Good idea for downsampling?

Now, I'm using the "encoder motor" to collect X, Y and Z coordinate values.
Huge amounts of data are generated.
To compare this to "Gcode", a Downsampling process is required.
But this is my first time working on a project like this.
Currently, downsampling is conducted with coordinate points similar to gcode through Python coding.

Is there a better way to downsampling in your opinion?

I can't really help you with down sampling, but may I ask what's your plan?

If you want a closed loop system, you could let the printers firmware check the data

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Thank you sir!

sir, but I have a question.
How do I check the coordinates on the 3D printer?
My 3d printer is Ender 3 Neo.
I was looking for the firmware but I can't find it.

Thank you sir.

Maybe this?


Oh, I got it Thank you!!