_extruder_temperature: 175
;layer_height: 0.18
;perimeter_shells: 2
;top_solid_layers: 5
;bottom_solid_layers: 5
;fill_density: 40%
;fill_pattern: hexagon
;base_print_speed: 60
;travel_speed: 100
;platform_temperature: 40
;right_extruder_temperature_raft0: 0
;layer_total_count: 138
;start gcode
M118 X77.72 Y40.20 Z25.20 T0
M140 S40 T0
M104 S175 T0
M104 S0 T1
M132 X Y Z A B
G1 Z50.000 F420
G161 X Y F3300
M7 T0
M6 T0
M651 S255
;layer_count: 138
M108 T0
G1 X-24.11 Y40.11 F6000
G1 Z0.200 F420
G1 X-24.11 Y40.11 F6000
G1 X-24.82 Y40.08 E0.1031 F1200
G1 X-25.34 Y39.92 E0.1819
G1 X-26.44 Y40.17 E0.3455
G1 X-28.44 Y40.08 E0.6359
G1 X-28.96 Y39.92 E0.7147
G1 X-30.06 Y40.17 E0.8783
G1 X-32.06 Y40.08 E1.1687
G1 X-32.58 Y39.92 E1.2476
G1 X-33.68 Y40.17 E1.4111
G1 X-35.68 Y40.08 E1.7015
G1 X-36.20 Y39.92 E1.7804
G1 X-37.30 Y40.17 E1.9439
G1 X-39.30 Y40.08 E2.2343
G1 X-39.81 Y39.92 E2.3118
G1 X-40.92 Y40.17 E2.4768
G1 X-42.92 Y40.08 E2.7671
G1 X-43.43 Y39.92 E2.8446
G1 X-44.53 Y40.17 E3.0082
G1 X-46.54 Y40.08 E3.3000
G1 X-47.05 Y39.92 E3.3775
G1 X-48.15 Y40.17 E3.5411
G1 X-50.15 Y40.08 E3.8314
G1 X-50.67 Y39.92 E3.9103
G1 X-51.77 Y40.17 E4.0739
G1 X-53.77 Y40.08 E4.3642
G1 X-54.29 Y39.92 E4.4431
G1 X-55.39 Y40.17 E4.6067
G1 X-57.39 Y40.08 E4.8970
G1 X-57.91 Y39.92 E4.9759
G1 X-59.01 Y40.17 E5.1395
G1 X-61.01 Y40.08 E5.4298
G1 X-61.53 Y39.92 E5.5087
G1 X-62.63 Y40.17 E5.6723
G1 X-64.63 Y40.08 E5.9626
G1 X-65.15 Y39.92 E6.0415
G1 X-66.27 Y40.17 E6.2079
G1 X-68.32 Y40.07 E6.5055
G1 X-68.80 Y39.89 E6.5799
G1 X-69.16 Y40.03 E6.6359
G1 X-71.24 Y40.20 E6.9385
G1 X-72.70 Y39.83 E7.1569
G1 X-74.45 Y38.84 E7.4485
G1 X-75.78 Y37.34 E7.7392
G1 X-76.19 Y36.53 E7.8709
G1 X-76.70 Y34.62 E8.1575
G1 X-76.76 Y34.15 E8.2262
G1 X-77.17 Y33.51 E8.3365
G1 X-77.51 Y32.46 E8.4965
G1 X-77.72 Y30.52 E8.7795
G1 X-77.55 Y29.61 E8.9137
G1 X-77.39 Y29.16 E8.9830
G1 X-77.51 Y28.84 E9.0326
G1 X-77.72 Y26.88 E9.3184
G1 X-77.55 Y25.97 E9.4527
G1 X-77.39 Y25.52 E9.5219
G1 X-77.51 Y25.20 E9.5715
G1 X-77.72 Y23.24 E9.8573
G1 X-77.55 Y22.33 E9.9916
G1 X-77.39 Y21.88 E10.0608
G1 X-77.51 Y21.56 E10.1104
G1 X-77.72 Y19.60 E10.3962
G1 X-77.55 Y18.69 E10.5305
G1 X-77.39 Y18.24 E10.5998
G1 X-77.51 Y17.92 E10.6493
G1 X-77.72 Y15.96 E10.9352
G1 X-77.55 Y15.05 E11.0694
G1 X-77.39 Y14.60 E11.1387
G1 X-77.51 Y14.28 E11.1882
G1 X-77.72 Y12.32 E11.4741
G1 X-77.55 Y11.41 E11.6083
G1 X-77.39 Y10.96 E11.6776
G1 X-77.51 Y10.64 E11.7272
G1 X-77.72 Y8.68 E12.0130
G1 X-77.55 Y7.77 E12.1473
G1 X-77.39 Y7.32 E12.2165
G1 X-77.51 Y7.00 E12.2661
G1 X-77.72 Y5.04 E12.5519
G1 X-77.55 Y4.13 E12.6862
G1 X-77.39 Y3.68 E12.7554
G1 X-77.51 Y3.36 E12.8050
G1 X-77.72 Y1.39 E13.0923
G1 X-77.55 Y0.49 E13.2251
G1 X-77.39 Y0.04 E13.2944
G1 X-77.51 Y-0.28 E13.3439
G1 X-77.72 Y-2.24 E13.6298
G1 X-77.55 Y-3.15 E13.7640
G1 X-77.39 Y-3.60 E13.8333
G1 X-77.51 Y-3.92 E13.8829
G1 X-77.72 Y-5.88 E14.1687
G1 X-77.55 Y-6.79 E14.3030
G1 X-77.39 Y-7.24 E14.3722
G1 X-77.51 Y-7.56 E14.4218
G1 X-77.72 Y-9.52 E14.7076
G1 X-77.55 Y-10.43 E14.8419
G1 X-77.39 Y-10.88 E14.9111
G1 X-77.51 Y-11.20 E14.9607
G1 X-77.72 Y-13.16 E15.2465
G1 X-77.55 Y-14.07 E15.3808
G1 X-77.39 Y-14.52 E15.4500
G1 X-77.51 Y-14.84 E15.4996
G1 X-77.72 Y-16.80 E15.7855
G1 X-77.55 Y-17.71 E15.9197
G1 X-77.39 Y-18.16 E15.9890
G1 X-77.51 Y-18.48 E16.0385
G1 X-77.72 Y-20.44 E16.3244
G1 X-77.55 Y-21.35 E16.4586
G1 X-77.39 Y-21.80 E16.5279
G1 X-77.51 Y-22.12 E16.5774
G1 X-77.72 Y-24.08 E16.8633
G1 X-77.55 Y-24.99 E16.9976
G1 X-77.39 Y-25.44 E17.0668
G1 X-77.51 Y-25.76 E17.1164
G1 X-77.72 Y-27.72 E17.4022
G1 E14.7022 F2100
G1 Z0.480 F420
G1 X-76.71 Y-27.69 F4200
G1 Z0.280 F420
G1 E17.4022 F2100
G1 X-76.71 Y-27.69 F4200
G1 X-76.58 Y-28.37 E17.4393 F600
G1 X-76.32 Y-29.08 E17.4798
G1 X-76.53 Y-29.63 E17.5113

