I'm using a plugin called Display ETA.
I need to change my timezone but I have no clue what the instructions on authors homepage mean:
I'm using a mac.
I'm using a plugin called Display ETA.
I need to change my timezone but I have no clue what the instructions on authors homepage mean:
I'm using a mac.
Hi @sw3De!
You have to log into the RaspberryPi via SSH (e.g. with Termius).
There you enter the commands the author mentioned on his github page.
Thank you,
I tried to login with terminal but it says that I’m entering the wrong password.
Is it not ‘raspberry’?
I was also expecting to enter username but first question I get is for password.
I typed in ‘ssh 192.x.x.x’
I guess I don’t have to point out that I suc* at this
Try ssh pi@192.x.x.x
(password raspberry)
Ah, thanks