How to restore Python3 after accidentally deleting it. [Windows Tutorial]

  • win+r


  • ctrl+shift+entr

winget install PUTTY.PUTTY

(Only if first use)


  • entr

(End of fist use)

start putty.exe

(octopi.local doesn't work)


  • entr



sudo apt-get install python3

sudo apt-get install python3-distutils

~/oprint/bin/octoprint serve --safe

start your favorite browser and in the address bar type:


After a bit of wait, you should see your OctoPrint server.

Restart it in normal mode if you don't have anything to do anymore.

Congrats, you've saved your OctoPrint installation, now do a backup and download it to your computer!


This text will be hidden

How do you "accidentally delete" Python3, without already having access either via ssh, or with a keyboard & display? Though Putty is a nice SSH client, windows 10 already comes with a built-in client.

ssh pi@youroctopiip works just fine


lmao :thumbsup:

I just wanted to cover all my basses :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: And PuTTY is my preferred SSH client.