Include DietPi as install option


Thanks @foosel for all the great work on Octoprint! Recently my Raspberry Pi 3 passed away, on which I had Octoprint running through the OctoPi distribution. I was able to find a cheap Raxda SBC (Rock (Pi) 4B Plus) as a replacement, but of course that doesn’t run OctoPi. While reading into the various distros available that are meant for such hardware I stumbled upon DietPi, a minimal SBC distro that promises easy installs of various software packages, of course including Octoprint. Perhaps it would be worth to mention DietPi as one of the ways to install Octoprint on the website, which might save some people the struggle of a ‘manual’ Linux install on their non-raspberry SBC .

Thanks for your feedback :tentacle:

Interesting :slight_smile: how does that work? I haven't used dietpi yet

DietPi is a single-board-computer optimized Linux distribution, that also has its own software catalog with software that is commonly used on sbc’s. It supports many different sbc’s, not just raspberry’s. Using their software catalog you can basically select from a list what software you need, choose ‘install’ and then it will do all the installing for you. You can also directly choose to install Octoprint from the command line with dietpi-software install 153 (where 153 is the ID of Octoprint in the DietPi software list). When done, Octoprint is available on port 5001 and you can directly start using it.

From their website:

To install any of the DietPi optimised software itemslisted below run from the command line: dietpi-software

Choose Browse Software and select one or more items. Finally select Install.
DietPi will do all the necessary steps to install and start these software items.

DietPi-Software menu screenshot

To see all the DietPi configurations options, review the DietPi Tools section.

Yeah, it's pretty slick. I actually used it on first gen pi zero because of the lightness of the OS.