The main idea of this plugin is just have ability to read data from the spool. This plugin can read/write data to nfc tag in current version (0.2). In future I want to use it in some printer-farm application and use the data of spools at external server. Also you can use this code for your plugins (“FilamentManager” for example).
I will very glad for testing and any feedback. This is my first web experience, so I will very glad for feedback about programming style and technology using.
I recreated this project and connected an RC522 to my Raspberry. Unfortunately, I now discovered that the plugin does not run on Python version 3.0. But my Octoprint doesn't run under 3.9.
Is there a chance to rewrite the plugin so that it can also run under Python 3.9?
Or can I solder the whole thing apart again and get rid of the idea of differentiating my filament boxes using NFC tags.
That would be very helpful if there is a solution.
I've already written to the developer, but haven't received an answer.
Can someone help me? I think this plugin is a nice extension for others too.
I updated the plugin so that it (theoretically) works with the new versions of OctoPrint / Python. I don't have a NFC reader/writer to test everything / anything really, but it now installs successfully! If you encounter any issues I encourage you to send me your OctoPrint.log file so I can review anything broken/not working properly.
Hello Garrett,
Thank you for taking on the matter. I didn't believe I could somehow get it to work.
I have successfully installed the plugin. I can also read and write NFC tags. Only with the auto scan every 3 seconds something is still wrong. The Senso is also offline from time to time.
But this could also be related to the filament scale that I have connected to the same Raspberry. It hasn't worked since I installed your plugin version.
I have to invest more time to tell you more about it. I hope you continue to help me to fix the errors.
I really want to integrate the NFC reader into my filament scale.
I'll let you know when I find out more.
Until then ...