Filament Sensor Revolutions - Bug + fix

there is an terrible bug at plugin Filament Sensor Revolutions.
Also every thing seems to work fine and right status can be red over the API, jam event will be ignored by Octoprint if if happen while printing.
Happened to me after 6 hours and print 3/4 ready. Result: -> trash :-((

The author forgot to code a called function.

Octoprint log reports:
File "/home/pi/OctoPrint/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_filamentrevolutions/", line 237, in jam_sensor_callback
if self.jam_sensor_triggered():
AttributeError: 'FilamentSensorsRevolutions' object has no attribute 'jam_sensor_triggered'
2020-11-05 21:27:05,386 - octoprint.cli.server - ERROR - Uncaught exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/OctoPrint/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_filamentrevolutions/", line 237, in jam_sensor_callback
if self.jam_sensor_triggered():
AttributeError: 'FilamentSensorsRevolutions' object has no attribute 'jam_sensor_triggered'

To fix it, just add the missing code to script file

The code line what makes the problem:
if self.jam_sensor_triggered():
Function (or attribute in PY dialect) had been forgotten.
To follow the plugin design just add at line 141 before
def jam_sensor_enabled(self): the missing code.

def jam_sensor_triggered(self):
return self.jam_triggered

What you see as init is in real
underscore underscore init underscore underscore
Sorry, I don't know how to mask the dubble underscore to not be red as format command

Best report this to the plugin's Github page, since the author may not be looking in the forums, but then it will be always there for them.