How can I make Octoprint's interface in my browser "bigger"

Thanks, I just needed to refresh the page. I disabled the icons, refreshed and now the words instead of icons appear.

This could also help:

Thx, @jneilliii for developing this plugin :wink:
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Here was my solution.
I used the custom css plugin:

Along with the following css which should work on most modern browsers:

.octoprint-container.container {
  width: 95%;

.octoprint-container .row {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;

.octoprint-container .row .span8 {
  flex-grow: 2;

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Hello everyone.

Sorry for the necro post, but my favorite Themeify settings for a 1080p screen are these:

These nicely fill the screen in a much comfortable mode, especially on the upload list.
