How to use Bed Visualizer

Does the G-code shown in the Bed Visualizer window in octopi have to be pasted into the G-code in the prusa slicer? Or is that G-code just stand-alone in the Bed visualizer window? I have the plug-in installed, but I cannot start the application, or rather it doesn't start on it's own.

No, that gcode is used when you start the plugin with the Update button.

You can technically have them in both. If you do it in your slicer then the "saved mesh" that renders when you switch to the tab will always be from your last print job. If you were to do that I would recommend stripping it down and just adding @BEDLEVELVISUALIZER just prior to your G29 command.

I must be missing something then. The visualizer never starts up for me. It has a blue button that says update mesh with an "i" in a circle before it. I put the standard genaric Prusa settings in the G-code window, but something still must be wrong.

For my Prusa I have this in that window:

G80 N3

I believe I have this:

My printer is a MK3s+

Look at the terminal tab right after pressing the update mesh button and see what it says, verify the commands are being sent. I know that some recent firmware on one of the Prusa printers was using G29 now, I think it might have been the mini though.

I didn't notice any notifications when I pressed the update button. It seemed to me that nothing was happening. Like I said he button was blue with the letter " i " in a circle just before the words Update Mesh. I'll double check if there is any notifications.

Can you please share the systeminfo bundle?

Sure, I'll get that as soon as I get home from work.

Ok, I think this is it. (16.8 KB)

that's correct, but unfortunately did not capture the commands. go into the plugin settings on the support tab and enable debug logging, in OctoPrint's settings enable serial logging in the serial connection section (make sure to save) and restart OctoPrint. Once restarted and logged back in go the Bed Visualizer tab and press the update mesh button. Afterwards, reshare the system info bundle.

EDIT: also share the plugin_bedlevelvisualizer_debug.log file.

I rebooted the server to install another plugin and all of a sudden this one started working.

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