I can't explain, bed temps is set to 140

I made a strange observation. When starting a new print in Octoprint, it's heating the bed up to 140c.
The default bed temps in Octoprint (for PLA) is set to 60c.
The gcode for the object has a target bed temp of 60c for the first layer.

I can't explain from where this target temp of 140c is coming from.
Any ideas by someone?
Thank you

I'm afraid you picked the wrong sub-forum.
If you need help, then the choice is the sub-forum Get Help.

Please try again there with all requested information. Please do not delete the template.

GET HELP has the following sections:

  • FAQ
  • Guides
  • Webcams
  • Networking
  • Electronics
  • Slicers
  • Docker

Not one seems to fit the nature of my questions. (I would have picked "General" but that categeory doesn't exist there). Which one would be right one ?
Thanks for your advice

I found the reason for the mistake.
Used a wrong gcode in the slicers 'start gcode settings'.

Please ignore this post.


Nice you found it.

FYI: Just the Get Help sub-forum. None of the sub-sub-forums.


You do realize 60C is 140F???