Please attach the systeminfo bundle to your next post

Also see here:

octoprint-systeminfo-20240222095226.zip (2.7 MB)
i have uploaded the files again after adding the pattern above to the config.

So does it work or not?

To what config did you add them?

i added that

and no it is still not working.

Where did you add that?

in the text field of layer config for the plugin.

It belongs into the slicer. There where you can fill in gcode for layer change.

What slicer do you use?


But the regular expression should be able to count the ;layer: comments from flashprint to get the number of layers information or not?

It depends on what Flashprint is writing into the gcode file at layer change.

Can you please upload a small gcode file sliced with Flashprint.

mini_debug_cube.gcode (28.5 KB)

I see.


Have you tried this

[;layer ([0-9]+),.*]

why this should work? this expression does match zero times. if i check mine it matches the right number of matches on expression test.?

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any other idea how to get it working with flashprint gcode files?

The expression that worked for me was ";layer:([0-9\.]+)" added to DisplayLayerProgress as:
count [;layer:([0-9\.]+)] Flashprint

I used https://regex101.com/ to debug the regular expression.

You don't actually need the capture group. It isn't used by the plugin since this layer indicator is configured as "count".

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i found the issue now. the extension of Flashprint is gx and this does not work, if i rename the file to .gcode i have the layer information.

i have to check the code where the diff from the extensions is comming from.

Also the PrintTimeGenius is working now. may i have to rename my gx files or is there a setting somewhere to enable the gx extension