High network traffic between OctoPrint and browser since 1.4.0

Hi all,

I've been using OctoPrint 1.3.10 on a OctoPi 0.17 for quite some time without any major issues. Now, after upgrading to OctoPrint 1.4.0 I realized that as soon as I open a browser window and visit http://octopi.local/, I get a constant network usage of ~8 MB/s from the OctoPi to the machine running the browser (ssh'ing into the RPi shows that process haproxy has constant cpu usage of ~10%).

I investigated a little bit and found out that only closing the browser window ends that network traffic. Switching to another tab inside OctoPrint (like Settings, or Temperatur, Control, Terminal, ...) does not change anything. When switching to Control with the webcam footage, it increases to ~14 MB/s, switching away from Control with the webcam footage reduces the traffic to the ~8 MB/s after a few seconds.

I even did a complete reinstall of OctoPi 0.17, first upgraded OctoPrint 1.3.10 to 1.4.0 and imported my backup ... immediately back to the same behaviour.

My installed 3rdparty plugins are:

  • Bed Visualizer
  • Cancel Objects
  • Dragon Order
  • Filament Manager
  • Firmware Updater
  • Floating Navbar
  • GcodeEditor
  • Navbar Temperature Plugin
  • Octolapse
  • PrintTimeGenius Plugin
  • Prusa Leveling Guide
  • Themeify

Then I decided to uninstall one plugin after the other in order to see how the behaviour changes. And luckily, right after uninstalling the first in alphabetical order, namely Bed Level Visualizer (Bed Level Visualizer) the network traffic immediately stopped.

Now the big question: Can somebody explain this behaviour to me?

What can I do to further debug the issue?

Thanks in advance!


Pinging @jneilliii

ETA: also got asked on Twitter about this recently so that might not be an isolated case: https://twitter.com/NoahPaulLeGies/status/1242716200506884096

It's not. The last update to bed level visualizer added a webcam view option that wasn't properly turning off. I have the fix queued up already on the repo, just need to merge and release officially. Will do that now.


Ok, had to clean up some other changes I was merging in from another contributor, but just pushed the updated version that resolves this issue.

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Much better now. Thanks a lot for the quick response and help!

Luckily I already had it queued up because someone posted on the repositoriy's issue tracker. As always, tips appreciated if you like my work/plugins...

I've also seen a huge increase of data coming out of my pi. To the point of having to hardwire it to my network. I also went as far as a full clean OS install with no plugins. But still seen spikes in data. There's about 8mbps of data constantly streaming...

Far as I know, I don't have bed visualizer install...

Edited to add more info.