Filament NFC plugin

Hello, community!

I would like to present my plugin:

The main idea of this plugin is just have ability to read data from the spool. This plugin can read/write data to nfc tag in current version (0.2). In future I want to use it in some printer-farm application and use the data of spools at external server. Also you can use this code for your plugins (“FilamentManager” for example).

I will very glad for testing and any feedback. This is my first web experience, so I will very glad for feedback about programming style and technology using.

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I have nothing to test it with but I have a suggestion: as far as I understand it only reads and writes static information.

It would be cool if it would either work with this plugin

or does the same just without manually selecting the spool.

That's ambitious. Get ready for a lot of users asking you how to setup their NFC readers. :laughing: (It's not as easy as you might think.)

I'm working on a printer design now and it will have several readers. It doesn't use filament though, unfortunately.

Get ready for a lot of users asking you how to setup their NFC readers. :laughing: (It's not as easy as you might think.)

I thinl, it's good way to understand topic beter :wink:

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