Getting Printer Status Outside of Octoprint

Hi All! I am a long time supporter of Octoprint that typically leaves the programming to the experts. Recently though, I designed a Raspberry Pi case with an OLED display, and really wanted to find a way to display the Octoprint USB/Serial State (ie connected / not connected).

Is there an easy way to pull that data into a Python app outside of Octoprint? Please remember, my Python skills are weak, so talk very slowly and don't use any big words...

There's a complete API. You can pretty much use any language to communicate with it.

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There's a complete API. You can pretty much use any language to communicate with it.

This is a bit intimidating, but I'm going to give it a shot. Thank you!

That REST API is pretty slick! I'm glad I invested the time to wrap my brain around it. I can see so many ways to integrate with OP that I never even had thought of before. Thanks Again!


Woo! Nice :slight_smile:

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