For camera related testing -> How to start a teststream without a cam (Raspberry Pi related)

Start in terminal:

/home/pi/mjpg-streamer/mjpg_streamer -i "/home/pi/mjpg-streamer/plugins/input_testpicture/ -d 1 -r 960x720" -o "/home/pi/mjpg-streamer/ -p 4000 -w ./"

then add


to your camera settings

then you get:

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its so great if it works :smiley:

Interesting. I've been using my live server camera when testing. This looks like a good alternative solution.


So fixed displaying the Printername

I clean it up and make a pullrequest @

I did not know that you could do that, thanks.

But of course, within 60 seconds my mind is creating an April Fool's joke which would involve hacking a friend's printer and putting something like this into the pseudo-stream:


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LOL !!!

You're mean

Oh, wait, this has to be 20 characters... Yer a mean and evil hacker bent on taking over the world... Sounds like fun. Can I help ?