Incorrect Snapshot URL

16mp Autofocus IMX519

Octolapse Startup Failed

Camera Test Failed

At least one camera failed testing. Details: Unable to connect to the provided snapshot URL of for the 'Webcam - Default OctoPi 0.16.0' camera profile.

What did you already try to solve it?
I have checked that the URL works; when I test the URL it shows the correct image. I have also tried many other URLs, all working in the browser, but none working in Octolapse.

To use your Arudcam camera, have you setup a different streaming source than the default one? Can you provide more details about your setup?

What do you mean by a different streaming source?

I didn't think that the Arducam IMX519 sensor was supported out of the box by mjpg-streamer, the streaming software that is used on OctoPi. So I thought you must have installed something else to run in place of what is there by default (assuming that you used OctoPi).

I followed this guide, and when I visit it shows