Found Solution (combined) for OctoPi 0.18.0 with TouchUI and not connecting to [::1]

I've been looking for hours for a solution to my problem, the chromium browser & touchUI not connecting properly and getting the TouchUI error "Cannot connect".

Part of the solution is in the post @foosel made here:

~/oprint/bin/octoprint config set --bool server.allowFraming true
sudo service octoprint restart
sudo service touchui restart

That solves the framing problem, but not the connection problem. What I've found to be working is:

sudo nano etc/default/touchui

then edit the line:


and change it to:


This may be a "hack" but at least I get the OctoPi interface to work on my Raspberry Pi 4B 8Gb.

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I dont know about a 'hack' but it also worked for me.

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