Is it possible to Schedule a print with power on

Hi ,
i swear before i lost my last octroprint install, i failed to backup, i had a plugin where i could schedule a print job and it would power on my printer but after looking here, reddit and google and playing with 'print schedule' I've got nowhere.

Currently i have PSUControl running with the Home assistant plugin to control poweron/off and I've been looking if i can trigger that from print scheduler but no joy as yet

Hello @flipside !

Already searched this?

yep thats where i found Print Scheduler but that seems to only schedule jobs i cant get it to trigger PSUcontrol

Did you try with the PSUControl CLI Commands?

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excellent, thank you that's just what I was after, and apologies as I I swear I searched the wiki for system commands .

I have been trying to get this working for myself I am trying to use print scheduler with PSU control but I can't seem to get it to work. the command should be

/home/pi/oprint/bin/octoprint plugins psucontrol:on

though this does not work for me. It mentions that you might need to alter the path but I can't seem to figure out what it should be or if I even need to change it if anyone would be able to help me I would be very grateful

Have you tried to ssh to your pi and run this command directly to verify it works first?

I have, when doing so I get:

Initializing settings & plugin subsystem...

then nothing happens

More of a question for @kantlivelong then why the command doesn't work as expected.

Thank you though I'll dive in some more. found out my time zone was off by two hours also

Where do you put that code? I'm trying to figure out how to do the same with a Kasa plug.