Duet3d bad communication


i don´t know if anybody as the same problem as I, but i've been struggling to get my octoprint communicating with duet3d with the m118 command but with no success,

my goal is having a message on my octoprint interface on the end of the print job to ask if the part is ok or not, so i can have it correctly on my print history statistics.

M118 P1 S"// action:prompt_begin Part Ok?"
M118 P1 S"// action:prompt_button No"
M118 P1 S"// action:prompt_button Yes"
M118 P1 S"// action:prompt_show"

this is what i have in the gcode (it works just fine in arduino based printer)

but on duet3d based printer only the first two commands work if i do a refresh to the page although the communication starts to lag.

does anyone as a solution for this?

thanks to You all.